Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tis the season

Hello all.. ready for the holidays? I'm ready!! and glad to say we are all doing good and healthy. Tori and Cassie will be coming in soon.. we will be going from a 3 person family to 5 person family.. all girls.. haha.. poor curt.. he'll have him a nice lil spot outside to "relieve" himself.. just kidding. I love having these school work schedule.. I mean who else can look forward to the holidays like we can.. 2 weeks off for Christmas and New Year, Spring Break... to cool. I still haven't posted those pics.. i'll get on that over my break.. I hope all of you are doing well.. Julie can't wait to see the house.. and Stephanie.. I really want to see that baby!!! thanks for checking in every once in a while.. You guys have a very Merry Christmas.. enjoy and cherish EVERY minute you have.. God bless you all. Debbie

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Post Thanksgiving

We had a great Thanksgiving.. all the family together.. long overdue. Everyone came to our house.. Nobody got sick from my cooking.. and we took a lot of family pictures.. cuz nobody in this family ever goes to get them professionally done. A few turned out good.. many turned out funny cuz we were all acting like fools. Hope to get them posted to share with you soon. I still can't help but look through these "cancer glasses" and think how lucky we are as a family to be together and be taking pictures for our kids and so on.. I hope all of you had a special Thanksgiving and realize your blessings as well. I'm feeling really good right now and can't believe in just a few months... I'll be hitting my 2 year mark. God is good. :-) thank you for checking in. Debbie

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Hey there.. long time no talk. :-) I'm doing great!! Cheerleading is over and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Not that I didn't love it.. but I lived it.. EVERYDAY.. I kinda have a hard time multi tasking when I have a project that big going on. This week I have got soooo many things checked off my list. It is awesome and feels really good!! By the way, I'm bragging on my lil cheer team. Took 1st place at competition.. they were awesome and I'm not just saying that.. and they were so cute the next day all of them were still in uniforms with make up and big ol hair bow.. so excited probably fell asleep that way. I'm waiting for some good pics to come in to share with you.. Also very pumped my family is coming in for Thanksgiving.. planning on having a great time here at the house. so I just wanted to check in say hi, tell ya'll I love ya and how I'm doing. Be thankful and blessed and I'll talk to you again soon. Love always. Debbie

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Day After

Hello friends.. doing good. Yesterday's report was GOOD. I'm so blessed and might I say relieved. CT scan looked good.. Pelvic exam was good.. I'm good for another 3 months. I know it's weird but I told Curt yesterday I was afraid to go in to confident but I felt good about my appointment.. So good for another 4 months which will be close to my 2 YEAR date of being diagnosed. Exciting. It's a beautiful day outside today.. I'm able to open my eyes and see and enjoy again. At least for 4 more months.. haha.. Thank you all for the prayers. Love Debbie

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Ok the best way I can explain it is when you are in the beginning of pms.. without the bloating.. well, I wouldn't call my stomach bloated.. just normal.. but everything that can make you want to cry will.. music on the radio, kissing your daughter and telling her you love her when you drop her off at school. a little boy upset this morning that his dad isn't going to let him see his momma. I hugged him and held back tears.. I need tomorrow to get here like no tomorrow. :-@ Hugs and kisses. Deb

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mixed NUTS

I'm back again.. I just read my emails here at work to find out that one teacher found out her husband has cancer.. pretty bad.. and another note of someone else having cancer.. then the 20 year old girl who died in a car accident Sunday.. the news around is saddening.. I want to cry.. but trying to hold it in. especially here at work.. might need to slip off somewhere and get it out.. holding it in isn't good. deep breath let it out slowly.. Pray for me, and pray for these families who are suffering right now...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

discombobulated.. debbie

This week.. it's discombobulated Debbie.. yesterday i forgot my purse and phone at home.. today my keys.. it's crazy. I've really been tied up with cheerleading getting ready for competition next week.. which is good i guess because I'm not thinking about my dr. appt. but deep down.. maybe I am. I'm praying all things are good.. I feel like they will be... I've taken the day off, to worry in the morning and celebrate after the appt. it isn't until like noon.. i mean why couldn't i be the first appt for the day.. that would have been much better. I know you guys are praying for me and I feel it. Thank you. I'll let you all know after I find out something on Thursday. in the meantime.. maybe i can keep myself combobulated for a few more days.. :-) Have a blessed day. Debbie

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Getting tired

I've gotta learn to say NO every once in a while.. I'm soooo tired.. course this weather isn't helping.. cold and wet makes me want to stay in bed. Got so much going on just need a day or two of nothing.. but i don't know if i could pull that off.. it's not in my nature.. I do have slowing down on my to do list.. haha.. but then I have an Anniversary coming up, Chey's birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas.. and so on.. good news is .. I HAVE IT ALL COMING UP.. I"M Here for it.. :-) I've just gotta learn to slow down and enjoy it.. so I'll try to get some rest tonight and keep on moving.. :-) next week.. big appt. :-)
have a good day. Deb

Friday, October 23, 2009

Writing again

Well, if me writing more often in my blog doesn't tell you how I'm doing... I wake up thinking I gotta go write in my blog so I can get my worries off my mind. It's soooo stupid I know.. I'm feeling fine.. sometimes that little ache or pain makes me stop and think... oh my what if.. when really ... I'm sure it's old age.. haha.. I also think you know if they would have seen something they would have called already.. making it urgent.. you know. My faith will pull me through but it's only natural to have some of these worries. thanks again for listening.. I'm sure I'll be back here soon. Love always.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

Hi there. Just thought I'd take a minute to write and tell you that I'm hanging in there. I have a big to do list that should keep me mentally busy for a while.. Preparing my cheerleaders for competition coming up next month.. they are looking pretty good. I'm feeling good.. just ready to confirm with the doctor that how I'm feeling reflects the same on the inside ya know. Thanks for your prayers and comments. It means so much to me. :-)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

What's on my mind tonight

18 days and counting.. I hate that they scheduled my follow up so far away from my CT Scan. Getting a little worried.. actually I think I'm being paranoid. I've had an upset stomach since the CT scan.. I feel fine but seem to be a little on edge.. maybe thats hormones.. lately my little dog Tobi has seemed to stay very close to me.. sometimes they say dogs can sense things.. I don't know.. maybe I'm just tired.. but not tired enough to go to bed yet.. I'm behind on everything it seems and want to get back on track. Wow.. after re-reading what I wrote.. I do need to go to bed and get some sleep. Again I just write what I'm feeling sometimes good sometimes depressing.. but after I write it, I kinda forget it and move on.. So here's to a better day tomorrow. Good night and God Bless. Debbie

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Up early... check, hair fixed for humidity... check, Lab work... chec, CT scan.. check.. now back at school with the kiddos playing dodge ball. :-) course we won't really know anything about the Scan until I meet with the doctor on November 5th. I feel good, positive (kinda sorta) afraid to be to confident.. that's when "stuff" happens. Let's just say I'm humble.. :-) So tonight is the big homecoming parade.. our float looks really good.. girls should be excited.. all this starting off to a fast and furious weekend.. but you know.. i wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you all for being here for me to talk to.. love you .

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I'm Back

Hello friends.. long time no talk. Well if you haven't guessed by now.. this week is CT Scan week. Nervous.. don't think so.. only do Scan this week.. won't meet with the Dr. for results until first week in November.. I'm feeling good physically, and .. mentally.. Now that I'm WORKING, and coaching pee wee cheer, and trying to keep our family calendar in check.. I really don't have time to worry. :-) now, let it get close to the Dr. date and see if I'm still feeling as confident.. My biggest worry is he had mentioned after this visit.. letting me go longer between visits.. Think i mentioned that.. I'm more worried about that.. I know I need to let go but that only means that if the cancer gets active between visits and it's the "fast growing" kind.. I worry I won't know what will hit me till it's to late.. the biggest fear I have is hearing the words.. It's spread throughout the body and there's nothing we can do for you.. ok.. but let's not panic yet.. Curt and I are discussing other options... I just wish with my cancer being so rare.. they would have or could have used me to study or keep notes so when someone gets this kind of rare cancer they would have something to refer to.. course that may have lead to me being a guinne pig.. maybe not so good.. dunno. Hope all of you are well. Thankful to have you all and your support. Love you. Debbie

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Weather or not.. :-)

I love this cold... i mean cool weather :-) I can't explain how hyper it makes me feel.. maybe like my dog Tobi who when you let her outside she runs all over the place.. or the horses when they get frisky and run all through the pasture.. that is me!!! I love it.. course when you get older those little bones start aching.. this is camping weather, bon fire weather.. hanging out outside weather.. did I say I love this weather.. I do. May you all have a blessed day today and enjoy the weather.. :-) Love Debbie

Monday, September 21, 2009

Cheerleading Drama momma's

Cheerleading drama mommas.. need i say more.. If it weren't for the love seeing the joy in the girls eyes when they cheer, or when we put them in stunts.. even the ones who will probably never be flyers.. i actually feed off them.. i feed off the innocense of the kids at school who hug you for being there for them... so i got to remember not to let the parents get to me so much so that i hate doing what I VOLUNTEERED to do. i remember praying last year to God to let me coach one more year.. not knowing what my future would hold.. and I'm even more appreciative to be back again this year.. I pray for those who have nothing to live better for than to gossip and live drama. Lord give them eyes to see what you want them to be.

Dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening, love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on earth. AMEN.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fun for the weekend..

