Thursday, July 10, 2008

I love you guys!

Today seems to be a better day.. I worry about what my body is going through right now.. can't help but worry it's the cancer. I've got a numbing/tingle in my right foot and have frequent shooting pains through the lower abdominal area and of course the usual pain in the bootie. I'm holding tight from calling the Dr. because I'll see the radiation Dr. on Monday. That's when I start my next round of radiation. I'm sure he'll do a check on me. My next CT Scan won't be until end of August as well my next meeting with my Cancer Dr. that will be when my radiation treatment will be done and we'll see what the next course of action will be.
I want to tell you all how much I love you, I love your friendship and I love your prayers.. It's like a marriage.. I don't think I tell you enough.. :-) Even on my hardest days one or several of you guys reach out to me with a special call, text, email or write me here on the blog... and they come at the most perfect time.. you all touch me in a special way ... those who know me and those who are getting to know me by my blog. I/we appreciate it so much and are blessed to have you here for support. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

We are with you at all times. I wish that I could let you have at least a few seconds without the pain or side effects. But we are all looking for the end results and a verdict from the doctors stating,"All clear, cancer free, have a good, long life!!!!!"
You are in our prayers daily, if not much, much more often. Hugs, Kisses, Prayer, and Love,

Julie said...

Wouldn't miss helping you and the family go thru this for nothing! We love ya'll, ya'll are such great people and I so cherish our friendship!! You've helped me thru some rough times and I hope I can help you too!! Love Julie

Colleen said...

Hey there girl,
I wish there was more that I could do to help you through all this...and I know all your friends and family feel the same! You and Curt and Chey are wonderful people and if we could make the pain and 'yuck' go away we'd do whatever it takes. We love you!
Prayer and Hugs, Colleen