Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I'm on a roll...

Hey do any of you need anything removed... I seem to be on a roll lately.. Chey's tonsils.. and now my puppy at the vet getting "fixed"... what's even more funny.. I feel just as bad taking Tobi this morning as I did when I took Chey.. but I got to be with Chey and I could explain to her what was happening.. you should have seen her face (Tobi's) when I removed her food and water bowl.. and this morning.. well, if she could talk.. isn't it crazy how close we get to our animals. I do believe they are great therapy too.. Did you guys see the "talking dogs" on youtube??? that was so sweet.. if you haven't take a minute to look it up.. it's sure to make you smile. Say a prayer for my lil Tobi.. I'll chat back at ya tomorrow.. By the way, thanks for the tips Julie and Deena.


Julie said...

2 posts...i was just checkin' back in and got the surprise!! :)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I have to look and make sure you did not put me on craigs list. LOL.
Your lovin Hubby.

Lori Crews said...

Wish I could say that about my lil Spirit. He is a little shit...No a big shit....I try and save him from Kevin and he continues to fuck up, beyond repair. literally. He got in our bed two nights ago and pissed, again. So I've been real careful to close all doors, when he is out. So Friday I ran to some garage sales and to get Quentin, AND when we got home, Bailey came outside and said don't go in there. I said why????????? He had tore up all, ALL, I mean all the carpet and padding at the front door. Pulled it out from the wall. Think he may have just wore out his last welcome at this house. But then we have two upset, crying, depressed boys......well and TOBI his best friend. Love Tobi and don't care that she eats horse shit...If that the least of your worries your in great shape. Ha, Ha,
Your lil sis, Lori