Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Keepin it in the family

Hello.. sorry I missed ya yesterday.. spend the day with my sister.. she recently had a strange looking mole removed.. came back cancerous.. so went to the doctor with her yesterday for a follow up.. seems that everything is ok.. will be removing a little more from that area to make sure. I went along for support and to ask questions.. seeing how I think I'm a "C" expert and all.. HA! I had told her to get it looked at a long time ago.. glad she finally got around to it.. they will follow her every 3 months for a year.. please, please if you have anything like that on you.. get it checked out.. scary yes.. but nothing more worse than regret that you should have, could have done it earlier and let it go for to long.. you owe it to yourself and your family.. Lori love's to be tan and used tanning beds a lot a few years ago.. let me tell you something.. WHITE is beautiful.. now if your ashy... apply lotion.. :-) play it safe my friends.. that's my life's lesson for the day.. love Debbie.

1 comment:

Julie said...

so true, so true; i love to tan but recently had several moles removed (from spending too many days in the tanning bed); thank goodness none were cancerous, but i'm fighting my mind to stay away from those beds! tried the tanning lotions, they are OK; just smell weird! thanks for the lesson today - really helped me personally!