Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bad Dream

I'm glad I believe that dreams don't always mean that is what will happen. I've even looked things up in dream books before.. just for kicks.. Last night wasn't a good dream. This morning I find myself a little upset, but continue to remind myself it was only a dream. I can't help but think of how it "could" be a reality though.. makes it a little tough. Yes, I have put this in gods hands.. and I continue to LIVE every moment of every day.. but sometimes in our lives we do the out of site out of mind theory and it comes back to haunt you.. I know that is a negative way to look at it.. sorry. The thing I worry about the most, I guess, is the time between Dr. visits is to long and that one day when I walk in there I'll be told my body is full of cancer and there's nothing they can do.. then again, on a positive note, so you all won't think I'm completely negative.. is that when they zapped me with radiation immediately after surgery that they got all the cells that were there.. Ok, so out of all my recent good days.. here is ONE bad day... well, let's just say morning.. this afternoon could totally be better.. Thanks so much for being here to listen.. just getting out what my mind is saying to itself (little crazy) helps. Love to you all. Debbie


Anonymous said...

All you have to do is tap me on the shoulder and tell me you are having a bad day. I'll do every thing in my power to make it better. I LOVE YOU! Sorry I did not notice.Your Hubby.

stephanie said...

I'm really sorry to hear that you are having a rough start to the day.
You are such a positive person, but you are like the rest of us and you worry like everyone else. The difference is you worry about cancer. It's ok to have bad days just remember those the times you need to use your support system and let someone help you however they can.
Keep your spirits us, I know it can be difficult at times. Alot of people are praying for you to help you get through this. I'll be sure to say an extra prayer for you today to help take away some of the pain and worry you are feeling.


brennan said...

Ok, should I expect a call from you later? You know I am always here for you even if you just need to cry with someone listening. If I know you (and I do) you will kick those thoughts right out the window and move on happily. It's ok to think about things because it makes you apprieciate what you have even more. Just don't let those thoughts run your life. If you need me I'll be here. Love Ya

Anonymous said...

Deb, your gonna laugh at this one, I had a dream I was with NOT Curtis but OBAMA OMGOSH!!!! What was that dream all about??#@! Absolutly nothing just the crazy things we see on TV and hear everyday make up our crazy dreams. Don't let your crazy dream take another moment of your beautiful day :) Love ya!! Mel PS: don't ya dare tell my Curt about this or he will freak..... HA HA

Julie said...

Don't read too much into it; dreams are a mixture of our day, our thoughts, what we see....I wish you many wonderful, peaceful dreams from now on!