This was a good weekend.. busy.. but when is it not.. Chey had friends over Fri and Sat night.. people who don't have only children don't know how nice it is to have friends over.. There are so many times she gets bored.. and we don't live in a neighborhood for her to ride her bike to a friends or something. So it was really nice. My cheerleaders did good at the game.. boys lost but girls looked good. Little hard to contain all 32 of them so I do the best I can. Stressing a little getting them ready for competition.. not until Nov. but I'm a perfectionist.. Saying prayers for my sister who's having a spinal tap done to see if she has MS.. and our family and friends who have the flu.. really hitting hard this year. I'm thankful for all I have, I'm thankful to be close to God, I'm truly blessed. May God bless you all. Talk to you soon. Debbie

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Teary eyed.. cry baby

Ok ladies.. and Matt.. :-) thank you for feeding me your strength.. I must say I did tear up.. dunno why.. maybe even if I don't have my "monthly time" i can still get emotional like that.. thank you so much for your support. I'm having a better day today. Love you. Deb

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day two

Well.. so here we are, day two of my paranoia and Patrick Swayze dies.. Ugh.. I know this whole thing is in Gods hands and trust it.. but I can't say that won't make the worry go away. so last night i wake in the middle of the night and felt like discomfort in my stomach.. it was probably hunger pains.. seriously cuz we had dinner at 5. But i did lay there and wonder.. you know this 40 days of rain may also have a factor in my little depression. Also, I'm asking for prayer for my sister Lori. she has been going through a lot lately with her eyesight and some findings in her MRI that could lead to her having MS. Thanks for listening.. Love Deb

Monday, September 14, 2009


Well for those of you who still check in every once in a while.. I'm turning to you. Interesting weekend.. I had a couple of friends that I haven't seen in a while... one in a LOOONG while... come by to visit. Visits were great and enjoyed talking with them. However one friend had told me about someone I use to work with that passed away about 2 weeks ago of breast cancer.. she had it, then it came back full force.. kinda made me nervous.. and start thinking about me and not letting these doctors put me on the back burner after this next CT. so here I am thinking are these people coming back in my life for a reason.. is the story I heard about the lady I use to work with suppose to remind me not to get to comfortable.. I'll admit.. i've been a little upset but I'm staying strong.. haven't really discussed this with anyone.. dunno why.. guess coming here felt better and people would think i was worrying for no reason. So there.. i've said it and i'm better. love ya

Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday out of the way

Well today is under my belt.. think i'm finally getting the hang of a regular schedule.. honestly last week just felt like i was subbing.. this week it's hitting me that this is a continuing job and i'm liking it. havent thought much about my CT scan.. until i came here to write.. guess it's bothering me a little.. i mean i'm picking up my life and commiting to things and you worry a little that it may be interrupted.. but that goes for anyone.. just some haven't had the scare that i have to make you think about your life EVERYDAY.. a blessing my way.. i guess.. all is good. I'll keep you posted. Take Care.. Debbie

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Starting 2nd week of school

First week went pretty good.. adjusting to my shoes, being on my feet all day.. all in all not to bad. We circulate a lot of kiddos through p.e. throughout the day. Chey is loving her school and teacher.. so glad.. lately she has been up my bootie.. don't know if she is just adjusting to me working, going to middle school, etc.. but i better not stop to fast.. :-) Worked this weekend getting the house cleaned.. it was a mess from last week.. getting a better grasp on my schedule so hopefully i can get things organized.. my internet was down again this week, then my satellite.. talk about an electronical meltdown.. thinks things are getting back to working.. I'm feeling good.. maybe a little overwhelmed cuz I like things with a little structure.. but it will get there.. hope all is well on your homefront.. I go for my CT scan later this month.. they changed my follow up to early Nov. (ugh) things happen for a reason.. so I find myself wondering why.. but not gonna fret over it right now. Take care. Love to you all. Debbie

Thursday, August 20, 2009

How's It Going

This week has certainly been an eye opener for me as to what all is expected of teachers before school starts. I have a new found respect for them. I thought they just showed up and got their rooms ready for next week.. No, they do that in their "spare" time.. afterhours.. they have been in back to back meetings all week. I've been in meetings as well but I'm considered a P.E. Aide. I'm so excited and appreciate getting to do this in my lifetime. You have no idea. Let's see next week at the end of the week if I'm still this excited... haha.. I know I will be. The "what if's" are talking to me a little. But I'm not letting it get to me. Theres been a lot of people ask me in detail what happened with the cancer, how's it going, etc. which has made me remember.... and think.. but that's ok.. I'm here and living and doing well.. Live for the day, the moment... just LIVE. May God bless you all and be with you for whatever you have going in your lives. Love Debbie

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Working Woman

Hello my friends.. It's been a while.. I've been busy getting ready.. Ready for my NEW JOB.. that's right.. I'm going to work.. Monday is my first day at work as a P.E. Assistant Coach.. I'm SO EXCITED... this means a lot to me. This will be for kiddos 1st - 3rd grade. I love the kids. I love that I will be with other adults. Oh and make a little extra money.. that's nice. I'm excited that I have let go of worrying about the what ifs of getting a job and the cancer flair back up that it wouldn't be fair to where ever I worked.. It's another big step for me.. I don't think people realize it what it "really" means for me.. but I do.. the kids don't start for another week so this will be my get to know my job week.. Pray for me and wish me luck. Thanks to all of you who pray for me daily and give me strength... know that I'm thankful and I love you all and am blessed to have you. I'll keep you posted on my new adventure. Love Debbie

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Our busy weekend

This weekend was another fast and furious weekend. Chey was in her first play on Friday. The play was cute and she was awesome (course I'm her mommy), then she went to a birthday / slumber party.. i stayed and did hair, make up and karaoke for the girls.. that was fun.. Curt raced his new mud truck this weekend.. he was so excited.. didn't place but he enjoyed it. I came home and didn't "spring" clean but "school" cleaned.. where you start getting everything in place to get ready for school.. cleaned, washed clothes, cleaned my carpet.. feels good to get it all done.
I have to share with you my experience at the store. A mother with her daughter and grandson were in the store checking out. Their card didn't work for their groceries, the grandmother walked out crying.. the mother with tears in her eyes got her sons hand, held back tears and walked out of the store.. i couldn't stand it.. i had tears in my eyes.. the groceries were already bagged up. So I told the sacker to take the groceries to them outside and I paid for them. They waited outside to thank me (not necessary) there is meaning to the gift of giving.. my heart felt for them and I'm fortunate I was able to do something about it... God bless those who are suffering these days. Let's pray for them.. as you do for me. Love and blessings to you all. Debbie

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The What If's...

Well, I've been missing my blog writing... this helps me get things off my mind and I haven't taken time to do that.. which has led to a lot of stress and headaches.. I'm serious.. And although I'm doing VBS and getting ready for cheerleading.. that isn't what's stressing me. I've finally had time to clean my desk.. and believe me it was a task.. but I found my folder titled "medical" which is my folder of when my first diagnosis was given to me and all my paperwork.. kinda stung a bit. Course it didn't take long for me to start remembering.. thinking of the past... and then the future.. I've decided to start the task of collecting all my medical records for this binder to have for future reference. I feel like when and if this next Dr. appt. comes around.. if all looks good.. I will be released from his care maybe to every 6mths, 1 yr.. or longer.. Curt and I have decided if this is something that could come back quick like the originally described than we want to stay on top of it a little sooner than that.. Then we may be checking out the place in Oklahoma. and i will need all my medical records.. do i still worry, yes.. do i poke around on my body to see if i feel anything, yes.. every time I have an internal pain of some sort... I worry the cancer is re-activating.. doesn't happen everyday.. which is good.. but it's definately in the back of my mind.. So I continue to pray.. I know others continue to pray... I continue to believe and be positive.. but know it's only natural what I'm going through.. Love Debbie

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Back online

hello.. hope you had a great week and weekend.. i'm just now getting back on line.. still having a few glitches.. this week is going to be busy.. chey has volleyball camp and VBS, then going out of town for the weekend.. gotta share with you my week last week.. little late tonight ... I had my up and down moments.. I'll say that.. but God was with me and even spoke through Cheyenne through it all.. this week is going to be great and fun.. I'm assembly leader at VBS.. i get to be crazy with the kids and get them excited about god.. what could be better than that.. hope i have time to sit and chat soon.. i got a lot going on in this head of mine and I need to share or i will keep inside and that isn't good. you guys take care and have a good Monday.. I'll be sharing with you soon. Love Debbie

Sunday, July 19, 2009

This weekend

Dunno but this weekend was very strange.. feeling kinda like a car running out of gas. Go good for a second and then sputter out.. rest a little and the same thing again.. and funny thing is most the people we were around were the same way.. weather, stars... dunno.. hoping this week is better.. I won't lie.. It's not very often that I feel this way.. so it scared me a little to think something could be going on inside my body.. but when i found out it wasn't just me.. felt a little better. :-) So praying for a good week for me and for all of you. Hope all is well with you and yours. God Bless. Debbie

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Be Careful Whatcha wish for.. :-)

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers on my last blog it means so much. SO.. let me fill you in on whats been going on in my world.. Saturday - Cheer sign ups.. I have not 10, not 20, not 25... but 30 girls on my team.. seriously.. I'm excited but I don't think until they are all in the same room at one time will it really hit me.. it should be very interesting.. Sunday night, well.. Monday morning about 1:30 my puppy barked to go out.. I saw what looked like our pasture to be on fire and it ended up being my mother in laws trailer.. she didn't live in it but some of her meaningful things.. pictures (lots of them), bear skin rug, were in there.. don't think I've actually witnessed a house of someone I know burning down.. you just sit there thinking what if... and in shock.. but all seems to be ok.. This week i'm heading up a little church event for the kiddos Wed. night.. just want the kids to start having fellowship.. i'm still needing that and wanting that for Chey with our church.. it just hasn't happened yet.. it's become even more of a priority for me. So that's whats been going on.. I'm really wanting to see the movie My Sister's Keeper.. I know I'm gonna bawl.. but that's how us women clean out our bodies sometimes.. I hope all is well with you and your family.. thank you for being here. Debbie

