Tuesday, June 23, 2009

50/50 Split

Ok.. so here I am .. my inner voice fighting with my outer voice.. great example for you women. Your getting ready to go out.. put on your favorite shirt, fully dressed and feeling good.. then you get in front of the "full length" mirror.. and that inner voice says.. "your not going to wear this are you.., to short, to tight, look fat, etc.. and back to the closet you go.. yea.. you've been there. So that's me. Wake up in the morning feeling good, ready to attack the day with my mile long to do list.. (things to make me feel important.. not having a job :-) I am strong and will fight the cancer with my strength and confidence.. but then.. my little voice says what if your over confident like the day I went in to get my stitches out and walked out finding out I had cancer. I TRULY BELIEVE that confidence and strentgh help fight cancer away.. and that if you let it take you, get you down and give in, it will.. so why the struggle.. that little voice dang it. Ok you guys don't send the men in the white shirts just yet.. I only have till Thur. to be this crazy and then I get back on track. haha. Thanks, my friends.. for listening and praying. Love Deb

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of you right now!!!!
I love you, Your Hubby!!!!