Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Things you leave behind

Good Morning.. Thankful to be here today.. however, it's one of those days that feels like a pms day .. although I know that isn't it. it's those days where you could cry about anything.. hair won't do right, can't find my phone, the light turned red, straw won't go into my coke lid right.. you know. I'm certain it's this Dr. appt. coming up. So an explanation of the title for today.. I went to put some things in our lock box in the bank... and right when I was getting ready to close it up.. something told me to leave a little I Love You note in it for Curt. So I did. Then I get in my car and lose it.. you know the stories and country songs about getting something after that person has passed on.. guess that is what came to mind. Or it was a reminder to continue everyday to show your love and affection never knowing what the future holds. and maybe all this happened for me to share with you today to encourage you to do the same. I had to stop by and get a hug from Curt before I carried on with my day.. I'm just feeling the pressure of Thursday a little and had to release this morning. Thank you all for your prayers and being here for me. Love and blessings to you all. I'm not just saying it... I mean it. I love you. Debbie


stephanie said...

I know what you mean about those kind of days when nothing seems to go right. Just about anything can bring a tear to the eye.
I'll be praying for you to help you get through these next few days until your doctors appointment. I'm sure you must be very stressed out about that upcoming appointment.
Try to focus on those positive thoughts you always have and keep your chin up your doing great! You seem to have a really great marriage and very good friends not to mention awsome kids.
Anyway I wish you the best and I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.


Julie said...

Wow! That was the best lesson yet! Thank you for sharing so honestly with us...you will never know how you touch each of our lives & families differently, but know that you do! Keep "talking" to us, I hope our post help you ~ yours do wonders for me & I carry it to my own family as much as possible & for that, I want to say THANK YOU for making my life better! You are great & hang in there...Thursday will be over soon, it's just another day ~ with love, Julie