Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Deb's Hodgepodge Brain

Where did this week go..?? You know if you opened my brain, you would get dizzy from all the things flowing through it.. you should see me fighting with myself to decide what topic I want to talk about with you guys.. So I'm gonna throw my hodgepodge out there and you can pick what to reply to. :-)
Medicine - my cancer dr prescribed an anti-depressent for me to work for me for my hot flashes. I'm nervous about taking it.. addiction (says none) i've heard they are hard to get off of.. they can make you gain or lose weight.. he said he prefers this over hormones because they don't work well with Cancer.. dunno.. still haven't started taking them.. it's called Effexor. I've looked on the internet.. sounds ok.. just can't make myself do it.. whadaido?
Favorite commercial.. just saw a commercial that is so me and curt it's for Bridgestone.. where the guy makes his truck a helmet.. if you haven't seen it.. watch for it.. crack me up. oh and did i tell you me, curt and Chey have the I SAID A BEEF HOT LINK .. commercial memorized.. I love it.. you see this one a lot on Football days.. you can also see it on youtube.. so us..
I don't know why, but this last week I've signed up on Am. Cancer Society website, and found a website with some of the coolest cancer t-shirts.. it's like i told curt.. am i just now accepting that i have cancer.. maybe a new phase.. not sure.. they have some great sayings on the shirts.. one says - my cancer is rarer than your cancer.. another says I'm "radiant".. or if I have one more MRI i'll stick to the fridge.. intersting phase i think.. I'm feeling ok.. frequent back pain. sometimes i wonder ... is that cancer.. maybe another phase.. since i'm off for 2 months.. but all in all.. i'm thankful.. so there.. a little hodgepodge from the brain of Debbie.. and if you think that's it... your wrong.. but I could go on forever.. (cheerleading, school, Darby, working, stuff to do around the house, family.. you'd be scared to be in this brain.. Now.. get back to work.. :-) I'll talk to you soon. pick a subject to write me about.. :-) love ya'll.. Deb


Julie said...

OK, I know I always say stuff like this....but I just love what you write, it cracks me up and it's just SO YOU! I'm happy that you have so much on the brain to think about besides "the cancer"! That's great you are doing so much for your life right now and your family & also thinking of others. Like the cancer t-shirts!! The "my cancer is rarer than your cancer" is funny and so is the MRI one!
Are you going to travel with Darby? Or just see where it takes you? Can't wait to meet him!
OH, I think we need to have a "blog" party! Don't know when it could happen, but I'd love to meet all the "regular bloggers" and I know you've never met Stephanie, so just a thought for the future!! Think it would be fun to meet the "Blog Support Team"! Great reading your thoughts & chatting with ya! JULIE :)

brennan said...
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brennan said...

Ok, you have fun with Darby Belvill Sallee, I can see your personality coming through in his face. We love you and continue to pray for you Curt and Chey.

Here is my quote.....

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.

stephanie said...

Wow you do have alot going on in your brain!
About the mecidine maybe you could try it for 2 weeks (give it a chance to work) and see if you get the results you were hoping for if not then quit taking it. I don't think you will get addicted and it might be worth a try if it provides some relief.
This week really has flew by. I can't believe tomorrow is already friday. Not that I'm complaining about that! I hope you have a good weekend.
You and your family continue to stay in my thoughts and prayers. Talk to you soon.


Colleen said...

Girl you crack me up!! GO MEAT!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl,
My hubby was on effexor for a while, no addictions but, he was still stressed so they put him on cymbalta instead. Glad your doing OK! Talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

HeyDeb: Go for the anti-depressants over the hormos. I have been on Lexpro for 4 years and Mack has been on Celexa since 2002. Try it, if there are problems talk openly with the Drs. and have them change it until it fits YOU!!!!!! We were both suicidal. Now we are at least get-alongable. But I do need to tell you that you are a natural high with nothing in you. Your smile is the best anti-depressiant that I have ever had the good fortune to be medicated with.