Sunday, August 31, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

Hope everyone's having a safe weekend. We went to visit with friends in Louisiana.. just got home today. Sunday. Love visiting.. Little tired from the trip.. but no different than anyone would be.
As you can see to the right.. They emailed me pics of Darby. He's so funny.. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to put smiles on peoples face. Don't ya think? I'm so excited.
You guys stay safe. I'll be in touch soon. Love ya. Debbie

Friday, August 29, 2008

Thank You

Thank you for your comments on my good news. Gotta tell ya, it's got me a little emotional right now. Doc did say my hormones are probably screwed up too... I'm very happy but crying.. Happy cry? probably.. thanks for reading and commenting. Love you guys.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Good reports at the Dr. !!! CT scan good.. some abnormal tissue but he thinks thats due to radiation.. No treatments or Dr. appts. for 2 months. I'm feeling good about it all.. I think 2 months is a good time frame. Curt and had already discusses we wouldn't go 3 months without a check up because of how fast this can grow. I'm not going to say that deep down I'm always nervous it could pop up.. but it's not enough to take over my enthusiasm to be here and living to the fullest each day. I thank you sooo much for your prayers and concerns and sorry to have kept you in suspense all day. I'd love to go celebrate tonight but I think cuz of the nerves and now the relief... I'll actually sleep good tonight. :-)

Rock A Bye Baby - Thur a.m.

Someone please sing me to sleep.. eyes are wide open.. hot flashes.. in and out of the covers.. up and down out of bed.. drink of water.. nothing left to do but come write to my bloggers.. :-) I took my Ambien.. waiting to see if it'll kick in.. I'm like a kid the night before school starts.. whatever the results today.. I'll get through it, not just because I'm strong but I got my prayer warriors too :-).. think I'm more anxious for the appt. than anything.. I mean if the CT scan showed something I'm sure I'd have already heard from them. I don't know if it's that... or wanting to know what his next plan of action is for treatment.. whatever gods plan is...... I'll be all over it like a spider monkey.. (well.. is that even appropriate to say in the same sentence?) it made me chuckle.. bet your smiling too.. K, I'm good for now.. I hope to get back to you guys this afternoon.. Dr. appt. is at 12 noon.. so it will probably be this evening.. Thanks for listening. Love Deb

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Awesome Day

Tuesday.. I had a day to myself.. and spent every minute of it running the roads.. went by all the Van schools.. signed up to Sub.. visited with many of the teachers I worked with last year.. good adult conversation.. :-) .. Our new Sonic opened today.. I'm sooo excited.. went in, met the managers and truly "hung out" with them.. made a new good friend from there.. but she lives 2 hours away.. visited with a girl at the bank today who wants to quit her job so she can spend more time with her baby girl.. had cheer practice with my girls. So much interaction with people I can hardly stand it. This is me.. this is what i'm about.. so how can I make this work.. with Chey starting school.. I want to do it all.. but not overdo it.. (not really expecting an answer, just talking out loud) can't wait to see what Wednesday brings.. all still keeping my mind busy for Thursday's Dr.'s appt. Thanks for checking in.. holler back at ya soon.. Deb

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Head to Toe

Thought I'd take a moment to give you a head to toe update. How things are working or not with the body. Just because I haven't mentioned it in a while.
Headaches - more frequent, not severe but I use to never have headaches. Neck, when I put my head forward, like chin to chest I get a wierd tingling sensation all the way down my back to my feet. It doesn't hurt but its like a little shock. Sometimes I do it on purpose because it feels so weird. Still numb in the lower pelvic area front to back and not able to feel the urge to go to the bathroom.. somehow I still have control. Now it's either mind over matter but the numb area doesn't feel to be as large of an area as it use to. Feet still tingling numb. Not much pain anymore in my lower back.. unless I overdue it.. but I do get great releif with a little massage down my back. All in all I have my energy back (not to full force) I'm dealing very well with my body quirks and moving on. 2 more days before I meet with the Cancer Dr. I'm positive we will get a good report. :-) (but I ain't gonna lie, little scared) So I'll talk to you soon. Don't forget to vote on the mascot name to the right of the screen. Love ya'll. Deb

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Eventful Weekend

Hope you all had a great weekend. Saturday we had a day of rest.. all day.. it was nice but at the end of the day you look back and feel like you wasted it away. It was probably long overdue. Sunday.. we joined a new church :-) Although I enjoyed our other church.. it was only me that was involved and it is more important that we worship as a family. Those of you who read from VUMC I know you will understand.. and know I love you guys.

