Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Lunch, Backpack, and dresses oh my..

First Day of School for Chey... Here we go.. :-) without saying.. i think she's a little nervous. woke up last night throwing up and having an upset stomach.. I know she's excited.. just first day jitters. I'm making to do list for me.. kinda excited myself about having a little free time. I signed up last night on American Cancer Society website.. saw a chat for rare cancers.. i threw my type cancer out there hoping to hear from someone.. we'll see. I've realized after my last Dr. appt. I'm still effected by his last words.. I said.. "so I'm safe for 2 months" and he said "nothing in life is safe" get out there and live.. hummm. Curt's the same way, but said maybe it's his way of talking to cancer patients since he does it every day. I'm not dwelling on it.. but .. Anyway.. I'm excited about Darby and getting him a visitation schedule together.. :-) so that's where i'm gonna focus my efforts.. I'm hoping i get him this week.. gotta run.. get Chey off to school. You guys have a great day. I'll holler at ya'll soon. Love Debbie


Anonymous said...

My 3rd grade baby just can't wait to get back in school. I send my love and thanks to everyone who has been there for my wife. You can not imagine how much it means to her when you guys reply. It's her safety net for support and strenght. You guys are angles that surrond her if you need to know how much it means. Thanks again from my heart and may God bless you all. Curt.

Colleen said...

First day of school!!!! I hope the jitters wore off and Chey had an awesome day! Luke and Ryan started last week...Can't wait to meet Darby ;)
Hugs and prayers to y'all, Loveya!

stephanie said...

My son started school today also, my daughter was crying (she said she was going to miss her big brother all day). She starts school next week. Summer went by so fast, I'm not ready for it to be over. Of course you being in Texas you don't have to think about winter like I do in Michigan.

About what the doctor said to you, I wouldn't let that bother you. He possibly just wants people to go out and enjoy everyday and live life to the fullest. Sometimes we all get caught up in the day to day that we don't really enjoy life like we should. He is probably used to working with cancer patients and sees how fragile life is and wants everyone to live with no regrets. Health wise I think you will be fine especially with all your prayer warriors on your side. Talk to you soon.


Julie said...

Hope Chey had a great 1st day!
I totally agree with Stephanie said about what the Doctor said. Focus on Darby and your wonderful family and have a great day everyday! You continue to be in all our thoughts & prayers!! BELIEVE!!!!

Anonymous said...

Got a wonderful trip and also a good experience through reading through the article

Anonymous said...

A few great tips. Effectively thought out

Anonymous said...

Great! Cheers for doing this article! It was very beneficial.