Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's Cheer Tuesday..

Hello my friends and family.. Hope you all are doing well.. I'm busy today working on cheerleading stuff.. although we are a pee wee football team.. we have 1 competition that we go to in November and compete against the other cheerleaders in our league.. kinda like our "superbowl". We have to do a cheer, chant and a 2 minute dance.. I'm mixing music, creating a dance and so on.. fun, time consuming.. but I love it. Then Chey is on a competition cheer team Spirit of Tyler.. she loves that so much.. my little "mini me" :-) so proud. Got a call back from the hospital about DARBY visiting.. just gotta go through a short volunteer program and we'll be in like flin.. so much going on.. Oh and did I mention Curt and I will be celebrating 13 years of marriage in October.. Wow.. we need a trophy.. (haha) so today I'm rambling.. hope you've enjoyed hearing my wheels spin.. I'll check back in with ya tomorrow.. remember to
Live, Laugh and Love like theres no tomorrow!! Love Debbie

Monday, September 29, 2008

Hey there..

Hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was filled with entertainment at a Mud Bog, a New Start... I was Baptized, followed by fun with friends and a disappointing loss by the Dallas Cowboys. I was so exciting to have friends and family show up to support my Baptism.. what a wonderful experience for us all. Thanks again for coming.. Did any of you take my advice from last week and spend some good ol fun with your family.. something out of the ordinary? If you didn't shame on you. (just picking on ya) I took a little week off from cheerleading and will be hitting it hard again this week. No luck last week on phone calls to get in to see the kiddos in the hospital so I think a surprise visit this week is in my plans.. Enjoy your day today and I'll be in touch. Love Debbie

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Hey there.. so sorry I'm late getting to you guys.. most of you probably won't get this till tomorrow. Today I did some chillin... and relaxing.. which mixed together is "chillaxing" :-) something everyone needs to do once in a while.. I even cancelled cheer practice.. and we have a bye this weekend.. it's just been entirely to busy around here.. so some deep breaths let em out slowly.. so I looked at the calendar and see that my Dr. appt. isn't until Oct. 23rd... sigh.. i know that is good.. but either I'm addicted to CT Scans or I just like KNOWING.. ya know.. I Believe.. and I'm strong.. and I'm enjoying life.. .. but I feel things.. little aches that make me wonder.. is that it.. what if... I don't want to be saying later I should have went with my gut.. I should have checked it out ... ya know.. I do believe and trust in god and if and when it's my time it's my time.. however, the mother and wife instinct in me worries about everything and everyone else around me. Don't know why everytime I sit here to write on this blog I come to this.. well, I do, It's like my journal.. It is my journal.. just open to the public to read.. (haha) You see what happens when I chill and don't keep myself busy.. my mind goes south.. i'm going to start focusing on my special Sunday.. this Sunday I'm getting baptized.. very special.. don't let this blog upset you or make you think I'm depressed.. I'm doing ok.. I just enjoy getting it out.. i think supressing it is worse.. thanks for listening.. holler back at ya'll soon. Love Debbie

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It's Hump Day !!

We've made it through the first two days and on the down hill slide for the week.!! Today I'll be working on trying to get permission to get into the hospitals in Tyler to visit sick children.. to give them a smile for the day and hope. Sure just walking in as Darby could work.. I mean who could turn that wonderful face down.. but I want to be able to do it regularly..
Still having those deep thoughts and what if's.. going through my head.. I don't want to worry but as a female, mother and wife.. I think it's our nature to do this a little. I'm a believer and won't let it take over my day.. Think I'll put Curt's "Mr. Incredible" costume on and tackle the day. (sorry Curt) Keep me and our family in your prayers. Love Deb

