Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Interview I've been waiting for.. Patrick Swayze

Oh my gosh.. sittin here with my puffy eyes and red nose, after watching Patrick and his wife. What a great interview.. he said so many things that I feel.. about fighting, not giving up, and staying so busy you don't give your mind or your body time to think about it. AND he felt the same as I did about trying all the remedies and cancer diets that say they can cure cancer, basically chasing everything and missing out on the important things in life.. as far as his smoking.. think I would have quit knowing that could have caused it.. but for me, my bad habit is eating.. my mindset is that cancer eats at you making you lose weight and become unhealthy and sick.. well by gosh I'm gonna give it plenty to eat on.. (haha) Oh.. Oh.. and the same motto "get busy living or get busy dying" right on brother!! during the interview I was crying like a baby but in the same catch my breath moments.. I was saying right on man.. one thing he has felt that I haven't is anger.. don't know why... Curt has though.. Well, I tried to link his story to my page but having a little trouble. check it out at I also felt the need, since I get new readers every now and then, to put THE LAST LECTURE back up to the top of the page for you guys to see what and who inspired me to start this blog and be on the path and living the life that I'm living.. As Patrick said, he's amazed and inspired by the people that surround him with support and love.. I may not be a movie star but I feel like my support team (all of you) matches up to his and maybe even more. Thank you. I love you. Debbie.


Julie said...

didn't see the interview but i will definately look it up on the net! love to read your writing, i can sooo here you talking and see you & your hands moving around while doing so! :)
love the "oh...oh..oh part"!!
i'm glad you are connecting with people who have cancer & knowing that how you are living is right on with all those who are fighters & over achievers & just down right good people!! you rock!

stephanie said...

I saw that the interview was on TV and I though about you. I didn't get to watch but it sounds like it was really good. I'm glad you were able to relate and possibly see that some things you are feeling are normal for someone in your situation. You are right you have a great support team! You have such an awsome outlook on life.