I'm really worked up about my Cancer Dr. appt. this Thur. don't really know why.. I do that to myself all the time. Drive myself crazy. Chey is so ready for school to start. Me too.. I think. Not sure what I'll do with my time.. bet I come up with something.. :-) I'm back to bad sleeping patterns.. that's why I'm up writing so late.. so I'm gonna try to go to sleep. I catch back up with you guys tomorrow. Have a good Monday. Love Debbie

Friday, August 22, 2008


Thank you bloggers!! I'm happy knowing you all are still there. I knew it in my heart.. just needed reassurance. :-) how silly of me. I'm feeling good. We took Chey to a waterpark in Dallas with some friends.. We had a great time.. I found time for a massage. (it was wonderful)

You know lately, I've been getting so many wonderful emails with quotes that probably before the cancer I wouldn't have paid much attention to and now they are more meaningful than ever. Im going to start sharing them with you and also tell you.. don't wait until something big or tragic happens before you to open your eyes and see what's right there in front of you. If you have good quotes to share.. post them on the blog or email to me so I can pass along to others.. you never know which one will touch or reach someone in a way that could be life changing. :-)

Quote: Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Testing 1..2..3..

Hello... anyone there.. I know you guys say your checking this a few times a day.. responses have slowed down... wondering if i'm writing to air.. but I keep coming here cuz I guess I like to write.. and it's like my own journal.

So good news today.. Spinal tap news nothing serious.. the white blood cells and protein are a little high but they said nothing to worry about. Does that still make me worry?? yes, a little.. but I'm not going to worry about it. CT scan was done Mon. waiting for results.. I may not hear anything until I have my Cancer Dr. visit next Thur. It's then I guess he will determine what to do next.. course this is my educated guess. :-@ I'll keep trucking along for now. Miss you guys.. shoot me a line even if it's on my personal email. bye for now. deb

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The New Me

This is the childhood dream I was telling you about! I've ordered my mascot! Crazy.. YES! How will I use it.. every way possible.. give a smile to a sick child or elderly, encourage kids, it's unlimited to what I can do. And if I pick up a few promotional jobs for businesses along the way.. cool too. I will be "living my dream" and encourage others to do the same.
We need a name. I want to use acronyms for the name. (i.e. Dream, Live, Enjoy, Believe.. positive encouraging words) Of course I want something catchy so kids can holler for me and it sounds cool.. See what you guys can come up with.. I have about 2 weeks before I have to turn in a name for them to print on my jersey. :-) I'm sooo excited.. For those who know me.. i'm sure your not surprised.. those who don't I'm already a mascot just didn't have a body to go with it. :-) love you guys!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Hello My Friends

Hope you all had a great weekend. I'm so excited.. we got my bathroom painted!!

So how am I feeling? I'm doing good, feel good, good energy, not sleeping good at nights but doing ok. I've learned to live with the numbness... you just do after a while. There's a chance the nerves could heal.. it could take 6 months to years.. the good news is it hasn't gotten any worse. The nerve Dr. has not given up on the numbness. He's putting me on blood thinners in hopes there are some areas in the damaged nerves that the blood can get through and start to feed the nerves again. I'm scheduled for another ENG (ugh) the nerve needle poking thing.. but I like this Dr. so much better.
Curt has been so good to me.. going to Dr. appts., rubbing my back when it aches.. making sure i'm taking care of myself, dinner, Cheyenne, honey do's around the house.. I'm so lucky to have him. A lady at the bank the other day reminded me of just that.. she to went through cancer and said her husband never went with her through treatment.. I don't know what I'd do if Curt wasn't there to hold my hand. One day, at an appointment, I was nervous, he knew it.. he got up, came over to me.. held me tight.. and said.... I give you my strength. It was the sweetest thing.. and honestly I felt it.. I'm so lucky.
Ok, deep breath.. so whats going on this week.. today I have a CT scan.. where I have to drink the barium stuff. (yuk) this will be of the organs so we can see if we have anything growing in there.. hopefully not. I'll meet with my cancer dr the end of the month to find out what the next plan of action will be for me. fingers crossed a small break from any kind of treatment would be nice.. just not to long since this stuff could grow very rapidly.. so I hope I got you all caught up. Haven't heard from you guys in a while. Love ya Deb.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thursday 14th