Friday, July 10, 2009

Times are Flying By

Bet it goes without saying how busy I've been lately.. All good though.. I must say, it feels like God has really been touching me lately... in so many ways and on so many levels. I can only laugh at how much he's probably tried to get through to me and I wasn't listening.. now he's making up for it. :-)
Chey's doing great. We are getting ready for cheer sign ups tomorrow. Last year I was praying for one more good run at being a cheer coach and here I am another year. Preparing for a Kids Summer Blast party at Colfax Baptist Church next week.. and I've been asked to do VBS again at VUMC. I absolutly love it.. doing this kind of stuff has got to be a part of Gods plan!!
On the downside though.. Curt called to let me know his uncle passed away this morning. He died of cancer... which if you have cancer.. you gotta know how scary that is.. it's seems like there's some kind of timeline when you here of their first diagnoses and then this... We did see him a couple of times while he was still doing ok.. Makes me wonder though.. For now, I'm gonna keep on movin on ... I pray for Troy's family and will miss him. God Bless you all. Debbie

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fun Weekend

What a nice weekend.. hope you all had a great 4th. Had a few friends and family over... Curt grilled.. he can grill like nobody's business.. yum.. yum.. have you ever done something that takes you back to your childhood.. I drank out of the waterhose..... it was good and cold and of course I turned into my mom.. by telling Chey back when I was a kid.... we didn't go in the house and get cokes or drinks.. we drank from the waterhose.. so she tried it.. it was fun sharing that with her.. gonna have to start thinking back to the "good ole days" and continue sharing.. kids these days don't know the simple life.. ya know. just wanted to share that little joy with you. If you have any you remember.. share with me.. may spark another memory for me. :-) have a great week. Love Debbie

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Our Girls

Well June is gone.. and what a ride. Cassie heading back home and Tori off to UT Austin orientation. I'm sure Chey will have her meltdown of her sisters leaving.. This time might be a little more difficult knowing Tori is all grown up and not sure if she'll have time to visit us in the summers any more. Proof now time goes by so fast. I'm feeling good. Had a great weekend LIVING and having fun with friends and family and celebrating internally another good report. I'll be in touch. Love Debbie

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Great day today.. Doctor says things feel good with the exam. So I'm good to go for another 4 months.. then he says we will do another ct scan.. if all looks good then no more ct scans.. not sure how I feel about that ... but not worrying until then.. I mean it.. you guys got it by now.. I get a little frantic the week of and then its all out living for me for the next 4 months. ;-) So thank you guys so much for your support and prayers!! Love Debbie

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What for me today..

I have no idea where my head is today.. I've had several people ask me what time my appointment was tomorrow.. I had no idea.. had to go search for the paper.. Mental block I think.. I did find it and the time is at 9:45 in the morning.. which is good.. I don't have to worry all day. Nervous that they didn't do a ct scan this time so tomorrows results rely solely on his exam.. (ugh) I'm gonna make sure it's thourough.. haha.. I will be sure to let you guys know.. It ususally takes a while after my appointment to get back home to the computer.. when it's good news (it will be.. .it will be... it will be) we usually celebrate with lunch. Thanks for thinking of me and praying for me.. say an extra one tonight.. Love Debbie

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

50/50 Split

Ok.. so here I am .. my inner voice fighting with my outer voice.. great example for you women. Your getting ready to go out.. put on your favorite shirt, fully dressed and feeling good.. then you get in front of the "full length" mirror.. and that inner voice says.. "your not going to wear this are you.., to short, to tight, look fat, etc.. and back to the closet you go.. yea.. you've been there. So that's me. Wake up in the morning feeling good, ready to attack the day with my mile long to do list.. (things to make me feel important.. not having a job :-) I am strong and will fight the cancer with my strength and confidence.. but then.. my little voice says what if your over confident like the day I went in to get my stitches out and walked out finding out I had cancer. I TRULY BELIEVE that confidence and strentgh help fight cancer away.. and that if you let it take you, get you down and give in, it will.. so why the struggle.. that little voice dang it. Ok you guys don't send the men in the white shirts just yet.. I only have till Thur. to be this crazy and then I get back on track. haha. Thanks, my friends.. for listening and praying. Love Deb

Monday, June 22, 2009

Dear Hubby

Dear Hubby.. In an effort to keep my mind off the Dr. appt. this week I decided to mow. :-0. Just wanted to let you know since you lifted the blade on the mower that sucker hauls booty in 5th gear. And to keep my creative juices flowing I mowed "outside the box" hope you like the nice zig zag patterns and the heart I cut for you. :-) Spirits are ok for today hoping to keep that way. P.S. if your smiling, I'm doing something I love to do.. make others laugh and smile.
Love ya'll. Deb

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I think I can.. I think I can.. I think I can

It's here.. this is my week from hell.. i can make it a good week or a miserable week.. I choose the first but that damn inner voice is killing me!!! I woke up this morning praying and saying over and over in my head for strength and surrender this to god.. why is it that you can be so strong and self assured in every aspect of your life.. but when it comes down to this for me I dwell on it so? Help me this week to keep my head high, away from stress and worry and for good news from the cancer doctor this Thursday. Your friend in need.. Deb

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Returning from vacation

Had a great time with the family on the lake for our little get away. Worst part about it is returning home and unpacking.. I'd almost pay someone to do it for me. I'm so proud of me.. letting go.. not doing so much relaxing, sleeping in, I did get on the computer a couple of times but briefly.. Curt did some fishing and a little R n R himself.. proud of him too. I'm the worlds worst about going on vacation and spending my entire time planning and keeping us on the go the whole time.. So a really nice relaxing time. Got a big week next week with Dr. appt.. but I'll think about that a little more next week. :-) Hop you all are having a nice week.. almost Friday. :-)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Rewards of old home videos

We as a family had so much fun last night. I had taken several of our home videos to a place for them to put on DVD. Oh my gosh, we laughed and enjoyed for hours.. it was so much fun. I strongly encourage you to put those old home videos you may have on tape to DVD. It's not that expensive and well worth enjoying NOW.. we never know what tomorrow holds. Have a great weekend !! Love Deb

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Doing for others

I realize that I love doing things for other people.. I think I live to do it.. it gives me the satisfaction I need in life. The pay off of just being appreciated and thanked does it for me. When it becomes a job... not so fun anymore.. is that crazy.. I mean who doesn't need the money. With the girls down.. I find myself wearing them out doing so many things.. not because I'm out to prove anything but to show them things in life they might not have experienced yet.. let's face it.. they arn't getting any younger either.. haha. I'm sure all of you who visit this blog have done for others. For some of you.. it's what you have done for me. Doesn't it feel good, but it's a good feeling that you can't describe.. almost gives off an energy of some kind... maybe more so to us women.. I dunno.. what you guys have done for me here on this blog has been amazing and very much appreciated and I love you.. for today.. take in those moments and remember all that you've done and you do for others.. and what it does for you personally. Give yourself a little energy boost and be proud. May God Bless You.


Monday, June 8, 2009

Busy summer start

Wow.. what a kick off to a busy summer. Cassie came in yesterday so we now have all in the family :-) Looking back on last summer.. I was finishing up with my radiation treatments and going through some pretty bad side effects and pain from it. This summer, I'm very thankful and blessed to be feeling good and having the strength and be in a better state of mind. You can bet I'll be trying to make up for lost time.. haha. and you guys know me.. I'm not going to let up for one second. I hope you all have some little plans for the summer.. take it all in!! And by gosh put your suntan lotion on.. Being white can be pretty.. especially when you don't have to battle SKIN CANCER.. I've had 2 family members in the last year that had skin cancer removed.. it doesn't leave a very pretty hole once they have dug it out... Listen to me trying to be your mother.. haha.. Have a blessed day and week. I'm hoping to get together some pics to download for you soon. Love ya Deb

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day Dream

For some reason I wake up today thinking heavily about coordinating a place for us locals with cancer to get together. Have a monthly meeting place where we can talk, support each other but also have fun and inspire each other to LIVE. I've talked about it before.. but really feel it in my heart today to actually act on it. It's like I've mentioned before, when I meet someone with cancer, it's like we become an immediate family.. So I guess I'll be looking into how to get something going today.. Some days I find myself thinking I'm normal again and I don't have cancer and kinda guilty when I say I do have cancer because I'm not as bad as some.. then I have to realize that just because I'm not going through treatments or suffering from it right now don't mean it's not still in me. Where am I going with this.. dunno.. just what I'm feeling and what's on my mind at the time. I'm doing good, feeling good and excited about summer with the girls. Have a great day.. Love Deb

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Cassie's Monkeys N Mud Birthday Party

We had a BLAST this weekend with Cassie's party. I don't think Kerville has mud.. I actually had to dig it up, put it in a pool and mix it.. cuz by gosh.. Cassie wanted it.. and so did I.. haha. I thought I'd have trouble getting them to dig in.. we burried a little money under the mud as an incentive for them to dig.. don't think they even cared about the money.. had a banana eating contest.. who can load up in the 4 wheel drive jeep the fastest.. lots of fun. Long drive, but well worth it. We only get these times once.. ya know.. so this weekend Tori will graduate.. we will have the girls for the month of June.. they laugh because when they come here we are always on the run doing stuff.. and as teenagers your suppose to be able to sleep your summer away.. NOT at the Sallee house.. I'm kinda nesting getting ready for them.. groceries, beds, plenty of shampoo.. :-) today I've been at Cheyenne's field day.. also a lot of fun.. not to excited about the heat though.. So I just tho

ugh I'd catch you guys up since I've missed a few days... Living life.. that's what it's all about. Thanks for checking in..

