Wednesday, January 7, 2009

First week of the new year..

Subbing again today. Well, head start.. 4 yr. olds. I now remember why I stopped at one.. haha..
I told myself the first of the year I would stay home, get organized and get my new plans started.. and here I am subbing this week.. all but Friday. Honestly, I think it's the interaction with the staff here at the school.. they are a fun group of ladies who I enjoy being around.

I had another inspiring story from a friend last night.. a relative of theirs found out she had cancer, and our freind referred them to my blog.. hoping to help them cope. I'm thrilled that I can give others a place to go and read about someone else who's dealing with some of the same issues. Another goal this year, get people together here locally so we can visit and talk if we want to or just play games :-). I tell you, there is a special bond when you talk with someone who has cancer with you.. like a blood brother or sister you've never known. Sorry for rambling, kids are down for a nap. :-) I'll check back in tomorrow. Have a great day. Debbie

1 comment:

Julie said...

it's good to have adult interaction! glad to hear your blog is helping so many people for different reasons! you are great!