Sunday, June 28, 2009

Our Girls

Well June is gone.. and what a ride. Cassie heading back home and Tori off to UT Austin orientation. I'm sure Chey will have her meltdown of her sisters leaving.. This time might be a little more difficult knowing Tori is all grown up and not sure if she'll have time to visit us in the summers any more. Proof now time goes by so fast. I'm feeling good. Had a great weekend LIVING and having fun with friends and family and celebrating internally another good report. I'll be in touch. Love Debbie

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Great day today.. Doctor says things feel good with the exam. So I'm good to go for another 4 months.. then he says we will do another ct scan.. if all looks good then no more ct scans.. not sure how I feel about that ... but not worrying until then.. I mean it.. you guys got it by now.. I get a little frantic the week of and then its all out living for me for the next 4 months. ;-) So thank you guys so much for your support and prayers!! Love Debbie

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What for me today..

I have no idea where my head is today.. I've had several people ask me what time my appointment was tomorrow.. I had no idea.. had to go search for the paper.. Mental block I think.. I did find it and the time is at 9:45 in the morning.. which is good.. I don't have to worry all day. Nervous that they didn't do a ct scan this time so tomorrows results rely solely on his exam.. (ugh) I'm gonna make sure it's thourough.. haha.. I will be sure to let you guys know.. It ususally takes a while after my appointment to get back home to the computer.. when it's good news (it will be.. .it will be... it will be) we usually celebrate with lunch. Thanks for thinking of me and praying for me.. say an extra one tonight.. Love Debbie

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

50/50 Split

Ok.. so here I am .. my inner voice fighting with my outer voice.. great example for you women. Your getting ready to go out.. put on your favorite shirt, fully dressed and feeling good.. then you get in front of the "full length" mirror.. and that inner voice says.. "your not going to wear this are you.., to short, to tight, look fat, etc.. and back to the closet you go.. yea.. you've been there. So that's me. Wake up in the morning feeling good, ready to attack the day with my mile long to do list.. (things to make me feel important.. not having a job :-) I am strong and will fight the cancer with my strength and confidence.. but then.. my little voice says what if your over confident like the day I went in to get my stitches out and walked out finding out I had cancer. I TRULY BELIEVE that confidence and strentgh help fight cancer away.. and that if you let it take you, get you down and give in, it will.. so why the struggle.. that little voice dang it. Ok you guys don't send the men in the white shirts just yet.. I only have till Thur. to be this crazy and then I get back on track. haha. Thanks, my friends.. for listening and praying. Love Deb

Monday, June 22, 2009

Dear Hubby

Dear Hubby.. In an effort to keep my mind off the Dr. appt. this week I decided to mow. :-0. Just wanted to let you know since you lifted the blade on the mower that sucker hauls booty in 5th gear. And to keep my creative juices flowing I mowed "outside the box" hope you like the nice zig zag patterns and the heart I cut for you. :-) Spirits are ok for today hoping to keep that way. P.S. if your smiling, I'm doing something I love to do.. make others laugh and smile.
Love ya'll. Deb

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I think I can.. I think I can.. I think I can

It's here.. this is my week from hell.. i can make it a good week or a miserable week.. I choose the first but that damn inner voice is killing me!!! I woke up this morning praying and saying over and over in my head for strength and surrender this to god.. why is it that you can be so strong and self assured in every aspect of your life.. but when it comes down to this for me I dwell on it so? Help me this week to keep my head high, away from stress and worry and for good news from the cancer doctor this Thursday. Your friend in need.. Deb

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Returning from vacation

Had a great time with the family on the lake for our little get away. Worst part about it is returning home and unpacking.. I'd almost pay someone to do it for me. I'm so proud of me.. letting go.. not doing so much relaxing, sleeping in, I did get on the computer a couple of times but briefly.. Curt did some fishing and a little R n R himself.. proud of him too. I'm the worlds worst about going on vacation and spending my entire time planning and keeping us on the go the whole time.. So a really nice relaxing time. Got a big week next week with Dr. appt.. but I'll think about that a little more next week. :-) Hop you all are having a nice week.. almost Friday. :-)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Rewards of old home videos

We as a family had so much fun last night. I had taken several of our home videos to a place for them to put on DVD. Oh my gosh, we laughed and enjoyed for hours.. it was so much fun. I strongly encourage you to put those old home videos you may have on tape to DVD. It's not that expensive and well worth enjoying NOW.. we never know what tomorrow holds. Have a great weekend !! Love Deb

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Doing for others

I realize that I love doing things for other people.. I think I live to do it.. it gives me the satisfaction I need in life. The pay off of just being appreciated and thanked does it for me. When it becomes a job... not so fun anymore.. is that crazy.. I mean who doesn't need the money. With the girls down.. I find myself wearing them out doing so many things.. not because I'm out to prove anything but to show them things in life they might not have experienced yet.. let's face it.. they arn't getting any younger either.. haha. I'm sure all of you who visit this blog have done for others. For some of you.. it's what you have done for me. Doesn't it feel good, but it's a good feeling that you can't describe.. almost gives off an energy of some kind... maybe more so to us women.. I dunno.. what you guys have done for me here on this blog has been amazing and very much appreciated and I love you.. for today.. take in those moments and remember all that you've done and you do for others.. and what it does for you personally. Give yourself a little energy boost and be proud. May God Bless You.


Monday, June 8, 2009

Busy summer start

Wow.. what a kick off to a busy summer. Cassie came in yesterday so we now have all in the family :-) Looking back on last summer.. I was finishing up with my radiation treatments and going through some pretty bad side effects and pain from it. This summer, I'm very thankful and blessed to be feeling good and having the strength and be in a better state of mind. You can bet I'll be trying to make up for lost time.. haha. and you guys know me.. I'm not going to let up for one second. I hope you all have some little plans for the summer.. take it all in!! And by gosh put your suntan lotion on.. Being white can be pretty.. especially when you don't have to battle SKIN CANCER.. I've had 2 family members in the last year that had skin cancer removed.. it doesn't leave a very pretty hole once they have dug it out... Listen to me trying to be your mother.. haha.. Have a blessed day and week. I'm hoping to get together some pics to download for you soon. Love ya Deb