Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

Just thought I'd wish you all a Happy Halloween.. keep it simple. I just got our weekend plans underway.. (nothing like last minute) Everyone have a safe and happy Halloween. I'll see ya here on Monday. :-) Love Deb

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hey there..

Hello friends... I've been playing so much lately I had to take time to catch up at the house.. still got a long way to go but the laundry is done. :-) Chey is still on her medicine but she is over the Strep. thank goodness.. my focus now is on my cheer team.. our pee wee cheer competition will be next Thursday.. they are doing great, but we have a lot of practices between now and then. My next doctors appointment has been scheduled for December 18th.. which is good.. it isn't an "exact" two months before my next appt. I don't know why this December month has been on my mind so much.. the good news is that I will have a ct scan done for this one.. My nerve doctor has also scheduled a follow up visit.. the good news there is the numbness in my feet is 99% better.. and he didn't expect us to see any resutls for at least 6 months.. just thought I'd share that blessing with you.. I'm doing good mentally.. :-) staying busy of course.. check out the new pictures I've added from our recent activities.. may you all have a blessed day. Love Debbie

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

13 years.. :-)

Today Curt and I celebrate 13 years of marriage.. And it's truly a celebration. Ups and downs.. yep, arguements, yep and life challenges.. double yes... but a marriage strong enough to make it through all of this is truly a blessing. Curt is my strength during my most difficult times.. an incident that will never leave my mind was at a doctors appt., him knowing I was scared.. stood up held me in his arms and said.. I give you my strength.. I lost it right there.. it's so easy to get in a routine of life.. and lose focus of how blessed we really are. This year has been an eye opener for our family and an opportunity to appreciate and celebrate all that we have. Learning again to focus on what is important in life and enjoy and live every moment to the fullest. Unfortunately, Curt is traveling to Los Angeles today and returning late tomorrow night.. I pray for safe travels for him and I pray that you all get the same opportunity to look into your lives and see your blessings. Love to you all. Debbie

Monday, October 27, 2008


So sorry I missed today.. (Monday) I was waiting on my pics from the weekend to share everything with you. Today was busy with Darby.. then Chey was feeling a little under the weather.. she didn't want to miss Red Ribbon week (drug free week) so I let her go.. took her to the doctor today and wouldn't you know it... she has Strep Throat.. I'm a terrible mother.. I should have known.. so we have antibotic and now.. Darby did kick off red ribbon week.. i think the kiddos loved him.. and I loved it.. I'll catch you guys up tomorrow from the weekend and whats going on through this head of mine... sleep tight.. Debbie

Friday, October 24, 2008

It's Friday! Go Hawg wild!

Happy Friday everyone!! So yesterdays news just inspires me to participate and go "hawg wild" at the Ben Wheeler Hawg festival this weekend.. We are creating hawg noses and ears to go on our 4 wheelers and jeep for the parade. Darby will be in the parade and is entering the Hawg Queen pageant. They say the crazier the better so I'll fit right in. Then Sat. night it's the Hawg Ball.. wear anything from suit and dresses to coveralls with your hawg nose of course.. Yep, I'll be "hamming it up" this Saturday. :-) you guys have a wonderful weekend. Take time to do something you enjoy. Love you. Deb

Thursday, October 23, 2008

2 more months

Great news!! Two more months before I go back. Things look good.. he didn't feel any abnormalties.. he said they will continue to check the pelvic area and a ct scan will be done in December... if all looks good they will spread them out longer.. (dunno if i like that part) but we'll wait and see.. he also said they will continue to keep a close eye (ct scans) on the chest area since that has the soft tissue that this type cancer likes to attack (little scary) regardless the news was good.. thank you for your support and prayers.. sometimes my head says .. thank you don't seem like enough to you guys ... but my heart says you know. I'll be back tomorrow. See you then. Love Debbie


My morning has started off good. Typical get up and everyone ready.. I admit I did take an Ambien last night to make sure I would sleep and not worry. I had a church sign speak to me this morning :-) I love to read church signs.. theres always a good message serious and fun ones.. todays read.. "In God I trust, I will not be afraid." I love that god has found "creative" ways talk to me.. and I'm sure he's just as thrilled I have learned to listen and read. :-) I'm going to the doctor today with questions and an open mind. I'm thankful for how great I have felt over the last 2 months and all that I have been able to accomplish and do. I will let you know how it goes when I get back home. Thank you for your support and prayers. Debbie

