Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy 46th Curt

Today is the old mans birthday!! 46 years!! He's returning from out of town today and Chey and I are sitting here in the dark waiting for him to arrive.. Chey wants to surprise him.. so cute. she's so excited.. i bet she'll jump out before he even opens the door. We'll be doin some family time tonight.. since it's his birthday and he's been gone. should be fun. Have a good rest of the day and Stay Warm.. it's really cold and windy here.. Love ya Deb.


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CURT! I can't believe your 46 you don't look a day over 45:) Hope you have a great day glad your home safe and sound!


Mel and Curtis

Julie said...

Happy Birthday Curt! Enjoy a great day with your family!

Julie & Adam

Anonymous said...

46? Man! I thought I was only 29. Thanks to everyone who called and wished me a Happy Birthday. It let's you know your loved and thought about.We keep everyone we know in our prayers each night. God bless you all.