Thursday, January 15, 2009

Another good story

Sorry I'm late.. I'm subbing again today.. keeps me busy.. I have a lot I want to do at home.. but I'm terrible at saying no. :-@ So last night I was talking to one of Chey's friends mom, and heard another story about someone who visits my blog daily.. she doesn't know me but feels as though she does.. Hello Kathy (Reese's grandmother :-) I can't tell you what it does for me to know there are those who are willing and interested in the daily life of someone battling cancer. Of course I'm not an average person.. my lifestyle is definately different that others.. and my choices after getting the news may be different than others.. but if I can inspire, entertain, or continue to get your support with this blog.. it makes me feel what I am doing and how I am dealing is right and good.. really good. Thank you.. I know there is no way to tell how many peeps I have out there reading this but I do feel an extra vibe / energy inside when I hear of others like Kathy reading. So my break is almost up.. I'll catch ya tomorrow. Thanks for being here. Love Deb

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