Friday, September 17, 2010


The best support group and love you can get when your up or having trouble.. Couldn't have survived the last 2 years without their love and support... Make it known.. those LIVINGSTON peeps are good to have as friends! Love Deb

Support My Friend

Prayers and support for my friend. You know it seems everywhere you turn now you hear of friends and loved ones who are being faced with cancer. My friend Kristal in the Houston area has been diagnosed with cervical cancer. We have a blog started for her. I'm hoping if you still check here every now and then.. because I'm not as good at writing as I was that you will give her the same love and support you have given me. I'm not sure I wouldn't have been as strong as I was not having your support on my blog. Please check out Kristal's blog. thank you for your continuious support and prayers. For me.. We are blessed that our new OMG business has taken off like it has keeping us very busy but enjoying the kids so much and they are keeping us young. :-) Well I like to think so.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Houston Friends

Dear Houston friends.. all of you.. I just want you to know that you too are blessings in my life. Although we don't see each other very often.. actually hardly at all.. you are still there for me and I'm so lucky to have you in my life. I hope you know i'm here for you as well.. Thank you for being you.. I love you.


Sorry I haven't been here in a while. been so crazy busy.. not much time to stop and smell the roses.. but then again, the roses are right under our nose. Our kids at our new OMG gym are fantastic! They keep us feeling young and we are having so much fun. Living the american dream.. living my dream.. that is what life is about. I'm thankful daily for the gifts in our life and even those wake up calls we get but sometimes ignore.. I'm feeling great. I don't have another follow up appointment until January. I have very little time to focus on worrying about cancer. I did recenlty watch letters to God and oh my.. I definately cried.. but it was healthy to do so. :-) reminded me of something else I want to do so bad and that is visit those kids in hospitals.. when I will find time, not sure need just a few more months to get organized and will give it another go.. may all of you see your blessings in front of you. Love always. Debbie

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Goodbye Mom

Sigh. I'm sad but happy. Mom passed away on Monday, July 26th. She has been sick for sometime and she was truly tired. She is in a much better place now and can see (she was blind) and I know she will be watching over us. I can't remember a time, if ever that I was involved so heavily in funeral services.. but realize how important it is to have e.v.e.r.y. detail lined out.. to make things easier on the family. We were close to having everything prepared but then came the tiny details and then trying to include everyone's way of saying goodbye (songs, poems, letters, etc.) I've been pretty strong through this all but expect to crumble at some time or maybe just sleep a few days, that would be nice. I've been overwhelmed and overjoyed at all the people we have seen the last few days. Mom is smiling from heaven. Funny, she was afraid she wouldn't have anyone at her funeral. I'm sharing one of my favorite pictures I found of mom. Remember how precious life is my friends, if we open our eyes... we have DAILY reminders. God Bless.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Who Knew!!

Celebrate Good Times .... come on!! SO, Dr. visit went GREAT.. he told us that we hit the 2 year mark and that for cancer patients is a huge milestone! Who Knew.. It seems if cancer is to show it's ugly head once it's been found and treated it is VERY likely for it to do again within that 2 years. he told us we needed to celebrate.. well, for those that know me.. I'm celebrating all the time.. lol. heck.. just finished celebrating my birthday from February.. (just kidding) but ya know me.. However, after we got the news and walked out the door I started crying. Then Curt went off to work and I sat in the car and not just cried.. i was sobbing.. you know where you take those lil short breaths trying to get control of yourself. WHY.. I don't know.. tears of joy, relief, thankfulness, 2 years of worrying every 3 months.. I dunno. I got over it and with swollen eyes and all did a little shopping.. cuz dats what we do right. Curt wanted to throw a party but it seemed to quick.. and I was still a little down/up.. so i don't go back to see him till January.. that's a long time.. but i feel pretty good about it. well, real good about it. I thank all of you who have kept us in your prayers. Let's never stop praying for our friends and family. And remember to enjoy every moment in our lives. God bless you all. And I'm not done writing.. i'll be back to post.. probably just not daily.. lol.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

It's that time again.

