Thursday, October 9, 2008

No CT Scan scheduled (bummer)

Ok, so I called my cancer Dr. to ask if they "meant" to schedule a CT scan before my next appt. on the 24th. Fingers crossed that they would say yes. That is always my definate answer that there isn't anything going on inside. ya know. Dr. says it's still a little to soon for another CT Scan.. apparently the radiation is still working it's "magic" and they don't feel it's necessary. SO.. I'm gonna take that deep sigh breath.. and continue living and moving forward. Here's something funny.. I find myself asking the question.. am I considered a survivor?? Although the answer should seem like a yes, I'm still in the fight.. I haven't been released or anything like that and mine won't go away.. anyway.. I found this awesome website with great cancer awareness t-shirts and I want to get a couple.. because oddly enough when you are talking to people and find someone else that has cancer you develop this immediate relationship with them.. or at least I do.. (never meeting a stranger) so I thought getting a couple would help bring others out (as if they were hiding it) but my strength with others could help us fight a better fight. I know I haven't talked about the cancer in a while.. it doesn't mean it still isn't in and circling my inner brain.. :-) am I worrying.. yes and no.. But I'm not sad or depressed. I'm planning a little trip for my family next week. (1 week before my next Dr. visit) 1 - to celebrate mine and Curts 13th wedding anniversary. (10/28) 2 - have fun before going to the doctor.. (I always get worked up before a big appt.) Feels so good writing my thoughts out.. maybe after sharing it will leave my brain a little. :-) Thanks for listening. God Bless. Debbie


Unknown said...

Enjoy your family trip and forget about the doctor's appointment for a while. The trip will be fun and the leaves in the Ozarks should be spectacular!

Anonymous said...

Debbie, your a survivor in my book. You are an amazing person I'm so honored and happy to know you. You light up a room with your laughter and smiles!!! Keep the verse in mind that I sent you the other day. ( Proverbs 3:5 and 6, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.) When I start to worry about stuff that is completely out of my hands I always think of this verse, I actually keep it stuck to my computer monitor, I have to read it alot. I'm a worrier ya know!! :) Leave your worries in God's hands and have a great trip!!


Julie said...

Can't wait to see pics from the family trip - ENJOY! Thinking of ya'll!