Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thursday 14th

Oh my gosh.. I'm up.. moving around.. not 100% yet my back is still a little sore.. that was miserable.. I couldn't sleep or relax.. to scared.. they had me so worried I was going to make the wrong move and make the fluid start leaking from my back.. I did sleep better last night.. but I'm already up and ready to hit the road.. run some errands and maybe find some adult conversation today.. I feel sorry for anybody I run into today. :-) Don't have any results back yet.. I'm going with the whole ... no news is good news idea.. so i'll check back in this afternoon and let you know how the day went. Thanks for your support and for writing. Deb

1 comment:

Julie said...

So glad you are feeling better! Wish I was there and we could talk! :)
Anymore radiation or just going in for visits/check-ups now?
Lots of rides coming up if ya'll get interested let me know!
Still thinking of you! Have a great weekend!!