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tuesday, Sept. 23

Hope you guys survived your Monday. It was good for me. I've started taking a new drink that is suppose to be good for me.. a blend of fruit and vegetables.. I can assure you I don't eat enough of either.. actually we all started taking it. Excited about that. Got a call that one of my cheerleaders grandmother passed away.. she was raising her with her dad. kinda upsetting and I'm not gonna lie.. it once again hits home for me. Although I may live another 100 years and be the coolest granny you ever seen.. I want everything to be in order for my family. So this week, I will be getting my will notarized.. another piece of advice to you.. if you don't have a will.. get one.. put it on your to do list.. you'd be surprised at the conversations that come up between you and your spouse when you start talking about it...it's not morbid.. it's thinking ahead and having things in order for your family. Ok.. i'm getting deep.. sorry. Still good.. still smiling.. still love talking to you all.. Oh, I got off on this message and forgot to tell you all that I'll be getting Baptized this weekend.. :-) I'm so excited.. I'll keep you posted. :-) love to you all.. Debbie

Monday, September 22, 2008

Helloooo Bloggers

Happy Monday! Hope you all had a good weekend. How am I? Tired.. very busy weekend with Darby, cheerleading, church, taking Chey to the fair.. but that's what livings all about. We're happy, having fun and living.. :-) I've had a few awesome quotes come my way that I'm adding on the right side.. be sure to read. They are my gift to you.. an inspiration if your not living life to the fullest to start doing so now.. don't wait.. especially don't until you get hit over the head with news like I did. I'm not saying we weren't living good before the news.. we're just learning not to pass up opportunities, don't look for excuses, and don't let stresses in your life take over who you are. I know this is a deep subject.. but it's whats on my mind and had to share.. Thank you all for checking in and reading and posting that you enjoy coming here to read.. now let this message go with you today, smile.. high five or hug someone out of the ordinary and see how it changes your day and theirs. Love you all. Debbie

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thur. 18th

Busy day for Debbie and Darby.. had our photo shoot today :-) running errands around town. Tonight is our homecoming parade.. I believe Darby will be making his appearance. I'm feeling good. I BELIEVE my nerves in my feet are getting better.. I've been on the blood thinners for about a month now.. It's you know theres no overnight wake up and it's all better.. but I think there may be a gradual change... that would be awesome.. I'm glad to hear some of you are getting a little relief back in the Houston area. So I'm off to get things ready for tonight. I'll be adding more Darby pics tomorrow.. if you haven't checked out his page click on the link below. Take care of you and yours.. Love Debbie

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


He's HERE!! Larger than life, DARBY arrived at my door yesterday about 3:05. He's sooo darn cute.. all of us.. me, Curt and Chey had to put him on and take a moment to entertain the family. I gotta say we are a family of entertainers.. I laughed so hard I cried with Chey in the costume.. she was hilarious.. Curt looked like DARBY on steroids.. sooo big and tall.. and very funny.. a lot of you wouldn't believe Curt had it in him to be silly.. wrong!! So DARBY will have a big schedule ahead of him.. Thur. night is our Homecoming parade, Saturday is National Kids Day in Tyler.. he has a photo shoot this week.. just like a Sallee.. DARBY will hit the floor running. I'm very excited in case you can't tell.. got some practicing to do.. glad I got him for the Fall season.. he's pretty hairy and hot.. course me being married to Curt.. you can tell I like hairy men.. (just kidding Curt). I'm still praying for you guys down Houston way without power, etc. I miss ya'll. Love Debbie a.k.a. DARBY

Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday, Sept. 15th

Today started out with a long "to do" list. I was on a mission.. keeping my mind busy. Had trouble sleeping.. maybe anxious on DARBYs arrival.. kinda quiet and doing a lot of thinking in the car.. then.. a friend calls me for lunch.. perfect timing.. someone to chat with and break up the mission and deep thinking I was in. I come home to a very sweet package from a blog friend "Stephanie" someone I've never met.. yet thinking of me sent me a nice plaque with the title "Just Keep on Believing" thank you!! got another friend keeping me busy and smiling with "flair" on "facebook". so I admit to you this afternoon.. I hit a soft spot.. tears of appreciation to all that love, care and pray for me daily. yes, i'm a very outgoing, motivated, and an entergetic person who's fixing to crawl off into a mascot uniform to make people smile, be happy and encourage them to live their dream.. but I do have my moments of need.. I know god is there for me anytime and I talk to him a lot.. but yes, I'm a little selfish and want it all :-) !! (just ask Curt) And you guys always come through for me in my biggest times of need.. I love you and I thank you. For my friends and family struck by hurricane Ike.. your in our thoughts and prayers. We're here for you if you need anything.. Love to all.. Debbie