Friday, May 22, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Hey there.. bet you all are ready for the holiday weekend. We are on our way to celebrate Cassie's birthday. We are now in Austin and the traffic is unbelievable.. and the heat.. omg.. so not ready for summer.. Yes, Cassie is the big 16.. Happy Birthday.. May you all have a fun and safe weekend. Be safe! Love Debbie

Monday, May 18, 2009

Busy week

Happy Monday.. what beautiful weather... take it in... Early morning this morning... Curt is going through a little Colon proceedure.. (bless his heart.. i mean bottom) Had to start on the fluids yesterday... and he'll be out of it the rest of the day. This weekend our middle child, Cassie, will be turning the big 16 !! We will be heading to Kerville to celebrate. Looking forward to meeting her friends and helping with the party. Food, Games, Music.. hey maybe some Karaoke and what would a party be without Line Dancing.. haha.. oh yea, this is HER party.. but I think she's pretty excited.. and if that's not a big enough event.. the following weekend Tori, the oldest, will be graduating!!! Omg. Lot's going on in our little family right now.. the girls will be coming here for about a month in the summer.. i'm preparing the house for them as well.. I couldn't be more proud of them and blessed to be here for all of this.. have a great Monday. Debbie

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Go "Figure"

In todays episode.. Deb and Chey get established with a primary doctor.. not because they are sick.. yeah! one.. we are tired of going to the clinic and seeing different doctors.. and two.. we will be able to fill in that blank that says "Primary Physician" on all forms from school and other places.. haha.. So.. Chey.. doing great, feeling great.. check.. Momma doing good, feeling good, positive, upbeat.. on the go.. little discussion here and there.. told him bout hot flashes and mood swings but not bad enough that I want to take meds for it... bout my ongoing joke that I eat what I want, when I want to give the cancer plenty to eat on so it will be a while.. ha ha chuckle chuckle.. and he says.. (du du da da.. like music on a soap opera.. ya with me here.. ) that is an underlying sign of depression.. what?? I thought for a minute.. and holy smoke.. he may be a little right.. maybe a lot right.. dang he's good.. he to, is a cancer survivor.. which opened up for some good conversation.. i'm thinking i should have paid him for therapy as well... haha.. Not anything I can't deal with and depression does come in all forms.. I guess I thought of depression... as the "typical" symptoms.. so he's gonna coach me along and follow me.. no meds.. some good suggestions for me to try. I'm totally up for it. the day ends where the husband comes in kisses his wife.. gives her a big hug.. draws her bath water and says baby don't worry bout dinner.. i got it.. :-) tune in tomorrow.. Love ya. Debbie

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I'm on a roll...

Hey do any of you need anything removed... I seem to be on a roll lately.. Chey's tonsils.. and now my puppy at the vet getting "fixed"... what's even more funny.. I feel just as bad taking Tobi this morning as I did when I took Chey.. but I got to be with Chey and I could explain to her what was happening.. you should have seen her face (Tobi's) when I removed her food and water bowl.. and this morning.. well, if she could talk.. isn't it crazy how close we get to our animals. I do believe they are great therapy too.. Did you guys see the "talking dogs" on youtube??? that was so sweet.. if you haven't take a minute to look it up.. it's sure to make you smile. Say a prayer for my lil Tobi.. I'll chat back at ya tomorrow.. By the way, thanks for the tips Julie and Deena.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Day after Mother's Day

So it was a great weekend.. hope all of you had a great Mother's Day weekend. We were loved, appreciated and recognized.. Now it's Monday.. let's get back to work. :-) Chey has been recovering really well from her tonsils.. got a busy month ahead of us.. Cassie our middle child (from Curt's first marriage) will be turning the BIG 16.. yeah.. and Tori the oldest will be graduating.. I'm perplexed on what to get them... course money is always a good thing but I can never settle for just that.. I want there to be a little something cute or unexpected.. ya know.. so if any of you can cough up ideas.. I'd be very much appreciative.. I'm feeling good.. those occasional quirks in my body... won't sweat those till next month.. for now we'll just say they are gas pains.. :-) my hot flashes are getting worse.. more frequent and more sweat.. yuk.. still not enough to set me off to start taking the pills.. Curt says my fuses set off a little quicker.. on some days I'd say that too... I say.. if he'd just clean out his ears.. I'd be fine.. haha.. just kidding.. Love ya Curt.. all in all, I can't complain. So have a great day and I'll keep ya posted.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mothers Day Weekend

Happy Friday.. Looking forward to an unplanned, unscheduled, no agenda mother's day weekend, we are on the go soooo much and the end of this month will be major hectic.. As a "normal" mother.. I would be expecting big things, but now, it's about appreciating my family and our special times together.. Since Chey has been home from her tonsil surgery... we've spent a lot of time coloring, playing games and stuff.. although at the time I think of all the things I could be doing and should be doing.. this has been an eye opener for me.. that no matter how messy the house, how much laundry needs to be done.. the times with her matter the most.. she's not going to remember how dirty the house was.. (well she might) haha.. but she will remember playing games, swinging and jumping on the trampoline.. I'm haven't successfully pulled away from all that I have to do .. but have had a little reminder hanging around that I can do both.. so that's what's on Deb's brain today.. may you all have a blessed Mother's Day and appreciate your health, family's health and the "little things". Love Debbie

Monday, May 4, 2009

It's been a while

Hello.. hope everyone had a great weekend. Chey did get her tonsils out on Friday. All went well. I have taken your guys advice and have not let the pain med wear out. She has been doing very well and taking down some food. I fell like a momma bird almost chewing up the food she wants and feeding it to her.. haha.. it has been a beautiful feeling holding her while she sleeps in my lap. She will be home with me all week.. you can bet we will both have cabin fever.. :-) Just don't want to take her out in public right now with her immune system down. Call me the protective mother.. i don't care.. we are all guilty of it in some way or another. :-) Well I'm gonna check on my baby calf (curt calls her that) when she hollers maaaaaa maaaa.. he said she sounds like a baby calf.. and now that he said that it's stuck.. have a great day. I'll keep ya posted.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Preparing for next week

I find myself totally nesting for next week. This Friday.. just 2 days from now my baby girl will be getting her tonsils out.. I'm nervous as all get out.. from recovering from the meds that put her under.. to her coming out of it ok.. and recovery time.. she's not good with pain. ugh.. Chey has been ok with it but last night she said she was getting a little nervous.. and I find myself trying to find things that will keep her comfortable during this time.. can you tell we haven't been in the hospital or had anything major done with my baby.. I ask myself if now is a good time.. and can answer both yes and no.. one thing for sure.. is that going through this will be hard.. but I want and need to be here for this.. and never knowing our future exactly makes this time seem ok. And the goal of no more strep sounds good. I'm stressing a little yes.. but I'll be ok. So thanks for listening. Say a prayer for Cheyenne .. and me. :-) Love Deb

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Don't know about you but I never have time or take time to read.. I know I should and that it can work like a puzzle taking your mind off everything else.. but then the other day when we were "spring cleaning" and Curt tells me I need to get rid of all the Oprah magazines I have been holding on to.. to one day read.. (2 years worth) stop laughing.. I do want to read through them..
I did start skimming through them (to prove a point to Curt.. haha) and found inspirational things that I need to read and or see every once in a while.. I want to share a couple of things that reached out to me.. in case you too don't have time for inspirations.. Have a great day.. Deb
1. You define your own life. Don't let other people write your script.
2. Worrying is wasted time. Use the same energy for doing something about whatever worries you.
3. what you BELIEVE has more power than what you dream or wish or hope for. You become what you BELIEVE. :-)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

New Record for Debbie

I've realized I'm a YES woman.. I love helping people.. I love being needed and feel as though I can do it all. (Superwoman) I've felt overwhelmed many times but think I have lost my super hero cape. Last night was the first time I had to let go of a project I promised someone. Course I did it the "chicken way" by email.. I gotta say it was a relief but a little discouraging that I let someone down. Curt was a great support.. telling me how proud he was of me to do this.. and I know he meant it.. he's been telling me this for years. I've found myself stressing way more than I want or need to be... but I've been doing it to myself.. being the YES woman and all. So, I'm taking a deep breath today and moving on.. hoping to be forgiven for letting them down.. so now my right shoulder is a little lighter today.. (haha) gonna see if I can't do a few more things so I can get back to being ME.. :-) Thanks for listening.. Love ya. Debbie

Friday, April 17, 2009

Strep again

Has it been crazy for you guys this week.. I can't even see straight.. you ever been so tired you can't sleep.. what tha... So Chey said she had the feeling bees went into her throat and stung her the other day.. which registered in my head.. time to go to the doctor.. sure enough the child was borderline positive strep.. (caught it really early) that does it.. I've made an appt. to the ENT for next week.. time for some tonsils to come out .. or I'm gonna do it myself.. :-) this is her 4th time in a year.. then I figure since we are doing Dr. appts she has told me several times one eye sees better than the other.. so we went to the eye doctor.. her right eye is a little weaker but not worth getting glasses.. yeah.. celebrate the little victories.. ya know.. I'm doing good.. feeling good.. not worrying.. pulled out the dry erase board to get our goals on to help us stay on track.. for those of you who know me.. the dry erase is a necessity for our life and schedule..:-) well.. rambling today.. catching up for the week.. hope you all are doing well. Stay dry this weekend. Love Debbie

