Monday, August 18, 2008

Hello My Friends

Hope you all had a great weekend. I'm so excited.. we got my bathroom painted!!

So how am I feeling? I'm doing good, feel good, good energy, not sleeping good at nights but doing ok. I've learned to live with the numbness... you just do after a while. There's a chance the nerves could heal.. it could take 6 months to years.. the good news is it hasn't gotten any worse. The nerve Dr. has not given up on the numbness. He's putting me on blood thinners in hopes there are some areas in the damaged nerves that the blood can get through and start to feed the nerves again. I'm scheduled for another ENG (ugh) the nerve needle poking thing.. but I like this Dr. so much better.
Curt has been so good to me.. going to Dr. appts., rubbing my back when it aches.. making sure i'm taking care of myself, dinner, Cheyenne, honey do's around the house.. I'm so lucky to have him. A lady at the bank the other day reminded me of just that.. she to went through cancer and said her husband never went with her through treatment.. I don't know what I'd do if Curt wasn't there to hold my hand. One day, at an appointment, I was nervous, he knew it.. he got up, came over to me.. held me tight.. and said.... I give you my strength. It was the sweetest thing.. and honestly I felt it.. I'm so lucky.
Ok, deep breath.. so whats going on this week.. today I have a CT scan.. where I have to drink the barium stuff. (yuk) this will be of the organs so we can see if we have anything growing in there.. hopefully not. I'll meet with my cancer dr the end of the month to find out what the next plan of action will be for me. fingers crossed a small break from any kind of treatment would be nice.. just not to long since this stuff could grow very rapidly.. so I hope I got you all caught up. Haven't heard from you guys in a while. Love ya Deb.


Colleen said...

Hey there Deb!! So sorry I haven't checked in...we were in Galveston all week and I didn't take my laptop. I'm glad the spinal tap is overwith and that Curt is taking such good care of you. Prayers and hugs, Colleen

Julie said...

You sound like your spirits are high! That's awesome! What a wonderful husband you have...tell him he's great! So glad things are going well and relief is coming regularly to ease your mind. Keep thinking positive and continue to stay strong - it's such powerful "medicine" - along with prayer & believing! Hope all is well with Chey & she's ready to start school! Tell her to enjoy her year!