Monday, October 13, 2008

Busy times

My how time is flying.. and is it me or does it seem like every weekend is filled from now to December.. we have birthdays galore, halloween, Thanksgiving and so on.. everything to keep my mind busy and focused.. this week Thur. through Sunday we will be going out of town to Branson, Mo. pretty excited about that.. celebrating our anniversary. I'm also going through the volunteer process at the hospital so Darby and I can visit. :-) And Darby has been invited to help with Red Ribbon week and awards at our local school.. Very fun. Busy schedule.. busy times.. and squeeze in that little Dr. appt. next week. :-) Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Take Care. Deb.


stephanie said...

So an anniversary trip to Branson, MO that sounds like fun. My husband (Sean) and I just had our anniversary (1 year) last week October 6th.
I know what you mean about the busy season. At our house we have birthdays in Dec, Jan, Feb, and March. Plus all the other birthdays, showers, and Holidays. There really is something every weekend.
Enjoy your vacation. As always you are in my throughts and prayers.


Julie said...

Like the slideshow of pics you added. Branson will be beautiful this time of year - ya'll have a great time! I'll be thinking about ya'll on the ride in Coldspring this weekend :)

Colleen said...

A trip to Branson!!! How fun!! Y'all have a super time!!