Friday, January 30, 2009

I have cancer

I talk to myself a lot.. hopefully most of you do to.. or you'll be sending the guys in the white coats after me.. haha. lately I've been questioning myself about telling people I have cancer. Feeling almost guilty for telling them. It just seems if I'm having good conversation with someone and we are getting to know each other I usually end up telling them. Me and myself have been trying to figure out why I feel the need to tell them. I'm 99% sure it's not for sympathy.. I feel more like I'm proud of where I am because I have cancer, I'm2 strong, I'm happy with everyday and life, and feel like I'm beating it.. and, that I might just inspire someone just in passing.. so I shouldn't feel guilty.. right? That's my question and thought for the day.. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this one. Thanks! Oh and HAPPY FRIDAY !!!


Anonymous said...

Deb, I think your such a wake up call to all of us........I truly believe it's the LORD's will for you to share the cancer and inspire people the way you do with your strength and faith. I will never forget when you told me, I have looked at life so differently your cancer has changed my lfe in so many ways. So thanks Debbie for always sharing your faith and special thoughts with all of us!!! Love ya, Melody

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