Friday, February 6, 2009

Are You Ready For the weekend... betcha are

We'll got the ol motor home loaded down.. good thing it has a kitchen sink. (haha) We will be hitting the road pretty soon. I have a small favor, I know how lucky I am to have my prayer warriors out there and ask that you add Curt's uncle Troy to the list. He's in the hospital and has been diagnosed with .. you guessed it.. cancer... lung cancer. Out of those of you who read I'm not certain how many of you have experienced the word cancer in your family.. sure seems to be a lot more frequent these days.. it definately changes you.. and use to.. for me, I would just think oh __ has cancer, now when I find out.. I get pretty emotional.. guessing it's because it has hit our family and I know what we've been going through.. or it could be just another reality check for me.. dunno.. as soon as I found out though I hit the blog so I could share my feelings with you guys.. this truly is my "out", "my thereapy". I need this so I can be strong, fun and happy for our big trip this weekend.. so again, with a lump in my throat, and holding back tears I thank you all for being here for me, in some way I can feel you hugging me, holding my hand and giving me strength. I love you. May God bless you all, Debbie

1 comment:

Julie said...

I hope you feel strength from the many who read your blogs every day. You are our daily therapy of putting our live into perspective. I hope you have a weekend filled with smiles, cheering, & proud parent moments. Leave the heavy heart behind and enjoy your family weekend.
(Know all about putting junk in the sink!) LOL :)