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sept. 13th

Hello all.. So glad to hear our friends seem to be doing ok down Houston way. I pray for speedy electricity recovery.. we got lucky.. wind and rain but nothing to heavy.. since i've been in the house all day.. i've been "fall" cleaning instead of spring cleaning.. our house is so cluttered.. i have several bags of trash.. just need to get them out of here really quick so i don't dig back through and get some of it out.. (haha) feeling good.. my backs been hurting.. i get occasional odd pains in stomach and pelvic area.. of course my mind ask.. is it cancer.. but i beat those thoughts out as soon as they come.. :-) hope everyone remains safe and dry this weekend. our doors remain open for those without power or suffering from the hurricane. Love Debbie

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Holy smoke I'm tired...

Wow.. today's sub job was busy.. I swear every kid in my 4 classes had to go to the bathroom.. it was an emergency.. and if not, they needed to get something from their locker.. and if not that they needed to go to the nurse.. I could write a cute book of excuses to sub teachers and I bet people would buy it for laughter.. then I had cheer practice.. I'm tired.. Bet I get a good nights sleep tonight.. well I hope so.. I sub again tomorrow but in Life Skills children with severe disabilities.. only 4 of them. I think they have a hard time getting subs for that class.. I'm kinda attracted to those kiddos..
So Darby shipped but I won't get him till Tues. (bummer) I'm praying for you all who may be in the line of the hurricane.. things will be fine.. again, you are welcome to come to see me. I love company. Take care.. I'll talk to you guys tomorrow. Love Debbie

Let's Have A Hurricane Party!!

Friends.. you are welcome at the Sallee house anytime.. come on down. We have 30 acres, bring yer campers or we'll make room. I'm serious.. me casa is su casa.. (think that's how you say it) I'm subbing today.. 5th graders.. uh.. what was I thinking.. no.. really not to bad.. I got a good nights sleep last night.. felt reeeeeeaaaallllyyyy good.. I'm gonna write back tonight.. the kiddos are asking 100 questions to keep from doing their work or to get the answers.. :-) talk to you soon.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sorry I'm Late

Well good morning.. been a fast paced morning.. I'll be subbing the next 2 days so I decided to visit and see where I'll be going.. I'm getting ready to finalize the details with DARBY.. I hope.. I hope to get him before the weekend.. so i can stand around in the mirror and look at and entertain myself.. :-) (ya'll know I will be) curt said i'll probably be sitting on the couch in it.. he could be right.. one thing you gotta know.. this is a large costume.. no High School Mascot.. this is the for real deal.. we have a lot of events coming up in the near future that I see myself going to.. gotta get in it and practice.. :-) I've never been good at patience.. (haha) glad fall is around the corner.. that will help keep me cool. So Chey's school is going good, she loves it. We're a little crowded in the house right now.. our nephew is staying with us while grandma (mother-in-law) is in Colorado for 3 weeks.. (something wrong with that picture) but we are doing ok.. he needs us.. he needs structure and he needs a true family.. but let me tell ya .. that 16 year old boy can EAT.. so I hope all of you are doing good. I hope I'm not boring you with my day to day.. it's better than the alternative.. ya know.. but keep praying for me.. it keeps me positive and believing. Love to you all. Debbie

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


So I went to bed around 10pm.. went right to sleep only to be up wide awake at 2.. 4 hours is usually all I can get at night.. got up.. took a bath and was able to get back to sleep for a while.. I really don't know what keeps me awake at night.. I'm really not worrying about anything.. my head is busy.. but that's always been normal for me. I do get frustrated that I don't have the strength and endurance I use to.. but ya know I do expect miracles.. I just realized I'm only 5 months out from when I had surgery.. and only a little over a month from my last radiation.. guess I need to remind myself that every once in a while.. well.. every day.. cuz that's how often I "overdo" it.. so that's me putting a positive spin on my health.. :-) If you guys have any suggestons on sleep aids I'd love to hear them.. Thanks for checking in.. I'll get back to ya soon.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

It's a new week..

