Saturday, June 21, 2008

Next episode..

Treatments. 25 of my daily treatments that I'm doing now. That ends on the 30th. I get a 2 WEEK BREAK. (yea!) then the HDR (High Dose Radiation) begins. They go in and plant seeds internally. The good news is.. I only go 2 maybe 3 times a week. I'll know more about that next week. So Friday comes and goes again.. I either have a bladder infection or radiation is taking its toll on me. Probably both.. it is severely painful to go to the bathroom for either event.. My 40's are showing my age.. I think I'm fixing to have to start using a "pill box" (haha) I'm noticing areas of the skin being treated are turning very dark.. just givin ya the 411 on everything. I'm happiest when I'm staying busy and getting Chey ready for camp has definately done that.. :-) camp starts tomorrow at 9:30. I'll keep you posted. Love to all.. Debbie


Julie said...

glad you will be busy w/ chey! sorry you are having bathroom issues...what do the drs. say about they think it's a bladder infection or the radiation?? i hope they can give you some meds. that will finally help! were you expecting the HDR? let me know if you need anything! love ya!!

Colleen said...

Oh man, ouch on the bladder pain--that sucks! I hope they can give you something for that. Thanks for the are in our thoughts and prayers always. Love, Colleen

stephanie said...

Enjoy your 2 weeks free of radiation treatment. I can't imagine how scary this must all be for you and your family. It sounds like your doctor has very positve feelings about your treatment. I will continue to keep you in my prayers to help you get through this very difficult time and pray for complete healing. Hang in there your doing great!


shellyb said...

I found this it might help with your skin, maybe there is something that might help. Stay stong and "Believe" love you guys!!!

Wear loose, soft, lightweight, cotton clothing over the treatment area. Women who are being treated for breast cancer should avoid bras that rub or chafe the skin.
Avoid exposing the skin to extreme heat and cold. Do not use heating pads, hot water bottles or ice packs on the affected skin. Limit time outside in hot or cold weather.
Keep baths and showers short, do not bathe more than once a day and use only lukewarm (not hot) water. Do not rub, scrub or massage the affected area. Pat the skin dry lightly, avoiding the treatment marks.
Be extra careful about sun exposure: The skin in the treatment area will be permanently sensitized to the sun. Use a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 whenever you are outside for more than a few minutes.
Do not use adhesive tape (such as band aids) on the treatment area.
Check with your physician or radiation therapist about shaving the treatment area. You may be asked not to shave during radiation treatment, to use an electric razor, or to avoid using shaving creams or aftershave lotions.

Anonymous said...

Debbie, I have had bladder infections before I know how bad they can get. Drink more water. As bad as it hurts to pee, the water makes you go more often but it also flushes the infection out. So the more you drink the faster you get over the infection. Also you can try Granny Sallee's remedy. take watermelon seeds,5-6 crack them open, boil in a cup of water and drink the water, (tea) but drink plenty of water even if you don't think you can. Love you Eunice