Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dizzy Bat Race

You ever see the game where you stick your forehead to a bat on the ground.. run around in circles several times and take off running dizzy... kinda how I'm living right now.. but I don't regret it for a minute. This weekend we'll be in Houston visiting family and friends and celebrating my birthday.. (not till the 24th but this is my birthday month.. lol) Any of you reading this and living in or near Spring we will be at Big Texas around 8:30. :-) I'd love to see you again or meet you if we've never met. :-) wouldn't that be crazy. Well, I'm going to run for now. I gotta get some things done today.. going to be subbing tomorrow. Have a great day.. stay safe if the storms are hitting your area tonight. Love Debbie


stephanie said...

Happy Birthday month! My son's birthday is the 23rd of February and my daughters birthday is March 3rd.
Time is going by so fast. It sure sounds like you have been busy. I'll be sure to add Curt's uncle to the prayer list. I'm really sorry to hear that news.
Great job to Chey at the cheer competition. That had to be exciting just to be there.
Take care and enjoy your month!


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEBBIE!!! I forgot about the Houston trip we will have to catch up when you get back or how bout lunch before you leave.........Call me girl :)

Love ya,