Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sorry I'm Late

Well good morning.. been a fast paced morning.. I'll be subbing the next 2 days so I decided to visit and see where I'll be going.. I'm getting ready to finalize the details with DARBY.. I hope.. I hope to get him before the weekend.. so i can stand around in the mirror and look at and entertain myself.. :-) (ya'll know I will be) curt said i'll probably be sitting on the couch in it.. he could be right.. one thing you gotta know.. this is a large costume.. no High School Mascot.. this is the for real deal.. we have a lot of events coming up in the near future that I see myself going to.. gotta get in it and practice.. :-) I've never been good at patience.. (haha) glad fall is around the corner.. that will help keep me cool. So Chey's school is going good, she loves it. We're a little crowded in the house right now.. our nephew is staying with us while grandma (mother-in-law) is in Colorado for 3 weeks.. (something wrong with that picture) but we are doing ok.. he needs us.. he needs structure and he needs a true family.. but let me tell ya .. that 16 year old boy can EAT.. so I hope all of you are doing good. I hope I'm not boring you with my day to day.. it's better than the alternative.. ya know.. but keep praying for me.. it keeps me positive and believing. Love to you all. Debbie


Colleen said...

Girl, you sound great! Sorry about the insomnia, that has gotta suck. And the not being a 100%, but dang, it sounds like you are doing better than the rest of us slackers! Can't wait to see Darby in action :) Glad Chey is liking school!! I love reading and y'all are in my thoughts and prayers every day! Love, Colleen

Anonymous said...

Hey Deb, thanks for sending your blog to me. What a great way for everybody to keep up with how you are doing :) I think about ya every day!

I'm so glad Chey is liking 3rd grade so is Logan. It sure makes the day a lot eaiser when you know your child is enjoying school.

Gotta go, see ya in Alba.


Anonymous said...

I love you Darlin. You Rock my world ;-) Curt.

Julie said...

I just love reading Curt's comments to you! It's short, but so sweet & touching!
Cant wait to see DARBY!
We are gettin ready for Hurricane Ike here in east texas, so may miss a few days of blogging if we get hit hard.
Have fun subbing & enjoy ya'lls weekend! I'll be thinking about u & DARBY sittin' on the couch!! LOL

stephanie said...

It sounds like things are going good for you. I'm glad to hear that Chey is liking school. My kids like school so far this year also. Well my daughter loves school but my son usually gets sick of school pretty quickly but this year he really likes his teacher so that helps. I hope you guys have a good weekend! You continue to stay in my thoughts and prayers.
