Thursday, October 23, 2008

2 more months

Great news!! Two more months before I go back. Things look good.. he didn't feel any abnormalties.. he said they will continue to check the pelvic area and a ct scan will be done in December... if all looks good they will spread them out longer.. (dunno if i like that part) but we'll wait and see.. he also said they will continue to keep a close eye (ct scans) on the chest area since that has the soft tissue that this type cancer likes to attack (little scary) regardless the news was good.. thank you for your support and prayers.. sometimes my head says .. thank you don't seem like enough to you guys ... but my heart says you know. I'll be back tomorrow. See you then. Love Debbie


Anonymous said...

Great news Debbie!

A new quote for you I found today.
From the missionary heart of Karen Watson...
"Care more than other people think is wise"
"Risk more than some think is safe"
"Dream more than some think is practical"
"Expect more than some think is possible"

Love ya,

Julie said...

SO glad you are relieved with the great news! Keep living everyday to the fullest; you make us all strive to do the same! Thank You!!