Monday, April 13, 2009

Fun Easter

Good Morning.. hope you all had a wonderful Easter.. ours was busy and fun... glad the weather worked in our favor for the egg hunt. So great to see all of you that wrote on my last post.. :-) So I had another one of those moments this morning.. I apologized to Cheyenne for always correcting her on little things.. I really don't expect her to be perfect.. i swear.. but I caught myself yesterday while her and a few kiddos and the men played a little softball in the yard that i was correcting how she was batting.. i mean every little detail.. she was laughing and so was I .. but why couldn't I just leave it alone... but she was so sweet this morning.. and kinda adult like.. she was like awww mom.. it's no big deal. it was really cute and reassuring.. but i just needed her to know I didn't want to be that way and she is perfect the way she is. (to much Dr. Phil maybe) lol.. So this is the actual anniversary week for me.. deep breath. Can't really explain how i am feeling about it right now.. truly glad it's been a year and hope for many more.. guess I will keep it at that for now.. :-) Have a great Monday.. thanks for listening and letting me clear my head this morning.. Love Deb

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Watching my child

I totally admit I am guilty of keeping a schedule for my family that stays way overbooked.. (don't say anything Curt...) some stems from being diagnosed last year and the rest is just my nature.. other times I have a hard time saying no.. So what does all this have to do with the title "watching my child" for some reason.. today when I dropped off Chey to school... (Late) I sat there and watched her walk all the way up the walkway in the door and around the corner before I left.. my brain, my world stopped around me and focused in on her.. I can't really say what I was thinking during that time.. just taking it in.. and almost got tears in my eyes.. I guess.. I'm just wondering... does she know.. does she know how much I love her.. how special she is??? ok.. getting tears now.. I think we get in this routine and go through the motions get up, get dressed, get your stuff.. kiss dad bye.. kiss Chey bye have a good day and go.. ya know what I mean.. I'm thinking I need to change things up a bit.. i dunno how.. but that is my next project.. just sharing my thoughts with ya in case you too are in a routine.. thanks for reading. May you to step back and see something in your life that makes your heart swell. Love Debbie

Monday, April 6, 2009


Good morning all.. hope you had a wonderful weekend.. dunno wuz up with this weather.. omg.. Curt's been feeling a little under the weather.. sinus, allergy, congestion.. poor baby.. he's heading to the doctor today.. Do you guys realize that this month will be my 1 year anniversary of being diagnosed with cancer.. I dunno.. do you call that an anniversary.. you don't want to celebrate it happening but we sure are glad we are able to say we have made it a year since I was diagnosed. Ya know.. I say.. celebrate any and all victories... big or small. :-) I've decided that even though it's been a year.. that this blog has definately been a good tool for me and why not keep a good thing going.. so I'll continue writing.. visit when you like and comment when you can or if you want.. I may miss a day here or there.. being so busy and all.. but I love coming here to my online therapy group.. you know people pay good money for therapist.. not me.. i've got you guys. thanks for being here.. have a great day and I'll talk to you soon..
Love Debbie

Friday, April 3, 2009

Back in full swing

I have so many irons in the fire right now I'm just a tad overloaded.. gonna use this beautiful weekend to find myself, my priorities.. and my floor (haha) It's time to Spring Clean and get rid of clutter and things that frustrate me.. it's time to check things off my check off list and get back to enjoying life... not that I haven't been.. but the last two weeks before my doctors appt.. I let everything go.. day or two would have been ok.. but two weeks.. can you say with a capital OMG... now something else happened this week to someone Curt use to work with.. a man was visiting his mom walking back across the street to his house and was hit and killed by a vehicle. Only reminding me that none of us really know when our time is. And you say to yourself.. i just saw that person the other day.. so just a reminder to LIVE... I love you all... Deb

Monday, March 30, 2009

Eye of the Tiger

For you "older" readers (haha) you know how the song and how it motivates you... That is where I am.. I'm not kidding, I let myself get physically sick and emotionally drained last week anticipating our Dr. appt. It's crazy... it took the weekend to rebuild myself.. I'm so over it!!! After speaking with other cancer peeps.. I find that that is totally normal.. but it's not my style. So I'm telling you guys now.. in the next few days.. I'm gonna let you know when my appt. is and be ready to keep me UP and remind me how stupid I was this time.. or better yet.. remind me to read this posting.. so I'm off to get the day going.. with my theme song for the day.. da da... da ta da.. da ta da da da.. (Eye of the Tiger) Love you all. and hope you are smiling from my crazy post. Debbie

Thursday, March 26, 2009

3 More Months!!

Yea.. Dr. says I'm doing great.. CT Scan shows "stable" they say that's the labs terms.. but that is good. He tells me that we will continue the 3 month visits for another year.. typically the cancer can come back in the first 1-2 years.. I'm almost at my year anniversary... we left the appointment in good spirits today but emotionally drained.. should sleep good tonight.. hope to.. Again I thank you all for the prayers and extra prayers. I'm blessed to have you in my life. If ever any of you need a prayer.. let me know.. Love you all.. Debbie

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Over the water works

Hi there.. so this morning I seem to be doing better.. not crying "over spilled milk" haha. Thank you ladies for your post yesterday.. you help lift my spirits. Better today, eyes a little puffy.. from yesterday and lack of sleep. Looking forward to being over the worrying.. I do this every time, then after the good news (praying) I hit the floor running again. Funny, I find myself feeling guilty that during my 3 months I get comfortable with life and sometimes don't get those things that are important to me done. Maybe this is god's way of reminding me. (he knows I'm special and need to be hit over the head every once in a while ... every 3 months is good...) today i'm going about my day.. tired but thankful for my gifts today. Thanks for being here. Debbie

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Things you leave behind

Good Morning.. Thankful to be here today.. however, it's one of those days that feels like a pms day .. although I know that isn't it. it's those days where you could cry about anything.. hair won't do right, can't find my phone, the light turned red, straw won't go into my coke lid right.. you know. I'm certain it's this Dr. appt. coming up. So an explanation of the title for today.. I went to put some things in our lock box in the bank... and right when I was getting ready to close it up.. something told me to leave a little I Love You note in it for Curt. So I did. Then I get in my car and lose it.. you know the stories and country songs about getting something after that person has passed on.. guess that is what came to mind. Or it was a reminder to continue everyday to show your love and affection never knowing what the future holds. and maybe all this happened for me to share with you today to encourage you to do the same. I had to stop by and get a hug from Curt before I carried on with my day.. I'm just feeling the pressure of Thursday a little and had to release this morning. Thank you all for your prayers and being here for me. Love and blessings to you all. I'm not just saying it... I mean it. I love you. Debbie

Monday, March 23, 2009

2 am

Good Morning.. Well, it's 2 am and I'm here at my desk trying to get it organized.. can't sleep.. I'm sure it's because of the big week ahead. Don't feel nervous about seeing the doctor... but I'm betting 10 to 1 that's why I'm sitting here right now. I'm feeling good. Have been very busy with the girls over the past two weeks.. First Cheyenne was on vacation then she returned to school and Cassie came down for her spring break and went back home on Sunday. We had a lot of fun.. My brain is in overdrive now and my body doesn't feel like it's keeping up.. I'm admitting that I have to many irons in the fire and need to take a day to sort it all out.. admitting that is huge for me.. :-) So I'm taking a deep breath right now.. got a chance to talk it out with you guys and I'm gonna try to go to bed. Help a sista out this week and say a little prayer for me and the family. Love Debbie

Thursday, March 19, 2009

CT Scan today

Well.. I'm here drinking my "stuff" for one hour so I can get my scan.. today is just the scan.. dr. appt. next week. still fighting this head cold a little.. I feel a little beat today.. could be cuz I'm a breakfast person and I didn't get to eat breakfast.. You can bet I'll be running out this door when I'm done to get me some lunch.. so say a little prayer for me.. I'll keep you posted. Love Debbie

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Under the weather and back up again

Hey all.. sorry to leave you hanging.. I had the worst sinus infection that started over the weekend and by Monday my head felt like a bowling ball on my shoulders.. I was the first one at the clinic.. basically there when the lights came on.. lol.. got my antibotics and started them immediately.. doing much better now. not to mention my glands started to swell on my left side.. kinda scared me a bit.. because until now i haven't really been sick and I worried about my immune system going low... and those neck glands.. doctor didn't seem to be worried.. and all it better.. this week my step daughter Cassie is here visiting us for her spring break.. Chey is back in school.. we are trying to fill our time with fun stuff .. little harder for a teen (almost 16) than with Chey. But today we are going for a massage.. "bonus" for me.. :-) looking forward to it.. hope all is well with everyone. Thur. is my CT scan.. and next week my Dr. appt. doing ok with it at the time.. Love Debbie

Thursday, March 12, 2009

God at work

Good morning. As most of you know, our horse died on Christmas day last year. The only words that made it better for Cheyenne was that it was Jesus' birthday and he wanted a beautiful white horse to ride. Not to mention TK had been with us for 28 years. As the months have gone by we had mentioned to friends that we were looking for something for Chey. of course, she wanted a paint horse. I told her the looks weren't as important as gentle. So I got a phone call about a gentle horse and it just so happened to be a paint horse named Lacy. Now I know you mothers know what I'm talking about when your heart swells up, your eyes fill with tears when you see your child so happy an overjoyed. That was me. heck... that's still me while I'm writing this. These moments are so special and precious.. I can't tell you how many times she told me she loved me that day.. How I know everyday is a gift and I'm so thankful, but some days get a little extra cherry on top. :-) God bless you all. Debbie

