Monday, August 11, 2008

Benefit Recovery.. and tomorrow's Spinal Tap

I'm not one to ever admit I'm tired.. but today is me saying I'm plum give out!! I can't even imagine how all our friends that worked are feeling today. What a wonderful weekend! We'll be collecting the pics and hopefully posting to one location for all of you who didn't get to make it.

So, back to Dr.'s visits we go. Tomorrow we're heading to Baylor in Dallas for a Spinal Tap. (thinking happy thoughts.. thinking happy thoughts :-) Curt's going to take me. The "Highly" recommend me stay lying down for 24 hours.. (very hard for me) if I don't the fluid could start leaking and they'd have to go back in and clot the blood.. so I'm thinking I could handle lying down. Hoping I can get my computer to work from bed. :-) They are checking for 2 things with this Spinal Tap.. 1 for a disease I can't remember or pronounce, they don't think the numbness is caused by this but want to make sure.. and 2 to checking for cancer cells. I'm just thankful they are concerned and checking.. ya know. So it may be a day or so before I get back to writing you guys. Say a little prayer.. I'd love to hear from ya'll... make sure your still reading and to keep me company while I'm down. (physically) I'll talk to you soon. Love Debbie


Julie said...

I heard what a HUGE SUCCESS the benefit was!!! I'm so happy for you and Curt and so glad you have such wonderful people in your lives! You've touched so many & they've given back to you to prove just that! Wish I could have been there, but I was thinking about ya.
Praying for you tomorrow, just follow the Dr's. orders & all will go well. :) Tell Curt we said "HI" - hope we can see ya'll soon - keep you spirits up and truly BELIEVE!! :)

Unknown said...

All of your friends here at the travel agency are praying for you today! Keep strong.
Elaine G

Anonymous said...

Hope to hear good news from spinal tap! We're praying for you. Had a great time this weekend with you, Curt and Chey. It was nice to see you have fun and get everything off your mind for awhile.
Love ya!

stephanie said...

I hope your spinal tap appointment is going well today. I look forward to hearing some good news when you get the results.
It sure sounds like you all had a good time at the benefit! That's great! I continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
