Monday, July 7, 2008

Talks not cheap :-)

Ahhh.. no getting up and heading to Tyler for radiation.. that's really nice.. hung out in my scrappy clothes most of the day.. should have been cleaning the dang house and washing clothes.. but I think maybe tomorrow.. Cassie (my stepdaughter) has really stepped up and helped out.. I'm really tired of this continious pain in my (you know what) I've got every cream you can imagine.. just working through it a day at a time. Curt and I had a good visit this evening.. sharing our feelings and emotions about it all.. don't know what sparked it ... we've just been living the day to day.. and realized tonight how much is on our minds that we avoid talking about and should be talking about together.. this could be a new opening for us.. sharing our feelings and emotions regularly and not being scared to talk about it.. note to all couples.. talk.. it's very rewarding.


Julie said...

Thanks for the "talk" note...sometimes gets overlooked w/ all the day to day going's on...and it's a very important part of a relationship! Keep up w/ your own two are a wonderful couple...stay strong for each other. Love ya'll
PS...have 7 new puppies!!! (born July 4)

stephanie said...

I'm glad to hear that you had good 4th of July weekend! I'm sure you will enjoy the rest of your time off before you start radiation again.
Your so right about the communication part. I think we all get caught up in the everyday stuff that we neglect our relationships. I'm glad that you and Curtis are able to talk and share your feelings. It will help you get through this difficult time knowing what each other is feeling. Hang in there this will all be worth it in the end.
As always you continue to stay in my thoughts and prayers.
