Monday, September 14, 2009


Well for those of you who still check in every once in a while.. I'm turning to you. Interesting weekend.. I had a couple of friends that I haven't seen in a while... one in a LOOONG while... come by to visit. Visits were great and enjoyed talking with them. However one friend had told me about someone I use to work with that passed away about 2 weeks ago of breast cancer.. she had it, then it came back full force.. kinda made me nervous.. and start thinking about me and not letting these doctors put me on the back burner after this next CT. so here I am thinking are these people coming back in my life for a reason.. is the story I heard about the lady I use to work with suppose to remind me not to get to comfortable.. I'll admit.. i've been a little upset but I'm staying strong.. haven't really discussed this with anyone.. dunno why.. guess coming here felt better and people would think i was worrying for no reason. So there.. i've said it and i'm better. love ya

1 comment:

Julie said...

hey girl, we r still here checking on u! i understand u thinking the way you do - i think i would be the same way. all u can do is take one day at a time & continue living life to its fullest. i'm praying for u - u are strong, have confindence is God, and BELIEVE that you have a full life ahead of u!