Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sept. 13th

Hello all.. So glad to hear our friends seem to be doing ok down Houston way. I pray for speedy electricity recovery.. we got lucky.. wind and rain but nothing to heavy.. since i've been in the house all day.. i've been "fall" cleaning instead of spring cleaning.. our house is so cluttered.. i have several bags of trash.. just need to get them out of here really quick so i don't dig back through and get some of it out.. (haha) feeling good.. my backs been hurting.. i get occasional odd pains in stomach and pelvic area.. of course my mind ask.. is it cancer.. but i beat those thoughts out as soon as they come.. :-) hope everyone remains safe and dry this weekend. our doors remain open for those without power or suffering from the hurricane. Love Debbie


stephanie said...

I'm glad you guys are out of the way of the hurricane. I was thinking about everyone down there and I hope everyone is safe.

It sounds like subbing went well. My weekend was about as boring as they come. I don't think I left the house all weekend. It was definatly a lazy movie weekend. It was raining all weekend up here. I continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.


Julie said...

We got a generator today, so we have it wired into the house. Run it every few hours to keep the frig. cold & its nice to have "real" lights at night. never lost water & have gas hot water heater, so that's been great! Elec. may be back on by thurs. or friday! we sure are eaten good! cleanin' out the frig & freezers!
glad your spirits are still good and can't wait to see some pics of u & darby!