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Welllll Good morning

Happy hump day to you. I'm up a lil early this morning, got lunch made, had me a lil oatmeal.. and gettin ready to wake up Chey Chey.. course the new puppy has been up chewing on my toes all morning.. My cheer practice with my girls went good I think I pulled a hamstring trying to teach them the dance.. now that's a muscle I haven't used in a while.. omg. Chey's having an awards ceremony this morning.. gonna head out to that then run a few errands.. should be a less busy day for me. Tomorrow is the biggie.. dr appt. all in all, I feel ok about it.. wondering if I'll just be given another ride for a few months or if he'll order some other type treatment.. don't know how he's gonna tell anything except for a pelvic exam.. (fun fun) so I'm gonna focus on today, appreciate today and enjoy today. :-) Would love all of you to do the same, make today a little different and soak in your blessings.. and then include a lil prayer for me in there. Have a wonderful hump day.. Love Deb

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Update from trip and this week

Hey there.. hope all are doing well.. The Branson trip was fantastic! Weather was beautiful, rode with the windows down, takin in all the sights and smells.. it was perfect. Naturally, I had an organized schedule once we hit Branson.. , caverns, magic, Dixie Stampede, rode a train, visited the Titanic, Butterfly museum.. etc.. but I did leave a day to look around at our own leisure.. that was fun too but Curt and Chey were so use to me and my schedule the seemed lost and kept asking what next.. I have a few pictures to share (slideshow on right) most of the shows and things we visited didn't allow cameras. So yesteday was a blur unpacking and all.. cheer practice for Chey with her competition team. I worked pretty much all night on my cheer teams music and dance they moved our competition up by 2 weeks. (yikes) but after the all nighter I think I'm there. So comes Thursday, my doctors appt. ready to ask my questions and get my answers. Although he has never treated me bad and has always spent time answering everything.. I don't feel I have enough to go on or a good understanding where I am on the priority list.. I thought with this being so rare I would get more attention.. maybe even start making the history books.. ya know.. but I haven't really seen that.. I'm not to worried.. staying to busy for that.. but I do ask that you pray for me this week, a good report, answers and peace of mind.. Love to you all. Debbie

Thursday, October 16, 2008

On the road again..

Hello.. well, we took off last night and drove the rain, rain and more rain.. at times it was raining so hard, I'd ask Curt to go ahead and pull over and we'd take back off in the morning.. but you know men.. they have a mental "time frame" of when and where they want to be. So this morning still rain.. but more like drizzle and at least it's daytime and we can see.. :-) Enjoying being with the family and cute little Tobi is with us.. she too brings our family together in a cute way when we all sit down to play with her.. so I thought I'd shoot an update. Thanks for the advise Carolyn.. I get the point. :-) Love. Deb

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Holy smoke what a day

Sorry I missed you guys yesterday.. I don't remember seeing daylight. :-) I was so tired last night.. I was like a kid when they are tired.. you could have said something to me and I would have started crying.. I subbed for P.E. yesterday, which I love.. but it was an on your feet all day thing and my feet told me about it.. got out about 3:30 got home changed and went to my cheer practice, where I believe all 15 of my girls had the same exhausting day I did and nothing was coming together.. thank goodness Curt took us to eat afterwards because there's no telling what I would have put on the table to eat. :-) Again at dinner I felt like it was all I could do to keep my head from falling into the mashed potatoes.. which would have definately made "funniest home videos" Can you remember the last time you've been that tired? It kinda frustrates me because "normally" I'm a person with no limits do it all and maybe once a month I get tired.. I know my energy level isn't what it use to be and I think I have found my limit. But can't sue me for trying. Today I'm meeting with the hospital for my volunteer interview for DARBY and packing to head out of town. Of course my computer will be with me so I will keep you posted on the trip. Talk to you soon! Love ya. Debbie

Monday, October 13, 2008

Busy times

My how time is flying.. and is it me or does it seem like every weekend is filled from now to December.. we have birthdays galore, halloween, Thanksgiving and so on.. everything to keep my mind busy and focused.. this week Thur. through Sunday we will be going out of town to Branson, Mo. pretty excited about that.. celebrating our anniversary. I'm also going through the volunteer process at the hospital so Darby and I can visit. :-) And Darby has been invited to help with Red Ribbon week and awards at our local school.. Very fun. Busy schedule.. busy times.. and squeeze in that little Dr. appt. next week. :-) Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Take Care. Deb.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

No CT Scan scheduled (bummer)

