Tuesday, October 28, 2008

13 years.. :-)

Today Curt and I celebrate 13 years of marriage.. And it's truly a celebration. Ups and downs.. yep, arguements, yep and life challenges.. double yes... but a marriage strong enough to make it through all of this is truly a blessing. Curt is my strength during my most difficult times.. an incident that will never leave my mind was at a doctors appt., him knowing I was scared.. stood up held me in his arms and said.. I give you my strength.. I lost it right there.. it's so easy to get in a routine of life.. and lose focus of how blessed we really are. This year has been an eye opener for our family and an opportunity to appreciate and celebrate all that we have. Learning again to focus on what is important in life and enjoy and live every moment to the fullest. Unfortunately, Curt is traveling to Los Angeles today and returning late tomorrow night.. I pray for safe travels for him and I pray that you all get the same opportunity to look into your lives and see your blessings. Love to you all. Debbie


Anonymous said...

HAPPY 13th Deb and Curt!!!

Love ya,
Mel & Curtis

Anonymous said...

I have the most thoughtful and loving wife in the world. That's my own opinion. Love you darling. Curt!

brennan said...

Happy thirteen years you guys. You car catching up with me and Johnny (going on 15)......Enjoy each other and always be there for each other......Tell Chey we hope she feels better.

stephanie said...

Happy Anniversary! 13 years I'm impressed.
You guys seem to have a really great marriage. It's great that you can be there for each other during the ups and downs of life.
