Thursday, December 11, 2008

Whacha Know Bout Me

I'm doing good.. still checking off the to do list.. what I've found to be funny.. projects written on the list look small compared to what's involved... :-@ duh...
So it seems everyday I find out someone new or someone I don't even know comes here to read.. how cool is that.. so I was thinking about things you may or may not know about me and thought I'd share.. I don't eat vegetables.. well, I will eat.. corn on the cob and green beans if in a cassarole. I love a good bargin.. I break for garage sales and love clearance racks. I don't like dusting or mopping. When it comes to projects I'm very, very detailed.. (drive myself nuts) Love all kinds of music.. country, hip hop, easy listening.. (who'd a thought) you will always find a to do list on my desk and in my purse.. I love my laptop. As far a cooking.. well uh.. not so much.. Curt can't stand the words.. hamburger helper.. (lol) my hair.. is naturally curly, I straighten it everyday. I was adopted when I was a baby and have one younger brother and sister. I'm a sucker for reality shows. Well.. that's off the top of my head.. maybe you learned something about me today you didn't know.. anyway, it was so you could get to know me a little better and hopefully make you laugh or smile.. have a good day. Deb

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girl, I know you need to add some squirel and brussel sprouts to your diet, we will work on that after the holidays. HA HA!!!

Love ya,
Melody C.