Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Staying Busy

Staying busy.. 2 words that can't even describe what I'm doing to myself.. will I pay for it later.. maybe.. maybe not. All is good.... all... is.... good.... May God bless us all with good news tomorrow. I know it sure would make a good Christmas for Cheyenne.. seeing how I found out she saw Santa when her class went to a local restaurant the other day.. they were told they could ask for only one thing.. she didn't want to tell me what she asked for thinking I would be mad.. but if you haven't guessed by now.. it was a wish for me and my cancer to go away. Bless her big heart and bless the man in the Santa suit... i'm sure it wasn't easy for him. As a mom I'm proud to have raised a young girl with such a big heart.. I can only imagine how easily it will be broken. Anyway... sorry I went off on being mushy.. but that is what you guys are here for. :-) I physically feel very good, even mentally good, a little scatterbrained by stretching myself out there but I'm ok. So my appointment will be tomorrow at 10. Good news or not so good news, it usually takes me a while before I can get to you all to let you know how it goes.. so be patient.
Thank you for your prayers, I feel them working everyday. God bless you. Deb
(p.s.. on the right, i wanted to share a letter to Santa from Chey, a project she did at school. So sweet)


Julie said...

WOW! What a great know you & Curt are raising her right! May all here wishes come true!
Thinking of you tomorrow & always! HUGS~Julie

Anonymous said...

Hey guys!
Mom Just called me and wow! so i went to read the blog just because I haven't been here in while. Chye letter made me Cry then I read the blogg and cried all over again. That kid is realy special and I am so proud to be her aunt even if it isn't official. I love you guys and i hope to see you soon.