Thursday, September 24, 2009

Weather or not.. :-)

I love this cold... i mean cool weather :-) I can't explain how hyper it makes me feel.. maybe like my dog Tobi who when you let her outside she runs all over the place.. or the horses when they get frisky and run all through the pasture.. that is me!!! I love it.. course when you get older those little bones start aching.. this is camping weather, bon fire weather.. hanging out outside weather.. did I say I love this weather.. I do. May you all have a blessed day today and enjoy the weather.. :-) Love Debbie

Monday, September 21, 2009

Cheerleading Drama momma's

Cheerleading drama mommas.. need i say more.. If it weren't for the love seeing the joy in the girls eyes when they cheer, or when we put them in stunts.. even the ones who will probably never be flyers.. i actually feed off them.. i feed off the innocense of the kids at school who hug you for being there for them... so i got to remember not to let the parents get to me so much so that i hate doing what I VOLUNTEERED to do. i remember praying last year to God to let me coach one more year.. not knowing what my future would hold.. and I'm even more appreciative to be back again this year.. I pray for those who have nothing to live better for than to gossip and live drama. Lord give them eyes to see what you want them to be.

Dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening, love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on earth. AMEN.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fun for the weekend..

This was a good weekend.. busy.. but when is it not.. Chey had friends over Fri and Sat night.. people who don't have only children don't know how nice it is to have friends over.. There are so many times she gets bored.. and we don't live in a neighborhood for her to ride her bike to a friends or something. So it was really nice. My cheerleaders did good at the game.. boys lost but girls looked good. Little hard to contain all 32 of them so I do the best I can. Stressing a little getting them ready for competition.. not until Nov. but I'm a perfectionist.. Saying prayers for my sister who's having a spinal tap done to see if she has MS.. and our family and friends who have the flu.. really hitting hard this year. I'm thankful for all I have, I'm thankful to be close to God, I'm truly blessed. May God bless you all. Talk to you soon. Debbie

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Teary eyed.. cry baby

Ok ladies.. and Matt.. :-) thank you for feeding me your strength.. I must say I did tear up.. dunno why.. maybe even if I don't have my "monthly time" i can still get emotional like that.. thank you so much for your support. I'm having a better day today. Love you. Deb

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day two

Well.. so here we are, day two of my paranoia and Patrick Swayze dies.. Ugh.. I know this whole thing is in Gods hands and trust it.. but I can't say that won't make the worry go away. so last night i wake in the middle of the night and felt like discomfort in my stomach.. it was probably hunger pains.. seriously cuz we had dinner at 5. But i did lay there and wonder.. you know this 40 days of rain may also have a factor in my little depression. Also, I'm asking for prayer for my sister Lori. she has been going through a lot lately with her eyesight and some findings in her MRI that could lead to her having MS. Thanks for listening.. Love Deb

Monday, September 14, 2009


Well for those of you who still check in every once in a while.. I'm turning to you. Interesting weekend.. I had a couple of friends that I haven't seen in a while... one in a LOOONG while... come by to visit. Visits were great and enjoyed talking with them. However one friend had told me about someone I use to work with that passed away about 2 weeks ago of breast cancer.. she had it, then it came back full force.. kinda made me nervous.. and start thinking about me and not letting these doctors put me on the back burner after this next CT. so here I am thinking are these people coming back in my life for a reason.. is the story I heard about the lady I use to work with suppose to remind me not to get to comfortable.. I'll admit.. i've been a little upset but I'm staying strong.. haven't really discussed this with anyone.. dunno why.. guess coming here felt better and people would think i was worrying for no reason. So there.. i've said it and i'm better. love ya