Well I go this week for my CT Scan.. then following week Dr. Visit. I'm in my typical anxious mode.. I've made my 2 year mark and what a blessed 2 years it has been. Never been a dull moment and living an amazing dream. I'm thinking if he sticks to what he told me last time and all is good from this visit.. we will be making a visit every 6 months. That would be pretty sweet but I just like knowing every 3 months.. regardless I pray for a good outcome and many more good years. Hope all is well with those who are left reading my blog. God Bless. Debbie

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Boost

Hello all.. been missing ya. Really have just filled my every waking hour with something. I think that is good.. but sometimes ask myself if I'm taking time to smell the roses. I may not "really" smell the roses.. but I think what I'm doing is the roses.. does that make sense? I just got finished watching an Oprah show with Bret Michaels and what happened with him and how he feels now... what's important to him.. and how he felt like he was living a great life but was even more energized to LIVE. THAT'S IT.. THAT'S ME... that many people who have been faced with a life threatening scare that either takes you down to the point where you give up or makes you LIVE LIFE like there is no tomorrow. Your energy and mind goes crazy.. I wish I could bottle this.. I wish I could explain it to all of you so you can feel it without going through something like I have.. maybe somehow all this rambling will make sense to you and you'll get the BIG PICTURE.. but you know what.. even I have found that.. watching this show with Bret was my little reminder.. SO.. don't get stagnant.. may God bless you and give you the glasses to see life the way he wants you to.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Checks... Mix

That's right.. a big ol bowl of CHECKS MIX.. what does that mean, checking everything on the 100 page list to make sure I have all I need to start the new business.. forms, CHECK.. darby, check.. gym key, CHECK CHECK.. I mean OMG !! (pardon the pun) I'm up at 4 am.. listening to Chey toss in the bed, Curt snoring.. dog knawing on her bone wondering when we are going back to bed. MIX - the emotions I'm feeling right now.. so excited.. to see who comes to sign up, that I'm actually doing this, the what ifs, then the worry, the stress, and I must say the exhaustion... I feel so bad for Curt and Chey and what they have had to deal with since I've been on this one track mind of starting the business AND continue working at school. but if you guys know me... you know I wouldn't have it any other way.. I must say I take the words LIVE LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW a little to far.. lol. Oh and as far as that darn ol cancer.. I really haven't had time to worry about it much.. (ya think..) Oh, I'm sooooo thankful for all my friends and family and my bloggers.. and my wonderful life. Remember to do those things you've always wanted to do... what a rewarding life I'm now living. Thank you lord. May God bless you.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Full Circle

I'm one of those people who will always say... everything happens for a reason. From being diagnosed with cancer, to the people you meet in your life. Sometimes if you slow down, you realize why those things have happened. Lately, it seems almost daily I catch myself smiling because I have seen things come around full circle. What an amazing and sometimes overwhelming realization. I know this seems really deep... but so very real for me. So... good, bad, ugly or sad it's for a reason.. Sit back and take it in every once in a while.. only to be amazed at God's work... Thank you all for the many blessings and support you give me on a daily basis. I hope I'm in your life... for a reason... to be there for you someday. :-)

Sunday, April 4, 2010


That's it!!! We're opening an All Star Gym in Van. Our own lil business.. Cheerleading (competitive) Tumbling.. and hope soon.. Hip Hop. I'm so excited. Now, the name.. OMG.. of course kiddos are going to think Oh My Gosh.. but there is meaning behind the name. Opportunities - given / Memories - made / Goals - achieved. (OMG) This is open to all kids.. No trying out. I've seen what it did for Cheyenne with her self-esteem and think if I could do that for other children.. then here it goes. I'm looking to incorporate Darby into this as well. Darby - Dream And Really Believe in Yourself.. so you see where I'm going with this.. anyway, I'm beside myself. I don't care how big or small it is, (don't tell Curt.. he's the money man) need to make enough to make rent and pay the bills. As long as the kids get something out of it.. I'm doing what I'm suppose to be doing. Loooooonnnnggg Liiiiivvvvvveeee the Bucket list !!!! Thank you lord for the gifts you have given me in life, may I do with them what you wish me to do. God bless. love Debbie

