Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Awesome Day

Tuesday.. I had a day to myself.. and spent every minute of it running the roads.. went by all the Van schools.. signed up to Sub.. visited with many of the teachers I worked with last year.. good adult conversation.. :-) .. Our new Sonic opened today.. I'm sooo excited.. went in, met the managers and truly "hung out" with them.. made a new good friend from there.. but she lives 2 hours away.. visited with a girl at the bank today who wants to quit her job so she can spend more time with her baby girl.. had cheer practice with my girls. So much interaction with people I can hardly stand it. This is me.. this is what i'm about.. so how can I make this work.. with Chey starting school.. I want to do it all.. but not overdo it.. (not really expecting an answer, just talking out loud) can't wait to see what Wednesday brings.. all still keeping my mind busy for Thursday's Dr.'s appt. Thanks for checking in.. holler back at ya soon.. Deb


stephanie said...

It sounds like you had a good day out enjoying some adult conversation! I'm sure you will be able to make anything you want work out. I have never meet you but you seem like such a nice, outgoing, friendly person. You have such a great outlook on life and you really are an inspiration to others. If only we could all just slow down and take the time to enjoy our kids and families the way we should (that is something I have learned to do). I'm praying for a good report from your cancer doctor. I'll check in soon. Keep your spirits up your doing great!


Sallee Times said...

thanks Stephanie.. I do hope to meet you someday.. I really appreciate your comments and keeping me motivated.

Colleen said...

What a great day! and yes, so "you"! You continue to amaze and inspire me, and everyone else around ya :) I hope all goes well with the doc appt tomorrow. Hugs and prayers, Colleen

Julie said...

I SOOO agree with Steph & Colleen! Sounds like a "Debbie Day"! Puts a smile on my face once again and yes, you are an inspiration to us all! What a geat friend you are. I laugh reading that you went into Sonic, met the Mng. & just hung out! I LOVE Sonic too! Sonic might be a great place to start with your mascot...get the face & name out. Have balloons & maybe hand out business cards!?!?! Praying for a good report on Thursday. Can't wait to hang out again!