Monday, June 30, 2008

How I'm feeling..

Hi all.. today is the last treatment for 2 weeks. yea! I'm excited and nervous.. the radiation will continue doing it's job... but no Dr.'s for 2 weeks scary. I need to share with you what happened last week. Last Mon. a very sweet lady who's husband is going through chemo, radiation the whole thing... comes up to me and says how much she enjoys my smile when I walk into the room and how I greet people with a positive attitude. I thanked her and invited her to sit down. We talked a bit.. her husband has a huge fight down the road.. i told her about my cancer and the side effects i'm having now. bladder infection and hemmeroids .. she said your lucky.. she's right.. what I'm going through right now.. I am lucky.. it don't make the pain better... but then when she left the room.. that ton of bricks hit me and reminded me I have cancer. I've been showing up everyday and not even thinking about what I'm showing up for.. it's just something i have to do and i do it.. last week was a lot of quiet time in my mind and tears now and then.. it's like it the worrying started all over.. and odley enough Curt shared the same feelings.. I'm sure this is normal.. and we are staying strong.. so say a few prayers for us.. to help lift us during this time. I'm leaving now for that last appt. I'll talk to you soon. Love Deb


Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you. I love you and miss you. My prayers are with you and Curt and Chey.
Ly, Pantie :-)

shellyb said...

I just wanted to say hello and that you guys are in my prayers and thoughts. All of you keep a postive mind frame and put your burdens on each other and in the hands of the Lord. He will see you through this he knows what his doing even if we don't. I love you guys. I'm here, if you guys need anything we all are:)
a big hug and kisses
Shelly B

Julie said...

Reading your blog is such an inspiration! I can picture you saying each word and I smile or shed a tear depending on what you say. You and Curt have such strength!! You are going thru a painful & heartbreaking time right now, but I know that you both are doing your best to stay positive and supportive of each other and of Chey. I admire you for continuing to post daily and for your determination to beat this by being happy, energetic, and bringing smiles to others! Enjoy your 2 weeks off and get plenty of rest so you can head back into it full steam ahead!! Thinking of you daily~ Julie