Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Asking for help

Quick update on me... Radiation dr. wasn't happy i was seeing a chiropractor. so i called cancer dr. today.. they squeezed in an appt for this Thur. kinda glad.. maybe i'll get directed to appropriate dr for numbness.. i pray not back to the nerve dr.

Chey has started expressing her emotions.. she started crying last night.. why, why does my family have to go through this.. blaming herself, she said she didn't want to leave my side.. i talked her into going to VBS.. tonight she threw herself on the bed started crying and told her friend at least your parents don't have cancer.. OMG.. what do I do.. her sisters went home today so i'm sure she has relied on them being here to keep her mind off things.. she got very emotional about them leaving as well. there isn't a child counselor through Am. Cancer Society.. I'm going to email our pastor.. I know she needs to talk to someone just gotta find the right person she trust.. she's really smart.. i can't explain how bad this hurts my heart for her.. any suggestions right now would be extremely helpful.. I know you guys will come through for me.. Please pray for her.. I'm thinking about starting a second blog page for her.. she isn't a great typist but reads far beyond her level.. then she won't have to share or see all that I write and can get messages on her page from you guys.. I'll let you know.


Julie said...

OK, I can ONLY imagine how sad it makes you feel that Chey is reaching this point in her reaction to this...I will start thinking and trying to ask some people about how to help her and I will definately pray for her...I'm soooo sorry that Chey and you & Curt have to deal with this. Talk to your pastor, that's a great idea, and I also think her own blog is cool....it'd probably be best she didn't read all the "adult" talk all the time. Hopefully the "Blog Group" will come up w/some great ideas & I'll email ya if I get some ideas. Hang in there girl....We love ya'll!!!

Julie said...

What about her school couns.?? School starts pretty soon...maybe you could call up there and talk to the couns. soon and get it set up for her, and that'd be free. Just a thought...I'll still try to think of other stuff.....there should be a group for kids w/ a parent that has cancer...check the hospitals and/or cancer centers for stuff like that. Or maybe even family counseling thru hospital/cancer center.

Sallee Times said...

Hey Julie thanks so much for your ideas.. i can tell this is weighing on you for emailing me 2x but i do appreciate it.. her counselor from last year is at vbs so i'll probably talk to her tomorrow. thanks for that idea. Love ya girl

Colleen said...

Oh Debbie my heart breaks for Chey, and for you and Curt (((HUGS))). Talking to your pastor and counselor are great ideas, I am sure they can find a way to help. I love the blog idea :) or even a journal or diary for when she doesn't feel like typing :) You will all be in in my thoughts and prayers...Love you!

Anonymous said...

Its tearing me up inside to hear about chey. That day was so so painfull. I wish I wouldn't of left. Every night I dream of y'all. They are so vivid it's like i'm reliving my summer up there. It's crazy. most of them i wake up and i'm so so happy but others are of when chey was crying. and i wake up and my pillow is soaked. And anytime chey needs to talk tell her to call me or you text me and i will call her. I think a blog for her is good i think she will be able to express herself and say things she may not want to say out loud. well thats how i am so let me know when she gets one. okie doke. I LOVE YOU BUNCHES AND BUNCHES!

Anonymous said...

Its tearing me up inside to hear about chey. That day was so so painfull. I wish I wouldn't of left. Every night I dream of y'all. They are so vivid it's like i'm reliving my summer up there. It's crazy. most of them i wake up and i'm so so happy but others are of when chey was crying. and i wake up and my pillow is soaked. And anytime chey needs to talk tell her to call me or you text me and i will call her. I think a blog for her is good i think she will be able to express herself and say things she may not want to say out loud. well thats how i am with a diary\journal. okie doke. Well, I LOVE YOU BUNCHES AND BUNCHES!