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

makin up for yesterday

Hey there.. WOW I had 5 messages from my last blog posting.. I was so excited to see responses.. Now, I don't expect it from you guys... you know that.. and a lot of you have told me why you don't respond.. prefectly fine.. for those of you who can.. for whatever reason you may come here to read.. I sometimes find myself looking for the same.. So making up for yesterday.. I don't know if it's hormones or stress that has me going from 0 to "crazy" in 5 seconds.. just little things can set me off.. course Curt had a good idea that it was the full moon. I'm doing much better today.. until something happens.. haha. Got something in the works today.. should all go well, i'll be sharing a sweet and happy story for me and the family.. God sure does work in mysterious ways.. Cherish your day today rain or sun. Love Debbie

Monday, March 9, 2009

Staying strong

Gotta tell ya.. the weekend started out a little tough.. to the point of getting upset and shedding a few tears.. then I beat myself up wondering if letting myself worry is a sign of weakness or that I'm not putting my worries in God's hands.. The weekend did get better keeping busy and visiting with friends.. just sharing and talking a little about it was helpful and it didn't seem to make others uncomfortable. Curt was really sweet to me to in my time of need.. very nurturing.. I love it when he wraps his big arms around me.. today I'm doing pretty good.. cranking out a to do list.. hope all is well with you. Julie.. I never see your words as bla bla.. I look forward to your words of comfort and smile on your comments.. keep them coming. Love you all. Deb

Friday, March 6, 2009

It's Friday..

Good Friday to you.. I've been a little busy and a little crazy the past few days.. sorry I missed ya. You already know what's on my mind.. Funny thing.. the first think I woke up wondering about this morning is the difference between the CT scans that I get.. a couple of times I've had the barium stuff. yuk.. most of the time I take this oil/water stuff.. wonder what the difference.. what it showes vs. the other... then I know an MRI shows pretty much everything.. wondering if I'll get another one of those in the future.. and then.. if that didn't have my mind going enough.. I started thinking about how claustrophobic I get in the MRI.. this was all this morning before I got out of bed.. I'm like ... what tha.. so it's obvious that I'm a little worried.. I'm ok.. this is just how I wake up and sometimes how I go to bed.. wheels turning.. just thought I share.. We are hitting a mud bog on Sat. and hopefully doing a little work in the yard AS A FAMILY (been hitting and missing out on that..) Chey's spring break is next week.. I'll be busy trying to keep her busy.. haha.. so this is my brain on a Friday.. I miss hearing from ya'll. Can you believe we are almost in a YEAR from when this whole cancer started.. counting my blessings for that. Have a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Keepin it in the family

Hello.. sorry I missed ya yesterday.. spend the day with my sister.. she recently had a strange looking mole removed.. came back cancerous.. so went to the doctor with her yesterday for a follow up.. seems that everything is ok.. will be removing a little more from that area to make sure. I went along for support and to ask questions.. seeing how I think I'm a "C" expert and all.. HA! I had told her to get it looked at a long time ago.. glad she finally got around to it.. they will follow her every 3 months for a year.. please, please if you have anything like that on you.. get it checked out.. scary yes.. but nothing more worse than regret that you should have, could have done it earlier and let it go for to long.. you owe it to yourself and your family.. Lori love's to be tan and used tanning beds a lot a few years ago.. let me tell you something.. WHITE is beautiful.. now if your ashy... apply lotion.. :-) play it safe my friends.. that's my life's lesson for the day.. love Debbie.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Mellow Monday.

Good morning.. I find myself staring at the keyboard this morning wondering what to type.. I'm in between feelings right now and kinda waiting to see how my day is going to end up. This weekend was nice.. no specific place to be at any certain time.. we spent time together.. snuggled a little on the couch and had time to have a little good conversation.. Curt's going out of town today for work.. probably has a little bit to do with my "mellow Monday" and of course it is the first of MARCH.. my follow up month. Gotta keep my focus on other things than what my body and mind may be telling.. makes me a little nervous. I know it's only going to get worse.. so say yer prayers for me.. :-) My CT scan will be on the 19th and my Dr. appt. is on the 26th.. spring break for Chey will be next week.. so maybe I can find some fun things to do to keep us entertained that week.. I'll check back in with ya'll tomorrow. Have a good day. Love Deb

Friday, February 27, 2009

Feelin the age

Happy Friday.. know you are all looking forward to the weekend.. as am I. So what wakes me early this morning.. really early... I have a few pains in the stomach / pelvic area and it starts to worrying me.. of course.. March is almost here and this will be my big Dr. appt. month.. so I lay there thinking of all it could be... and remember..... Chey and I played on the trampoline and in the yard yesterday.. doing jumps and some tumbling that maybe someone of my age shouldn't be trying.. but I did hold a handstand for 7 seconds.. (go deb) I start laughing at myself for being so paranoid and stupid.. hello.. gotta remember I'm no "spring" chicken.. haha.. so for now.. those little pains have an excuse.. I hope and pray... :-) and I'm gonna have a good weekend.. no traveling this weekend.. yea!! Be safe. Love Debbie

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Spring has sprung..

I'm ready for Spring.. it's so pretty and the weather is nice.. yet unpredicitable.. but still beautiful. My favorite tree in the front yard is starting to bloom.. ready to start spring cleaning and working in the yard.. yipee.. I've noticed my sneezing increasing slowly.. ugh.. spring break for the kiddos is just around the corner.. trying to come up with something fun and different to do that week.. so I just wanted to check in with you all today.. remind you that spring is here and because we all get in the hustle and bustle of things look around and see the beauty. God bless you all .. talk to ya tomorrow. Debbie

Part timer

Hey all.. having a good day I hope.. I'm a little discombobulated.. ;-) doing a little part time work for a friend in the insurance buisness. Working on a little extra dough.. i'm working on a little to-do list that will need a little money to go with it.. it's going pretty good.. keeping my mind busy.. especially with all the paperwork involved.. Oh my gosh.. killing trees daily.. lol. So my birthday was really nice.. movie and lunch with friends, took a walk throught the pasture with Chey.. (sweet) enjoyed a nice dinner with friends and numerous phone calls.. very nice. Thank you all for your sweet birthday blessings. AAAAND MANY MOOOOORE.. (in song haha) have a great Wednesday. Love Debbie

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Birthday Blessings

Happy Tuesday to everyone! I'm celebrating my 41st Birthday today.. yes, I've been celebrating all month.. but today is the official day. yeahh.. you know last year when we were told about the cancer.. I prayed for more time.. I prayed for each little things that I love so much to get to do it again.. assembly leader for Vacation Bible School, Coach Cheerleading, Watch Cheyenne compete in her cheerleading, be healthy for Christmas... I seriously remember these little request.. and now here I am blessed with another birthday and in my opinion.. Very Healthy. I'm going to celebrate by going to see the new Medea movie with my sister and some friends.. tonight will be a nice dinner with Chey, Curt and me.. I may just drag this out through the weekend to get together with some local friends... :-) Thank all of you for your prayers for me to have a long and healthy life.. this is a very special 41st. Remember to be thankful for your dates and special moments too.. Love you all. Debbie

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Big weekend in Austin

We are back from our cheer competition in Austin. Chey's cheer and hip hop team won nationals. Very exciting for the girls!! Oh and Curt entered the "dad" competition which ended up being a dance off.. he did great.. got down to about the final 15.. outlasted most "white boys" there.. then there was a "mom" competition and I'm like hey, I got dancin skills I'll do it for the girls. NOT.. they get us down there and make us think its a dance off.. then they turn it into a "jump off" I can't believe I didn't break anything.. I hung in there until we had to do a TRIPLE TOE TOUCH.. now I got skills but this "whole lotta woman" couldn't pull off the triple toe.. but the girls enjoyed us taking one for the team.. didn't get to take in many sites but did have some relaxing down time.. Oh did I mention DARBY made an appearance at the event.. he was a big hit.. I was so proud. :-) I going to post a few pics from the weekend.. you'll enjoy. Just making those memories.. that's what life's about. Hope all of you had a great weekend.. I'll be back with ya tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Still think about it..

I realized you can run but you can't hide from it all.. the past few mornings before getting up.. between snooze buttons I found myself laying there thinking about my next doctors appointment. For me, it's a little early to be getting in that worried state of mind yet.. that comes about a week before my Dr. appt. but I did call yesterday and let them know I wanted a CT scan before my appt. for my own sanity.. just the other day I was talking to Curt about how different a calendar looks to me. I held it up and looked at it as we were putting dates of plans down and thought to myself.. I may not have all this time.. now I'm not being morbid or depressed.. I promise.. just realizing, heck none of us really know what the year holds for us and if we all realized that each day might be a little more special to us all. I've realized that I kinda fell back on some of those things I wanted to have done for my family "just in case" because I have gotten comfortable with life again.. (not that its a bad thing) but I am going to get back on that.. and of course continue enjoying life, my daughter, my husband and all my wonderful friends and support group.. (you) Have a blessed day. Love Debbie

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bad Weather Days

So schools and work have bad weather days... how bout for stay at home moms.. :-) Today is one of those wet dreary days which makes it very hard to get motivated to do anything.. Don't know who the official would be that would call one of these days for us.. but I think I'm gonna pull a bad weather day today. I deserve it.. right.. sounds good anyway.. I'm not much of a lay around and do nothing.. but I did get a chick flick movie from Redbox and it's calling my name.. Fo you guys having to work.. I'll be thinking about ya.. travel safe and I'll check back in tomorrow. Love ya Deb.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Birthdays are better with age.. :-)

Hello everyone.. I'm still on a great high from a wonderful weekend with friends and family. It was so exciting to see all of you that could come on Friday night.. looking around the room at everyone there and having a good time, we felt so blessed and thankful for all the people in our lives. The energy in the room could have lit a football field.. and hugs.. I love hugs.. they feel so good and it's like your sharing and giving energy to one another.. (warm fuzzys maybe) I think the pictures I'm posting will also give you a great idea of how much fun we had.. as I went through the pictures.. I celebrated all over again.. we ruled the karaoke room.. just had a blast. Thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you.. for making wonderful memories with us.. I will stop now to keep from getting to mushy.. just know how much I love each and everyone of you.

