Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wuz up

Today Chey was better.. we met with our pastor for lunch.. she talked a little... course i wanted her to get it all out and be over it .. thats just me.. i think she'd do good with a lady.. dang if she isn't like me in so many ways.. (ya'll quit shaking your heads) i'm starting her blog.. :-) her friend invited her to spend the night tonight.. she was thrilled.. i'm thinking her getting out of the house is good for her.. it is so quiet here.. not sure what to do with myself.. but kinda enjoy it.. can't remember the last time i had alone time.. course i can't do it for long periods of time.. I'll drive myself crazy and love to talk to others to much. thank you all for your suggestions for chey.. tomorrow will be my visit with the cancer dr. it could be a long day .. they are squeezing me in which could be an all day affair.. i'll keep you posted. pray for good news.. love deb

1 comment:

Julie said...

Glad Chey had a good day....let us know the details of her blog. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.....continue to BELIEVE!!