Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Hey there... Oh my gosh I've let the time get away from me.. I'm doing good.. haven't fell off the face of the earth. Of course staying busy, man it feels good to check things off your list each day. Last night worked out good.. Chey's cheer practice was cancelled and we had a little family time. And of course that is always good. We worked with Chey on her tumbling a little bit.. and I did a roundoff.. :-) wooo whoo.. I need to start exercising a little bit. (need to a lot, but I won't push it) :-) So I'm in good spirits, living good, and having fun.. got another birthday coming soon.. 40 was good.. but I'm gonna make 41 even better. Gonna run for now.. gotta pick Chey up from school. I'm gonna sub tomorrow again but I'll be checking in. Thanks for stopping by. Deb

1 comment:

stephanie said...

Well it's good to hear from you. I'm glad everyone is doing good and enjoying each others company. I am freezing up here in this snow storm today. And the rest of the week is supposed to be really cold with a high of about 6. So I plan on staying inside. Have fun subbing tommorrow. Talk to you soon.