Friday, February 13, 2009

On the road again

Hi everyone.. We're on the road to Houston this weekend.. I'm so excited to spend time with our friends in Houston and of course celebrate another birthday.. we haven't been out in quite a while.. finding what to wear.. omg.. I packed a many of clothes for one night.. lol. Hope you all have fun plans for the weekend or even if it's just hanging around alone or with someone.. know that someone LOVES you and CARES about you this Valentines Day. Be safe. Love Always Debbie.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Almost Valentine's Day

Hey there.. Pink, Red and white everywhere.. I'm subbing today a Kindergarten class.. oh my..
I just want to remind you to take time out for you.. now is the time you won't feel guilty because it's valentines to splurge a little, get a massage, pedi, mani, do something for yourself or for you and your spouse alone.. it's sooo worth it and there's no doubt you probably deserve it. Because we will be celebrating my birthday "month" this weekend.. i'm gonna have to postphone my massage but you can bet I'll be getting one.. they are awesome.. my problem is even thought it's relaxing.. I can't shut up.. I usually talk the whole time.. but oh well.. it's what I do. another reason I come here to talk when there's no one else to listen.. haha.. so i'm gonna finish class up today and enjoy the outside this afternoon.. have a great rest of the day. Deb

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dizzy Bat Race

You ever see the game where you stick your forehead to a bat on the ground.. run around in circles several times and take off running dizzy... kinda how I'm living right now.. but I don't regret it for a minute. This weekend we'll be in Houston visiting family and friends and celebrating my birthday.. (not till the 24th but this is my birthday month.. lol) Any of you reading this and living in or near Spring we will be at Big Texas around 8:30. :-) I'd love to see you again or meet you if we've never met. :-) wouldn't that be crazy. Well, I'm going to run for now. I gotta get some things done today.. going to be subbing tomorrow. Have a great day.. stay safe if the storms are hitting your area tonight. Love Debbie

Monday, February 9, 2009


Sit down and hold on.. should have been the words said when we took off for San Antonio this weekend.. :-@ Motor home and gusty winds should never be put in the same sentence.. We made it to San Antonio in good time.. driving against the wind most of the way. Our GPS showed to be at "destination" by 5:30. Giving us time to chill, cook on the grill, little hot tub before our busy weekend.. NOT... by 8:30 PM we "found" an RV Park not ours but one closer to the Alamodome so there's a perk. Competition was ok.. girls placed 5th. Not a lot of competitions under their belt before this one. Some understand it some don't.. Chey enjoys being being a part of the "big picture" so she was disappointed but ok. The wind on the ride home was a "cross wind" making our ride like a bad carnival ride for 6 freakin hours.. we stopped twice due to light head and queezy stomachs.. NOT KIDDING.. we wanted to lay on the ground when we hit home.. Now if your not laughing right now you should be. We are.. these are those things that during the time it's happening, we complain, we're stressed, say you'll never do it again... that make for the best stories we tell over and over in our lives.. that is why I'm smiling when I share with you today.. bet you can remember some of those stories too.. remember one to day and have a smile and happy Monday. Love Debbie

Friday, February 6, 2009

Are You Ready For the weekend... betcha are

We'll got the ol motor home loaded down.. good thing it has a kitchen sink. (haha) We will be hitting the road pretty soon. I have a small favor, I know how lucky I am to have my prayer warriors out there and ask that you add Curt's uncle Troy to the list. He's in the hospital and has been diagnosed with .. you guessed it.. cancer... lung cancer. Out of those of you who read I'm not certain how many of you have experienced the word cancer in your family.. sure seems to be a lot more frequent these days.. it definately changes you.. and use to.. for me, I would just think oh __ has cancer, now when I find out.. I get pretty emotional.. guessing it's because it has hit our family and I know what we've been going through.. or it could be just another reality check for me.. dunno.. as soon as I found out though I hit the blog so I could share my feelings with you guys.. this truly is my "out", "my thereapy". I need this so I can be strong, fun and happy for our big trip this weekend.. so again, with a lump in my throat, and holding back tears I thank you all for being here for me, in some way I can feel you hugging me, holding my hand and giving me strength. I love you. May God bless you all, Debbie

Thursday, February 5, 2009

On the road again..

Hey everyone.. We are packing and getting ready for a big weekend in San Antonio. Cheyenne will be competing in her cheer competition.. This is a biggie.. at the Alamodome!! whoa.. so I'm packing and double checking myself .. i'm thinking as long as I have the uniform packed we will be ok.. :-) This is really one of those proud momma moments... my baby girl performing, dancing and being all her.. she loves this part of her activities.. and I love seeing it in her.. can you tell I'm proud.. proud.. could almost cry proud.. so I will go for now.. wish us luck and say a little prayer for our travels. Love you guys..

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Where did january go?

Is anyone else wondering where January went..? Already February and that for me will be gone in a flash. We are getting ready for Chey's cheer competition this weekend in San Antonio. We are all very excited.. this is a biggie.. I'm making my list getting ready to pack.. there's nothing more scary than being worried your gonna forget her uniform or something.. kinda like those dreams I use to have about going to school or work in my pj's or lack there of.. remember those..? These are fun times.. and go by very quickly.. let's enjoy them while we can... by the way, a very small space in the back of my head is starting to remind me I will have a Dr. appt coming up in March.. ugh.. have a great Tuesday.. Blessings to you all. Debbie

Monday, February 2, 2009

Beautiful Day..

Wow, today is a beautiful day.. feeling pretty fortunate to be alive and well. :-) If you hate Mondays.. or having a little hang over from the Superbowl.. lol.. you are probably hating people who are loving life... just kidding. maybe my outlook for the day will make you have a better one. I woke up today telling my family to wish me happy birthday.. because this is my BIRTHDAY MONTH.. that's right.. i've decided to celebrate every day this month like my birthday.. they of course laughed at my sillyness but went along with it.. :-) so you guys have a great rest of your Monday and I'll check back in tomorrow. Love Debbie

Friday, January 30, 2009

I have cancer

I talk to myself a lot.. hopefully most of you do to.. or you'll be sending the guys in the white coats after me.. haha. lately I've been questioning myself about telling people I have cancer. Feeling almost guilty for telling them. It just seems if I'm having good conversation with someone and we are getting to know each other I usually end up telling them. Me and myself have been trying to figure out why I feel the need to tell them. I'm 99% sure it's not for sympathy.. I feel more like I'm proud of where I am because I have cancer, I'm2 strong, I'm happy with everyday and life, and feel like I'm beating it.. and, that I might just inspire someone just in passing.. so I shouldn't feel guilty.. right? That's my question and thought for the day.. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this one. Thanks! Oh and HAPPY FRIDAY !!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 Random Things

I got the neatest email the other day.. you know those emails you get that say what's your favorite color.. last movie you watched.. etc. those are good, but this one was 25 random things about you.. where you write down 25 random things about yourself that people may not know.. I enjoyed reading it so much and have now been on a quest to find my 25 random things.. i'm really putting thought to it too.. it's been kinda fun.. since I've been subbing I've realized I have a quirk about shoes being untied.. and that I've always wanted to learn to whistle with my fingers or my mouth.. I"m still searching though.. and until I come up with a good list I'm not going to email out.. so today.. start making a list.. 25 random things I'd love you to share them with me. :-) today is my last day to sub coaching.. I've had so much fun.. and glad to have Friday off.. yeah.. have a good rest of the day.. I'll holler back tomorrow. Love ya . Deb

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Deb's random thoughts

Burrrr it's so cold out there today.. but the comments left for me yesterday keep my heart warm and moving (thanks Jessica and Julie) Due to the cold, school starts at 10 today.. I'll be subbing P.E. again. I'm having a lot of fun with that.. It's surprising to me even after seeing the Oprah show the other day at the burdon kids today carry on their shoulders.. they look to anyone who will listen to tell their story.. I'm just a sub and hear things like parents getting out of jail, or somone who's dad pushed their mom over a coffee table and she hit her head.. how crazy is that.. all the more respect for teachers who see and hear this every day.. going home and wondering if there is something you should or could do for that child.. so this week has been rather eye opening about listening to children and understanding .. or trying to understand what's going on in their heads they arn't telling us about.. Like the book recently given to me.. and apparantly opening my eyes.. Love to a child spells.... TIME. you all have a great Wed. Love Debbie

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Hello... did anybody see Oprah yesterday.. wow, an emotional ride.. for sure.. kids speaking out about what makes them angry.. saying it out loud and crying.. I'm crying, Chey's crying because it's so touching.. Then... I asked her.. (don't know what I was thinking..) "Chey are you ok, do you have any anger inside.. well low and behold.. the words.. I'M ANGRY BECAUSE YOU HAVE CANCER came pooring out of her.. crying and asking why.. I teared up a little but was strong and told her how lucky we have been since the news.. was it good for her, yes... I think her opening up yesterday was a confirmation that it's ok to speak out and say what's bothering you. a reminder for me, that although we move on, and look on the brighter things in life and keep ourselves busy.... we all have a tendancy to bury things deep inside and truly need to let them out to be able to live fully.. that is with anything, relationships, money, health, family issues... a good lesson for us all. Thanks for being here for me today. I'm subbing P.E. and having a good day but did need to get this out. May God bless you all today.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Busy Weekend