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Where have I been

You know i really couldn't tell ya where I've been.. Fast paced living I guess. Sure is fun. Enjoying the nice spring weather one day and the day of spring we have snow.. really.. and then.. if that wasn't weird enough, because we already had snow in Feb. our family didn't even bother to go out in it and make snowmen. Now you know it's bad when you live in Texas and you don't get excited about snow. I'm working on a project right now.. don't want to blow my cover until it comes true.. i'm praying daily that it works out.. just another Dream I'm trying to make come true. This one is pretty big and may bring everything full circle.. I hope next time you hear from me I'm shouting it out to everyone.. rest assure it's not another child.. haha.. summer is just around the corner.. be sure to plan something big and fun for yourself and for your family.. Live Laugh and Love.. :-) Debbie

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Good appointment.

Thursday, March 4th 2010.. Dr. appt at 9:30 went very good. In more ways than one. I had a mental break through not break down.. break through.. So Dr. comes in and does his thing.. says all looks good. He needed a reminder why he has been doing CT scans every other appt. I told him he wanted to make sure all is good with a scan, he smiled and said ... really, he was doing them more for my sanity and we both smiled. (I knew he was right) So he said for our next appt. in 4 mth. we would do one more scan and then he would talk to me about going to every 6 mths. It was then I realized I had to embrace the good news that I am doing good and there is a good possibility we zapped the cancer with radiation and I actually may be in the clear. Although he says what I have is not a cancer that goes into remission. why? I don't know.. but I never want to be off my toes.. I just think it would be easier holding on to the fact I have it.. and if the cancer hit again, the shock factor wouldn't be as bad as the first time. I will soon be hitting my 2 year mark. That is HUGE.. Actually it has went by very fast.. I have NO regrets and I'm very proud of how me and my family started LIVING the life we are living. I believe the statment is true that things like these make us stronger. Many of you have said this has helped you in your lives.. I pray that it continues to inspire you to LIVE the life you want to live and not the life you think you need to live. :-) I'll be talking to you again soon. Love Debbie

Monday, March 1, 2010

And we had Fun, Fun, Fun on our cruise ship while we were awaaaay

Wow!! we had an amazing time on the cruise. I can't say enough good things about it. We are back heading home and feeling so blessed to have had the opportunity to take this trip. Think it was due for us all. It amazes me that it takes something like this to remind you to lighten up on life. I was telling Curt on the way home a little while ago.. how all those list of things to do just didn't seem so important anymore.. i mean i know they are but we sometimes let those stress us out and it's not worth it. I can check off the list to Swim with the Dolphins or maybe... add it back to do it again. :-) It was everything i dreamed and MORE.. ahhhh. Pictures won't do it justice but of course i'm gonna show you anyway.. As we head back home.. i'm reminded i have a Dr. appt this Thur. but seem to be a little less worried about it as I was just a few days before the trip. maybe that is why I do these little trips.. my therapy as well as our family. Enjoy the photos. Love Debbie

Thursday, February 25, 2010

We're off!!

Today we are leaving to go on my birthday cruise.. :-) so excited. A nice getaway, long overdue vacation for Curt and a new adventure for Cheyenne. Thank goodness we left the house because I couldn't stop packing for "just in case"haha.. Planning on having a great time and not worrying that I have a Dr.'s appt. the same week I return. Oh.. did I mention our excursion will be Swimming with the Dolphins.. I can't wait.. should be a fantastic time. Have a great rest of the week and remember to enjoy life and smell those roses.. Love Debbie

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Did I ever mention I love to play games. This weekend has been great spending time with friends and family and playing games.. One.. it takes your mind off all other things going through your head... two.. no doubt you will be smiling and laughing.. especially if your winning. :-) If laughter is good medicine... then games go hand in hand.. here are a few of my favorites. Imagine If, Boxers or Briefs, Dominos, LCR, The Pit and my newest one Things. Holler at ya later.. :-)

