Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Clutter out..

So this week.. my goal is to get the clutter out of my house.. can you say garage sale.. We worked on this around the house this weekend and I can't tell you how relieving it is.. why do I keep so much crap?? I saw the cleaning your clutter on Oprah one day and it is so true.. I promise it even makes you feel better.. feel better, health wise.. how is this.?? I don't know but I'm loving it.. of course I'm loving having a mission to do something as well.. :-) so I'm off to the clutter, have a wonderful day. Pass a smile along today.. watch how it makes you feel when you get one back. :-)


stephanie said...

Your right it does feel good to get rid of the clutter. My husband is a pack rat and in the last year he as really started to get rid of stuff. I myself can't stand the clutter and get rid of everything. I even have my kids go through all of their stuff before Christmas of course I convince them to do it by telling them they have to make room for new stuff from Santa. In fact we are getting ready to de-clutter again at my house since we are moving in the next couple of months.
Anyway, I hope you are enjoying the busy holiday season. I continue to pray for you and your family.


Anonymous said...

Sure you didn't get rid of enough