Ok, so I called my cancer Dr. to ask if they "meant" to schedule a CT scan before my next appt. on the 24th. Fingers crossed that they would say yes. That is always my definate answer that there isn't anything going on inside. ya know. Dr. says it's still a little to soon for another CT Scan.. apparently the radiation is still working it's "magic" and they don't feel it's necessary. SO.. I'm gonna take that deep sigh breath.. and continue living and moving forward. Here's something funny.. I find myself asking the question.. am I considered a survivor?? Although the answer should seem like a yes, I'm still in the fight.. I haven't been released or anything like that and mine won't go away.. anyway.. I found this awesome website with great cancer awareness t-shirts and I want to get a couple.. because oddly enough when you are talking to people and find someone else that has cancer you develop this immediate relationship with them.. or at least I do.. (never meeting a stranger) so I thought getting a couple would help bring others out (as if they were hiding it) but my strength with others could help us fight a better fight. I know I haven't talked about the cancer in a while.. it doesn't mean it still isn't in and circling my inner brain.. :-) am I worrying.. yes and no.. But I'm not sad or depressed. I'm planning a little trip for my family next week. (1 week before my next Dr. visit) 1 - to celebrate mine and Curts 13th wedding anniversary. (10/28) 2 - have fun before going to the doctor.. (I always get worked up before a big appt.) Feels so good writing my thoughts out.. maybe after sharing it will leave my brain a little. :-) Thanks for listening. God Bless. Debbie

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Beautiful Day

What an awesome day today.. weather is awesome!! Course living in the country is even better.. Took Tobi (puppy) out for potty.. she won't come back in.. so even at 9 weeks old, she knows what a good day it is. Gotta another eye opener for ya.. on the way home from work today.. ride with your windows down.. OMG .. to cool.. and of course if you have some good tunes, crank it up! No running tonight :-) the family will be at home.. i'm thinking a sit out in the yard will be nice.. I'm soo looking forward to bonfire time.. love staring at fires !! Hope all of you are doing good. I'd love to hear from ya either here or email. Take care and enjoy the rest of your day. Debbie

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I'm a country song.. :-)

"Lord, I'm much to young to be this dang old..
You know your getting old when your body aches with the weather.. omg. I thought it was bad enough that I now own a pillbox!! We've had some rain yesterday and last night.. I had body aches and charlie horses.. It's all good.. your only as old as you think you are.. right! I know I don't act old.. I'm still a kid at heart... I say between I'm mentally between the ages of 11 and 13 :-) How old are you? Do you still have the little kid inside of you? I know we all feel beat to death sometimes running errands everywhere, the kiddos and their activities, being a mom and/or dad... it can be exhausting.. but occasionally the kid comes out in us all and it's sooo much fun you don't much care how bad you will be sore the next day. Enjoy today. Love Debbie

Monday, October 6, 2008


The saying in this picture is so true. Enough so, I'm am able to share with you all through this blog. Thank you for being friends. We had a great weekend.. got a little hot and tired from the football game on Sat. but my cheerleaders looked great. Working on my to do list for the week :-) Have a good Monday.

Friday, October 3, 2008

New Puppy

Happy Friday. Soooo, we broke down and got Chey a new Shih Tzu puppy.. Her birthday is in November.. so it came a little early.. but she's adorible! Chey has named her Tobi.. did I mention she was cute... I'll have a picture for you in a little while. I just got this email from my friend Melody. This pretty much sums up what I need to share with you today.. it's gonna be a beautiful weekend get out and do it! (thanks Mel.)

Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like: When loved ones come home, always run to greet them. Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy.. Take naps. Stretch before rising. Run, romp, and play daily. Thrive on attention and let people touch you. Avoid biting when a simple growl will do. On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass. (I did this the other day.. it was sooo rejuvenating) On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree. When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body. Delight in the simple joy of a long walk. Be loyal. Never pretend to be something you're not. If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it. When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently. (I loved that one) ENJOY EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY DAY! Have a great weekend. Love Debbie

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


This picture somehow touched me enough to want to share. I love pictures.. and I usually get comments from you guys when I post them. They touch our hearts and remind us of our wonderful lives past and present with family and friends. I've been sharing all of my current photos and appreciating them more and more each day. One thing I have found a lot of us women do.. be the picture taker to avoid having to get our picture taken. Mostly because we dislike something about ourselves.. Over the past 5 months, I've made a point to "get in the picture" these memories are not about me and how fat I look or that I was having a bad hair day... they are memories for our family and if your not in the picture how will you be remembered?? With this new outlook... I view these pictures in a more appreciative light and love seeing me and my families happiness. For you that are the picture taker... Get in the picture.. Love you. Debbie