Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Testing 1..2..3..

Hello... anyone there.. I know you guys say your checking this a few times a day.. responses have slowed down... wondering if i'm writing to air.. but I keep coming here cuz I guess I like to write.. and it's like my own journal.

So good news today.. Spinal tap news nothing serious.. the white blood cells and protein are a little high but they said nothing to worry about. Does that still make me worry?? yes, a little.. but I'm not going to worry about it. CT scan was done Mon. waiting for results.. I may not hear anything until I have my Cancer Dr. visit next Thur. It's then I guess he will determine what to do next.. course this is my educated guess. :-@ I'll keep trucking along for now. Miss you guys.. shoot me a line even if it's on my personal email. bye for now. deb


Colleen said...

Hey!!!!!!! So glad the spinal tap came back clear! I'm sure all this waiting for test results and waiting for docs to decide what to do is driving you sound great and I know you're excited about your mascot! I wish I could help come up with a cool name. I suck.

Miss you!! Hang in there!
Love, Colleen

Unknown said...

I'm here and reading your blog every day! I just don't post a lot. The news on the spinal tap sounds great. I'm praying for you daily, actually many times a day.
Keep strong.
Elaine G

Lara said...

Hey Deb!! We're here & we check in on ya everyday! I know we dont post much but we're always thinking of ya'll. Glad to hear everything seems to be going smooth right now. Cant wait to see you in your mascot suit!!
Lara & Fam

Julie said...

Love the title "Testing 1..2..3.."! I sooo can hear your voice on every post I read!! Glad you got good news .... I know you are eager to visit with the cancer Dr. Any "name" ideas yet?

Sallee Times said...

thank you so much for posting for me. julie crack me up.. your right.. you can hear me talking through my words.. :-) glad to see ya'll are there. Deb

brennan said...

Hey, we are here, just can't post as much as we would like to. Here are some inspirational words for you......
God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow,
sun without rain,
but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears,
and light for the way.

Connie said...

Hey there...I just found out what your blog address I am a newbee...I just wanted to drop a line or two and let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family daily. Thanks for keeping us posted. Keep smiling!


shellyb said...

hey girlie,
I'm still here!!! I'm glad your news was good:) and I agree with Julie I can so see you talking to yourself. I miss you and Hope to see you soon!! Stay strong and keep BELIEVING!!! LOVE YA

Anonymous said...

I' glad to hear about the spianl tap. Hang in there. Miss you and Love ya lots. Thanks for the e-mail the other day !!

Anonymous said...

I' glad to hear about the spianl tap. Hang in there. Miss you and Love ya lots. Thanks for the e-mail the other day !!

Anonymous said...

Atmosphere calling Debbie. You have plenty of oxygen using people checking up on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes, we don't response because we are taking that time to pray for some very special people that we know and love. The great news just shows us all that while you are typing info for us, our prayers for you,Curt, and Chey are being answered one step at a time.
Hugs and kisses.
Karen & Mack

Anonymous said...


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