Oh my gosh.. I'm up.. moving around.. not 100% yet my back is still a little sore.. that was miserable.. I couldn't sleep or relax.. to scared.. they had me so worried I was going to make the wrong move and make the fluid start leaking from my back.. I did sleep better last night.. but I'm already up and ready to hit the road.. run some errands and maybe find some adult conversation today.. I feel sorry for anybody I run into today. :-) Don't have any results back yet.. I'm going with the whole ... no news is good news idea.. so i'll check back in this afternoon and let you know how the day went. Thanks for your support and for writing. Deb

Monday, August 11, 2008

Benefit Recovery.. and tomorrow's Spinal Tap

I'm not one to ever admit I'm tired.. but today is me saying I'm plum give out!! I can't even imagine how all our friends that worked are feeling today. What a wonderful weekend! We'll be collecting the pics and hopefully posting to one location for all of you who didn't get to make it.

So, back to Dr.'s visits we go. Tomorrow we're heading to Baylor in Dallas for a Spinal Tap. (thinking happy thoughts.. thinking happy thoughts :-) Curt's going to take me. The "Highly" recommend me stay lying down for 24 hours.. (very hard for me) if I don't the fluid could start leaking and they'd have to go back in and clot the blood.. so I'm thinking I could handle lying down. Hoping I can get my computer to work from bed. :-) They are checking for 2 things with this Spinal Tap.. 1 for a disease I can't remember or pronounce, they don't think the numbness is caused by this but want to make sure.. and 2 to checking for cancer cells. I'm just thankful they are concerned and checking.. ya know. So it may be a day or so before I get back to writing you guys. Say a little prayer.. I'd love to hear from ya'll... make sure your still reading and to keep me company while I'm down. (physically) I'll talk to you soon. Love Debbie

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thur. Aug. 7th.

12:30 p.m. and what a day! Spent most of the morning watching our friends on Fox 26 News in Houston.. Mud trucks, many of our friends and Lanny the reporter. Promoting the event to make it a success. So fun to watch.. Way to go guys! check it out on click Morning News then click on Live with Lanny..

Neurologist appt. today. Very nice Dr. he did say to go with the Spinal Tap he explained in good detail why.. the other neurologist wanted me to get something more evasive than the spinal tap.. this isn't suppose to be to bad. Bottom line.. they feel like the nerves are damaged due to the radiation. If it heals.. it could be months maybe years to do so.. so i may be living with this numbness.. but still have so much to be thankful for.

We'll now be heading down to Huntsville for the benefit. Can't wait to see everyone! You know I'll have pics to show you. Glad you checked in. See you soon. Love Debbie

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wed. Aug. 6th

Can you believe we are already in August. This week has been kinda busy.. although no radiation appointments (yea) Monday's CT of the bran came back good. (I BELIEVE in Prayer) My cancer Dr. scheduled an appointment to see a different neurologist.. I will see him tomorrow in Dallas. I'm hoping he can suggest something other than the spinal tap the other one wanted to do. We are all in good spirits.. Chey's doing good too. Pee wee cheerleading has started and keeping our minds busy. Looking forward to the benefit this weekend.. I can't wait to see everyone!!

Just want you all to know.. I have VERY much decided to start living my life like Randy Pausch told us in "The Last Lecture" .. (see "a video worth watching" on my blog)
I will live the childhood dream.. (almost there :-) Enjoy life everyday... and as you all have taught me... BELIEVE. Love you all.. Debbie

Monday, August 4, 2008

Hey there

Hello my friends.. Hope today's blog find you well. This morning I had a CT of the brain.. pretty sure there's a lot of nothing there (haha) it was short and sweet. We had a nice weekend and got in a really good nap on Sunday. :-) Looking forward to the Mud Bog benefit this weekend!! Although I had an appointment this morning I'm looking forward to not having to go to any appointments this week. That is really exciting. We had cheerleading camp for my 3rd and 4th graders this Sat. that was so much FUN.. I have 13 girls and I'm really excited about getting started. Health wise.. feeling good.. the regular stuff still going on.. I've made an appt. to see a G.I. to see if I can "get to the bottom" of things.. I'm in good spirits and thank you all again and again for your support and prayers. Love you. Debbie