Friday, February 19, 2010

maybe it's age

thanks for the comments.. I'm still hanging in there.. you know.. If i wanted to admit it.. I am GETTING OLDER.. and this could be growing pains i'm going through.. :-) Growing old.. hell, they told me when I turned 40 that my eyesight would get worse reading things close up.. and like.. overnight.. i had to start holding things a little further out.. not as far as Curt.. lol.. i worry and fret more when in bed at night.. don't know why. guess cause all is calm and quiet.. but I'm hanging in there.. and thankful to have you guys here for me. Love Debbie

paranoia or intuition..

well, here I go again.. and not sure which it is.. Curt said it could be hormones.. (that would be a man's response) but i'd be willing to take anything.. over it being an intuition of what's going on in my body.. just feeling new pains and a variety of them throughout my body.. and it's freaking me out.. to the point of crying.. My appt. is March 4th but there was no ct scan ordered for this follow up.. that's got me worried to death.. this is usually normal for me.. but why so bad this time.. i don't know.. good news is we are going on our cruise next week.. hoping i can keep entertained and busy to keep my mind off of it.. we are going to hit an item on my bucket list... :-) Swimming with the dolphins.. so excited about that.. well, that is where I am for now.. please pray for strength and sanity for me.. thanks so much.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sallee Snow Day 2-2010

What a beautiful day of snow. It was amazing.. oh and might I say it happened during my Birthday Month.. lol. We had a great time.. I was so wore out from snowball fights and snowman building with Cheyenne.. I'm not kidding I was sore the next day.. who knew that would be a form of exercise.. ;-) I'm thankful for this day of beauty.. one of the most awesome things I while experiencing the snow was to sit, watch it fall, enjoy the beauty and not hear a sound.. something all should experience in a lifetime.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Superday Birthbowl Party.. haha

Well what do you know.. they decided to put the Superbowl in my Birthday Month.. lol. well it's always there.. but what a great time and excuse to celebrate both. Good food, good friends and heck.. why not a football game. Hey got an idea.. instead of watching their half time.. I'll sing a little karaoke for everyone.. bwaaa haa haa.. that otta scare them away.. looking forward to some good commercials.. the one time of the year we Don't fast forward through them. Thanks Julie and Stephanie for never leaving my blogside. :-) I love that I have your support and love. Have a GREAT day.. Love Debbie

Sunday, January 31, 2010

My Birthday Month

Well Monday, Feb. 1st starts the beginning of my Birthday Month!! Whoop Whoop.. What to do, what to do.. got a lot coming up for my birthday.. we will be taking a little cruise.. another exciting adventure and one that will include something on my "bucket list" ... swimming with the dolphins.. I'm so pumped.. and you know I just realized that this will all take place right before my next Dr.'s appointment.. just as I have done in the past.. plan something big before I go in to hear that all is ok :-) (positive attitude). Excited about celebrating another year of life with my friends and family. Man I tell ya.. you don't realize just how special birthdays are until you get the scare of your life.. we all worry about age and getting older.. that becomes a thing of the past when your diagnosed with cancer.. but things are good, feel good... and continue to pray for good things in our life as well as yours.. until next time.. cherish your moments and live like there is no tomorrow. I'm going to start my celebration and Dance Like No One Is Watching.. God Bless. Debbie

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy New Year...

Whew.. here it comes.. there it goes.. wait here it comes again.. wait.. that is ME.. all over the place leaving tracks but LIVING.. exactly what God wants us to do.. :-) Hope you all rang in the New Year right and are doing well. We are staying busy.. back to work.. Chey playing basketball.. Curt raced at Monster Truck Jam in Houston and it's soon to be my Birthday Month.. yes, I celebrate the entire month.. I have also become a Rock Band junkie.. I love to play the drums.. Who knew !!! I need to be doing some Wii Fit.. Naaaa.. I wanna bang on the drums all day. I had this great idea for our family to dress up over the holidays as our Rock Band.. I'll attach that photo.. got a little crazy... we pulled out every crazy outfit we could find.. Good times.. well, gonna work on staying posted again.. don't have another appt. till April.. yea!! I'd love to hear from you if anybody is left since I've been so bad at writing.. God bless.