Hope you all had a safe weekend. We filled our glass to the very minute this weekend. Sat. Chey had Dance and cheer practice and 2 basketball games, Sunday cheer competition in Shreveport. All a lot of fun and fast paced.. Cheyenne is so versitle and amazing, she gives 100% at everything she does. (proud momma moment... I'm aloud) :-) Feeling good.. you could say a used a lot of energy this weekend and feeling it today.. but that's normal for anyone.. so I'm normal (haha) Subbing today throught Thur. at our Middle School and heavily in my mind working on plans to help the kiddos in the childrens home. You'll be hearing a lot about that I'm sure. So, I'll be checking back with you all. Have a great Monday. Debbie

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Spirit of Giving

Sorry I missed ya yesterday.. I went to visit a Children's Home / Orphanage. I know, your asking where I come up with this stuff. I have been talking with Cheyenne about us volunteering this year.. it's on my "list" to teach Cheyenne about giving. We went to see the movie Hotel for Dogs and the 2 kids in the show were orphans.. Chey and I talked and thought helping share our family, our friends and our love is what we would like to do. Plus, you may not know this about me but I was adopted. So there's a little something special there. I found Boles Childrens Home on the internet, about 40 minutes away. It was awesome. There's so many needs, a great start for us to begin our mission. :-) P.S. thanks for your kind words from my bad dream day.. I'm not gonna say it wasn't a reminder for me, but I'm over it. :-) I look forward to sharing our new adventure of giving with you soon. Love Debbie

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bad Dream

I'm glad I believe that dreams don't always mean that is what will happen. I've even looked things up in dream books before.. just for kicks.. Last night wasn't a good dream. This morning I find myself a little upset, but continue to remind myself it was only a dream. I can't help but think of how it "could" be a reality though.. makes it a little tough. Yes, I have put this in gods hands.. and I continue to LIVE every moment of every day.. but sometimes in our lives we do the out of site out of mind theory and it comes back to haunt you.. I know that is a negative way to look at it.. sorry. The thing I worry about the most, I guess, is the time between Dr. visits is to long and that one day when I walk in there I'll be told my body is full of cancer and there's nothing they can do.. then again, on a positive note, so you all won't think I'm completely negative.. is that when they zapped me with radiation immediately after surgery that they got all the cells that were there.. Ok, so out of all my recent good days.. here is ONE bad day... well, let's just say morning.. this afternoon could totally be better.. Thanks so much for being here to listen.. just getting out what my mind is saying to itself (little crazy) helps. Love to you all. Debbie

Monday, January 19, 2009

Take time to read..

Hope all is well.. homefront seems a little quiet. I've had a little time to do some reading this weekend. Wanted to share with you all. Received to very inspirational books from friends. First one is THE DASH (from Julie). I'm sure a lot of you have heard about THE DASH.. referring to the dash on your headstone between the year you were born and the year you passed. It's very good. I'm posting it for a few days (see left) The other good book is To a Child "LOVE" is spelled TIME (from Tammy M). Very good read.. about how special the time we spend with our kids really is. :-) A beautiful day and time to read.. Slow down and take a moment in this fast paced world. Love ya.. Deb

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Another good story

Sorry I'm late.. I'm subbing again today.. keeps me busy.. I have a lot I want to do at home.. but I'm terrible at saying no. :-@ So last night I was talking to one of Chey's friends mom, and heard another story about someone who visits my blog daily.. she doesn't know me but feels as though she does.. Hello Kathy (Reese's grandmother :-) I can't tell you what it does for me to know there are those who are willing and interested in the daily life of someone battling cancer. Of course I'm not an average person.. my lifestyle is definately different that others.. and my choices after getting the news may be different than others.. but if I can inspire, entertain, or continue to get your support with this blog.. it makes me feel what I am doing and how I am dealing is right and good.. really good. Thank you.. I know there is no way to tell how many peeps I have out there reading this but I do feel an extra vibe / energy inside when I hear of others like Kathy reading. So my break is almost up.. I'll catch ya tomorrow. Thanks for being here. Love Deb

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Waaa Bam

New year.. new changes to the page.. I don't really have a lot of options to choose from.. but this one seemed happy and colorful.. hope you like it. My columns changed a little but .. change is good.. right? This year I've noticed a few changes in me... wanting to let my hair grow out a bit.. wearing a little bit different style of clothes.. some with color (I have a lot of black) and of course set out on any and all adventures possible. Weird though.. I'm about 90/10.. 90% go all out.. 10% skeptism and worry about those little aches and pains in the pelvic area and whats going on in this body of mine. Pretty good percentage don't ya think. I hope you guys don't get board with me just writing about my typical days.. I think for you guys that come here .. we all know what lies at the heart of this and to read about the good days is a nice twist. Hope you all have a great day. Hey.. high five someone today that doesn't expect it.. it's really fun. See ya soon. Deb

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Hey there... Oh my gosh I've let the time get away from me.. I'm doing good.. haven't fell off the face of the earth. Of course staying busy, man it feels good to check things off your list each day. Last night worked out good.. Chey's cheer practice was cancelled and we had a little family time. And of course that is always good. We worked with Chey on her tumbling a little bit.. and I did a roundoff.. :-) wooo whoo.. I need to start exercising a little bit. (need to a lot, but I won't push it) :-) So I'm in good spirits, living good, and having fun.. got another birthday coming soon.. 40 was good.. but I'm gonna make 41 even better. Gonna run for now.. gotta pick Chey up from school. I'm gonna sub tomorrow again but I'll be checking in. Thanks for stopping by. Deb

Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy Friday

I'm ready for this weekend.. just took Chey to the Dr. for strep (again) the Dr. laughed when I asked is she a carrier for strep.. but omg.. we get this several... more than several times a year.. and here we are in the first week of Jan. she cried because she couldn't go to school and that she always gets strep.. it told her it could be worse she could have vomiting or poopies.. :-) so no traveling this weekend.. woo hoo.. remember it's a new year.. make every moment count !! Have a great weekend. Love Deb

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Interview I've been waiting for.. Patrick Swayze

Oh my gosh.. sittin here with my puffy eyes and red nose, after watching Patrick and his wife. What a great interview.. he said so many things that I feel.. about fighting, not giving up, and staying so busy you don't give your mind or your body time to think about it. AND he felt the same as I did about trying all the remedies and cancer diets that say they can cure cancer, basically chasing everything and missing out on the important things in life.. as far as his smoking.. think I would have quit knowing that could have caused it.. but for me, my bad habit is eating.. my mindset is that cancer eats at you making you lose weight and become unhealthy and sick.. well by gosh I'm gonna give it plenty to eat on.. (haha) Oh.. Oh.. and the same motto "get busy living or get busy dying" right on brother!! during the interview I was crying like a baby but in the same catch my breath moments.. I was saying right on man.. one thing he has felt that I haven't is anger.. don't know why... Curt has though.. Well, I tried to link his story to my page but having a little trouble. check it out at I also felt the need, since I get new readers every now and then, to put THE LAST LECTURE back up to the top of the page for you guys to see what and who inspired me to start this blog and be on the path and living the life that I'm living.. As Patrick said, he's amazed and inspired by the people that surround him with support and love.. I may not be a movie star but I feel like my support team (all of you) matches up to his and maybe even more. Thank you. I love you. Debbie.

First week of the new year..

Subbing again today. Well, head start.. 4 yr. olds. I now remember why I stopped at one.. haha..
I told myself the first of the year I would stay home, get organized and get my new plans started.. and here I am subbing this week.. all but Friday. Honestly, I think it's the interaction with the staff here at the school.. they are a fun group of ladies who I enjoy being around.

I had another inspiring story from a friend last night.. a relative of theirs found out she had cancer, and our freind referred them to my blog.. hoping to help them cope. I'm thrilled that I can give others a place to go and read about someone else who's dealing with some of the same issues. Another goal this year, get people together here locally so we can visit and talk if we want to or just play games :-). I tell you, there is a special bond when you talk with someone who has cancer with you.. like a blood brother or sister you've never known. Sorry for rambling, kids are down for a nap. :-) I'll check back in tomorrow. Have a great day. Debbie

Monday, January 5, 2009

Adult interaction

So today I'm subbing at the Intermediate school.. little adult interaction.. and well, students too. :-) I have a tendancy to get caught in front of the computer all day and get nothing else done.. so getting out of the house feels a little productive too.. glad to year from some of you guys that you had a good Christmas and New Year.. I saw a commercial on a Barbara Walters special coming on Wed. I think, where Patrick Swayze talks about his battle with cancer and why he continues to push and stay busy daily.. I can't wait to see it.. sounds a lot like me. Maybe I am normal. (HA) !!.. talk to you soon.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy 2009

Hope you all had a wonderful end to 2008. We've been on the road for the last bit of ours with our family and it has been wonderful. I'll tell you in April of last year I would have thought we'd have been in a little darker place at this time. I'm so thankful we have been blessed with time and health. :-) If you were in my brain you'd be getting dizzy right now with all the wheels that are spinning.. One things for sure.. figure out and on god's plan for me here.. :-) It's gotta be big... he just had to hit me over the head last year for me to listen. As your setting your new years goals.. remember to slow down and listen to that little voice in your head or on your shoulder.. don't wait to get hit on the head like me. :-) Love and blessings to you all. Debbie