Thursday, September 25, 2008


Hey there.. so sorry I'm late getting to you guys.. most of you probably won't get this till tomorrow. Today I did some chillin... and relaxing.. which mixed together is "chillaxing" :-) something everyone needs to do once in a while.. I even cancelled cheer practice.. and we have a bye this weekend.. it's just been entirely to busy around here.. so some deep breaths let em out slowly.. so I looked at the calendar and see that my Dr. appt. isn't until Oct. 23rd... sigh.. i know that is good.. but either I'm addicted to CT Scans or I just like KNOWING.. ya know.. I Believe.. and I'm strong.. and I'm enjoying life.. .. but I feel things.. little aches that make me wonder.. is that it.. what if... I don't want to be saying later I should have went with my gut.. I should have checked it out ... ya know.. I do believe and trust in god and if and when it's my time it's my time.. however, the mother and wife instinct in me worries about everything and everyone else around me. Don't know why everytime I sit here to write on this blog I come to this.. well, I do, It's like my journal.. It is my journal.. just open to the public to read.. (haha) You see what happens when I chill and don't keep myself busy.. my mind goes south.. i'm going to start focusing on my special Sunday.. this Sunday I'm getting baptized.. very special.. don't let this blog upset you or make you think I'm depressed.. I'm doing ok.. I just enjoy getting it out.. i think supressing it is worse.. thanks for listening.. holler back at ya'll soon. Love Debbie


Colleen said...

I'm so glad you come here to write and let it all out...I cannot imagine how hard it is, the not knowing, the wondering. Funny that you mention that "when it's your time, it's your time"...Luke's favorite song is "It's Not My Time" by 3 Doors Down and we crank it up on the radio and I think about's not your time girl, you ain't going. I'll be thinking about you Sunday! Love you!! Big hugs and bigger prayers, Colleen

shellyb said...

Glad to hear that your just chillin!!!! I love the pictures of Darby at the boys and girls club!! It's funny that Colleen mentioned 3 doors down song I heard it last night and thought of you(really wierd uh?) Hope all goes well Sunday!! I thought about that scene in O Brother where art thou when that guy goes to the river and gets baptized so funny anyways thinking of you guys stay strong and always believe!! I love you and hope to see you soon(hopefully it will all workout so we can go get the wits scared out of us together what's left anyways ha ha) be good love ya

Julie said...

Love the latest 3 quotes! Very meaningful & true! I'm glad too that you come here to write to us; it truly makes us all reflect on ourselves & our lives! Dont ever feel "bad" writing to us your thoughts; that's your "therapy" if you will, and we are all here to help you through each day. You are doing great with living your life to the utmost fullest and I'm so glad to know someone as strong & energetic & positive as you are. You are an inspiration to so many people! I know Sunday will be an emotional time for everyone - will be thinking of you tomorrow! :)
Hope to see you soon!