Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sallee's White Christmas

Hello my friends. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!! We left kinda last minute.. and I didn't realize where we would be out of touch. We were invited to Colorado by our friends the Gabriel and Bledsoe family.. and our new way of living now.. is never pass up an opportunity. :-) It was so beautiful and fun. We were in awe.. pictures won't do it justice but I'm sharing anyway. In my 40 years of living I've never seen snow this beautiful and thick.. me, Curt and the girls had a BLAST.. We are on the home stretch to getting back home.
I've missed you guys. Love Debbie


Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's GOOD.. It's good.. It's good..

God is watching over us.. our friends are watching over us.. Thank you so much for your prayers.. The scans came back with no report or signs of cancer.. I'm off for 3 months. :-) I'm overjoyed.. don't even know what else to say.. imagine that ... me speechless.. HA. there's a smile on my face from ear to ear.. Thank you again.. We are blessed !!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Staying Busy

Staying busy.. 2 words that can't even describe what I'm doing to myself.. will I pay for it later.. maybe.. maybe not. All is good.... all... is.... good.... May God bless us all with good news tomorrow. I know it sure would make a good Christmas for Cheyenne.. seeing how I found out she saw Santa when her class went to a local restaurant the other day.. they were told they could ask for only one thing.. she didn't want to tell me what she asked for thinking I would be mad.. but if you haven't guessed by now.. it was a wish for me and my cancer to go away. Bless her big heart and bless the man in the Santa suit... i'm sure it wasn't easy for him. As a mom I'm proud to have raised a young girl with such a big heart.. I can only imagine how easily it will be broken. Anyway... sorry I went off on being mushy.. but that is what you guys are here for. :-) I physically feel very good, even mentally good, a little scatterbrained by stretching myself out there but I'm ok. So my appointment will be tomorrow at 10. Good news or not so good news, it usually takes me a while before I can get to you all to let you know how it goes.. so be patient.
Thank you for your prayers, I feel them working everyday. God bless you. Deb
(p.s.. on the right, i wanted to share a letter to Santa from Chey, a project she did at school. So sweet)

Monday, December 15, 2008

It's Monday...

Good morning bloggers. Hope you all had a great weekend.. we enjoyed 2 Christmas parties this weekend. Lot's of fun. So this morning I'm studying for my CT Scan.. (haha) I can't eat anything until after the test.. I go in at 12:30 have to drink the lovely drink for an hour then get scanned.. Then... I can eat.. I'll be ready to eat a horse by then. I'm such a morning person that needs breakfast to get going.. Ugh.. but I'm really ready for this scan. So I'll get the scan today and meet with the Dr. on Thursday for the results. I've put it in Gods hands and will continue to move on. Say a little prayer for me and my family today and this week in hopes that all goes well and looks good. Thank you and God Bless. Debbie

Friday, December 12, 2008


Happy Friday.. I know you guys who work don't think for us non working people the weekend can be as much appreciated as it is for you.. but your wrong.. we love the weekend just as much. :-) Gonna be busy this weekend but not to busy to hang out and enjoy the weekend.. I can tell you I won't be hitting the shopping crowds. (yeah) Gonna try to keep my mind off the big week next week. I'm was about 80/20 worrying about next week.. but now I'm at about 60/40 (lol) which is good.. I'm ready to take on whatever is thrown my way. My biggest concern right now is the frequent pain I get in some areas.. but that could be old age or cold weather.. :-) right? (don't answer that) I got a birthday coming in February.. 40 has been a little rough.. 41 is gonna be great!! So let's go out and take on the weekend !! Enjoy and be safe. Love Debbie

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Whacha Know Bout Me

I'm doing good.. still checking off the to do list.. what I've found to be funny.. projects written on the list look small compared to what's involved... :-@ duh...
So it seems everyday I find out someone new or someone I don't even know comes here to read.. how cool is that.. so I was thinking about things you may or may not know about me and thought I'd share.. I don't eat vegetables.. well, I will eat.. corn on the cob and green beans if in a cassarole. I love a good bargin.. I break for garage sales and love clearance racks. I don't like dusting or mopping. When it comes to projects I'm very, very detailed.. (drive myself nuts) Love all kinds of music.. country, hip hop, easy listening.. (who'd a thought) you will always find a to do list on my desk and in my purse.. I love my laptop. As far a cooking.. well uh.. not so much.. Curt can't stand the words.. hamburger helper.. (lol) my hair.. is naturally curly, I straighten it everyday. I was adopted when I was a baby and have one younger brother and sister. I'm a sucker for reality shows. Well.. that's off the top of my head.. maybe you learned something about me today you didn't know.. anyway, it was so you could get to know me a little better and hopefully make you laugh or smile.. have a good day. Deb