Hope you all had a great weekend.. My cheerleaders looked good at their first game.. we still need work but they had fun. I was exhausted after the game.. took a little more out of me than I expected. Curt and I went out for drinks at a little local club Friday night.. long overdue for a little time together.. we had a really good time. Oh, did I mention it was Karaoke night. :-) yes, we both belted out a couple of songs.. good thing is there couldn't have been more than about 30 people there.. Confession time. I was suppose to go today (Mon.) for an ENG with the new nerve Dr. .. decided not to.. I figure if I'm gonna be off from the Cancer Dr. I should be off from all Dr.'s. Besides, we know the nerves are dead and can't be repaird.. so why do I need to be poked and prodded a second time..?? and that crap hurts. Got a lot going this week.. having lunch with an old friend.. I'll be subbing a couple of days and a to do list a mile long.. But biggest of all.. DARBY should be shipping this week. :-) He'll be like a new child into the family.. does that make me Bipolar? Ya'll don't be calling Rusk State Hospital just yet.. (haha) So, I'm in good spirits.. feeling pretty good.. my goal this week is to get on my meds regularly.. I'm so hit and miss and I know that isn't good. However, I'm still not going to start on the Effexor.. thanks to all who shared about the Effexor.. it helped me feel that the choice I've made is the right one. So I'll go for now. Take care and I'll talk to you soon. Love Deb

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Deb's Hodgepodge Brain

Where did this week go..?? You know if you opened my brain, you would get dizzy from all the things flowing through it.. you should see me fighting with myself to decide what topic I want to talk about with you guys.. So I'm gonna throw my hodgepodge out there and you can pick what to reply to. :-)
Medicine - my cancer dr prescribed an anti-depressent for me to work for me for my hot flashes. I'm nervous about taking it.. addiction (says none) i've heard they are hard to get off of.. they can make you gain or lose weight.. he said he prefers this over hormones because they don't work well with Cancer.. dunno.. still haven't started taking them.. it's called Effexor. I've looked on the internet.. sounds ok.. just can't make myself do it.. whadaido?
Favorite commercial.. just saw a commercial that is so me and curt it's for Bridgestone.. where the guy makes his truck a helmet.. if you haven't seen it.. watch for it.. crack me up. oh and did i tell you me, curt and Chey have the I SAID A BEEF HOT LINK .. commercial memorized.. I love it.. you see this one a lot on Football days.. you can also see it on youtube.. so us..
I don't know why, but this last week I've signed up on Am. Cancer Society website, and found a website with some of the coolest cancer t-shirts.. it's like i told curt.. am i just now accepting that i have cancer.. maybe a new phase.. not sure.. they have some great sayings on the shirts.. one says - my cancer is rarer than your cancer.. another says I'm "radiant".. or if I have one more MRI i'll stick to the fridge.. intersting phase i think.. I'm feeling ok.. frequent back pain. sometimes i wonder ... is that cancer.. maybe another phase.. since i'm off for 2 months.. but all in all.. i'm thankful.. so there.. a little hodgepodge from the brain of Debbie.. and if you think that's it... your wrong.. but I could go on forever.. (cheerleading, school, Darby, working, stuff to do around the house, family.. you'd be scared to be in this brain.. Now.. get back to work.. :-) I'll talk to you soon. pick a subject to write me about.. :-) love ya'll.. Deb

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Lunch, Backpack, and dresses oh my..

First Day of School for Chey... Here we go.. :-) without saying.. i think she's a little nervous. woke up last night throwing up and having an upset stomach.. I know she's excited.. just first day jitters. I'm making to do list for me.. kinda excited myself about having a little free time. I signed up last night on American Cancer Society website.. saw a chat for rare cancers.. i threw my type cancer out there hoping to hear from someone.. we'll see. I've realized after my last Dr. appt. I'm still effected by his last words.. I said.. "so I'm safe for 2 months" and he said "nothing in life is safe" get out there and live.. hummm. Curt's the same way, but said maybe it's his way of talking to cancer patients since he does it every day. I'm not dwelling on it.. but .. Anyway.. I'm excited about Darby and getting him a visitation schedule together.. :-) so that's where i'm gonna focus my efforts.. I'm hoping i get him this week.. gotta run.. get Chey off to school. You guys have a great day. I'll holler at ya'll soon. Love Debbie