Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Update from trip and this week

Hey there.. hope all are doing well.. The Branson trip was fantastic! Weather was beautiful, rode with the windows down, takin in all the sights and smells.. it was perfect. Naturally, I had an organized schedule once we hit Branson.. , caverns, magic, Dixie Stampede, rode a train, visited the Titanic, Butterfly museum.. etc.. but I did leave a day to look around at our own leisure.. that was fun too but Curt and Chey were so use to me and my schedule the seemed lost and kept asking what next.. I have a few pictures to share (slideshow on right) most of the shows and things we visited didn't allow cameras. So yesteday was a blur unpacking and all.. cheer practice for Chey with her competition team. I worked pretty much all night on my cheer teams music and dance they moved our competition up by 2 weeks. (yikes) but after the all nighter I think I'm there. So comes Thursday, my doctors appt. ready to ask my questions and get my answers. Although he has never treated me bad and has always spent time answering everything.. I don't feel I have enough to go on or a good understanding where I am on the priority list.. I thought with this being so rare I would get more attention.. maybe even start making the history books.. ya know.. but I haven't really seen that.. I'm not to worried.. staying to busy for that.. but I do ask that you pray for me this week, a good report, answers and peace of mind.. Love to you all. Debbie


Anonymous said...

Hey girlie I just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you and you are always in my prayer's. Love ya and miss you. Love ya Patti.

Colleen said...

Love the pics from your trip!!! Looks like y'all had blast! Love ya, Colleen