Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday, Sept. 15th

Today started out with a long "to do" list. I was on a mission.. keeping my mind busy. Had trouble sleeping.. maybe anxious on DARBYs arrival.. kinda quiet and doing a lot of thinking in the car.. then.. a friend calls me for lunch.. perfect timing.. someone to chat with and break up the mission and deep thinking I was in. I come home to a very sweet package from a blog friend "Stephanie" someone I've never met.. yet thinking of me sent me a nice plaque with the title "Just Keep on Believing" thank you!! got another friend keeping me busy and smiling with "flair" on "facebook". so I admit to you this afternoon.. I hit a soft spot.. tears of appreciation to all that love, care and pray for me daily. yes, i'm a very outgoing, motivated, and an entergetic person who's fixing to crawl off into a mascot uniform to make people smile, be happy and encourage them to live their dream.. but I do have my moments of need.. I know god is there for me anytime and I talk to him a lot.. but yes, I'm a little selfish and want it all :-) !! (just ask Curt) And you guys always come through for me in my biggest times of need.. I love you and I thank you. For my friends and family struck by hurricane Ike.. your in our thoughts and prayers. We're here for you if you need anything.. Love to all.. Debbie

1 comment:

Julie said...

I'm so glad you started the blog. It's been so rewarding for you & your friends have shown us all what true friends are. You are so deserving of these friends and their actions. Stay strong & we love ya!