Monday, September 22, 2008

Helloooo Bloggers

Happy Monday! Hope you all had a good weekend. How am I? Tired.. very busy weekend with Darby, cheerleading, church, taking Chey to the fair.. but that's what livings all about. We're happy, having fun and living.. :-) I've had a few awesome quotes come my way that I'm adding on the right side.. be sure to read. They are my gift to you.. an inspiration if your not living life to the fullest to start doing so now.. don't wait.. especially don't until you get hit over the head with news like I did. I'm not saying we weren't living good before the news.. we're just learning not to pass up opportunities, don't look for excuses, and don't let stresses in your life take over who you are. I know this is a deep subject.. but it's whats on my mind and had to share.. Thank you all for checking in and reading and posting that you enjoy coming here to read.. now let this message go with you today, smile.. high five or hug someone out of the ordinary and see how it changes your day and theirs. Love you all. Debbie


Anonymous said...

Now I ask anyone who reads these post, Did Debbie have the apple fall far from the tree with Cheyenne? I only have one word for it. Identical!!!! I love you Both. Curt.

stephanie said...

Sounds like you had a fun and very busy weekend. The fair looks really fun. I didn't go on any rides this year at the fair. My kids are at 2 different ends of the fair now, 1 is still at the little kids side and the other is at the big kid side, they love the rides.
I hope you have a good week. Talk to you soon.


Julie said...

Glad to see smiling kids at the fair with DARBY. Thanks for the new quote, great one! (You should start a book) :)
Trailride dates: This weekend in Anderson, Oct. 18 Kick-Off Ride - they've moved the campsite from Coldspring to a place near Shepherd....let us know if you can make one sometime!

Anonymous said...

I forgot the fair was going on, thanks for the reminder! I love going to fairs and stuff with Logan we always have so much fun!!! :) When he starts wanting to ride the big stuff I'm in trouble, I guess it's age hitting me but anything that moves too fast or goes up and down makes me sick.........That sounds like all the rides doesn't it?? :) Well, at least I can still be fun at the fair for another year or two.

We beat Mineola, Yeah!!!! You do a great job with the cheer girls they were soooooo cute!