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy 46th Curt

Today is the old mans birthday!! 46 years!! He's returning from out of town today and Chey and I are sitting here in the dark waiting for him to arrive.. Chey wants to surprise him.. so cute. she's so excited.. i bet she'll jump out before he even opens the door. We'll be doin some family time tonight.. since it's his birthday and he's been gone. should be fun. Have a good rest of the day and Stay Warm.. it's really cold and windy here.. Love ya Deb.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Things I love

Thank you for your supporting words yesterday.. I had a good day.. and got a lot done on my checklist. yea!! So this morning, sitting at my desk finishing paying bills... I stopped.. looked around the room and started looking at all the little things in my area that are fun and inspirational. I see.. 7 Believe signs.. several smell good candles.. friends and family fun pictures and a puppy curled up taking a nap. How cool is that.. so if you have a second.. tell me something you see that you love or inspires you that is right there around you.. anything.. like my ring on my finger I see when I'm typing.. play along and share.. love ya. Deb

Monday, December 8, 2008

Worry Wart..

Hello.. hope you all had a great weekend. Busy as usual for me but fun. So I thought I'd share with you what's running through my brain so maybe you guys can help me push through it. Of course my Dr. appt. is coming soon... so underneath the fun Deb is a little... make that a lot of worry. Worry what they will find.. worry that it is so close to Christmas.. worry that if they do find something they will have to act immediately. I honestly think I have developed a small ulcer but I won't let it stop me. I'm out to make sure I have all the shopping done and little to do things done before my appointment. I'm still going 100% and happy but the happy and the worry are starting to fight each other.. :-) Hell, I'm a woman.. it's natural for us to worry.. I will get through it.. I've been doing a lot of praying.. asking you guys to do so to and help a sista out. Curt has left to go out of town for a couple of days so I won't feel bad hitting the streets and getting the shopping done, but include him in your prayers while he travels. you know how sometimes we women feel better after a good cry.. I just may get an opportunity to do it and get it out of my system.. please don't feel sad for me.. I'm good. I just needed to share today. Have a good Monday and I'll check back in soon. Love you all. Deb

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Nice Poem

Whatever your cross, whatever your pain, there will always be sunshine, after the rain.... Perhaps you may stumble, perhaps even fall; But God's always ready, to answer your call.... He knows every heartache, sees every tear, a word from His lips, can calm every fear... Your sorrows may linger, throughout the night, But suddenly vanish, by dawn's early light... The Savior is waiting, somewhere above, to give you His grace, and send you His love.

I just read this in one of my emails and had to share. Sure sums it up... :-) May God fill your day with blessings!! Deb

Clutter out..

So this week.. my goal is to get the clutter out of my house.. can you say garage sale.. We worked on this around the house this weekend and I can't tell you how relieving it is.. why do I keep so much crap?? I saw the cleaning your clutter on Oprah one day and it is so true.. I promise it even makes you feel better.. feel better, health wise.. how is this.?? I don't know but I'm loving it.. of course I'm loving having a mission to do something as well.. :-) so I'm off to the clutter, have a wonderful day. Pass a smile along today.. watch how it makes you feel when you get one back. :-)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Rejuvenating !!

Hi all.. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Mine was great. I feel rested and rejuvenated.. Which can only mean I can go full force again.. right? no really I'm going to "try" to find a balance. I'd love to hear your best memory from Thanksgiving.. I hope you got great pictures. One of my best memories was my mother in law went around the room and asked the kids and adults to say something they were thankful for.. if you've never done this.. it doesn't have to be Thanksgiving to do so.. what adults, kids and teens say they are thankful for can really bless your heart and bring you to reality of what's really important to them.. With the cooking and hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving.. I'm not sure you all were fortunate enough to sit back and really take in where you were and who you were with.. from my shoes I'm looking through a different pair of glasses and taking it all in.. just being there and being healthy was so beautiful.. We played games and laughed so hard or faces and stomachs hurt.. that was a blast.. laughter for the soul.. Glad to be sharing with. I'll be back tomorrow.. love and blessings to you all...