Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday out of the way

Well today is under my belt.. think i'm finally getting the hang of a regular schedule.. honestly last week just felt like i was subbing.. this week it's hitting me that this is a continuing job and i'm liking it. havent thought much about my CT scan.. until i came here to write.. guess it's bothering me a little.. i mean i'm picking up my life and commiting to things and you worry a little that it may be interrupted.. but that goes for anyone.. just some haven't had the scare that i have to make you think about your life EVERYDAY.. a blessing my way.. i guess.. all is good. I'll keep you posted. Take Care.. Debbie


stephanie said...

I'm glad your getting used to your schedule. My kids start school next Tuesday. The baby is coming in about 8 more weeks. So that's exciting. I can't believe how fast time is going.
Anyway, I'm glad to hear that everything is going good. Talk to you soon!

Julie said...

Things will fall into place & you'll once again be able to juggle a full time job, child, hubby, cleaning house, laundry, keeping up w/ your blog, facebook, shopping, dinner......the list goes on!! I'm still tired every afternoon. The new house is coming along good; we hope to start moving in in early Dec.; that would be good so I can have the Christmas holidays to unpack/organize! Glad to hear things are going good; still keeping you in my thoughts/prayers! love ya! OOHH - trailrides are here. email u a list soon!

Cristi Alexander said...

We all need to look at our life everyday and remember that it's short. If we all lived with eyes wide open and take those crazy cool opportunities...we would all be happier peeps. Im glad to call you a friend girlie...