Monday, June 9, 2008

After Dr. visit 6/9

My visit with Dr. Spencer was great! I love her.. she takes all the time I need to discuss everything and make me comfortable! (1) She didn't feel anything abnormal!!! (2) No restrictions (can swim, lift, etc.). (3) She explained how this cancer is more likely to restart in the same local area than others.. (could, but not as concerned) see, i was worried about every ache and pain being new cancer. I can't explain the relief I'm feeling!! I was afraid something was growing and nobody knew it. Think that was why I was so emotional. So I'm feeling good again.. at the top of the rollercoaster. :-) Once again proving that our prayers are working. I love you guys. Thank you.


Julie said...

So glad your OB was able to put your mind at ease!! Thinking of you lots! :)

Anonymous said...

If God Brings You To It.....

If God Brings You To It, He Will Bring You Through It.
Happy Moments, Praise God.
Difficult Moments, Seek God.
Quiet Moments, Worship God.
Painful Moments, Trust God.
Every Moment, Thank God.
---author unknown---

Deb, this has always got me through tough times, its on my bulletin board now. Prayers, thoughts and love are with you and the family.

Colleen said...


brennan said...

I Said A Prayer

I said a prayer for you today
and I know GOD must have heard;
I felt the answer in my heart
Although he spoke not a word.
I didn't ask for wealth or fame
(I knew you would't mind):
I asked for priceless rare treasures
of a more lasting kind.
I prayed that he be near you
at the start of each new day,
to grant you health and blessings fair,
and friends to start your way.
I asked for happiness for you
in all things great and small,
and that you'd know his loving care,
I prayed the most of all.
---author unknown---
Deb, we are so glad to hear that you finally have good news. The prayers are working, and we will keep sending them your way. We'll see you in July when we come up forvacation. YEH!!!!you get to swim...
Love ya always, Carolyn, Johnny, Harley

stephanie said...

I'm glad to hear that your doctors appointment went well. It's great that you have a doctor that takes the time to answer all of your questions and helps to put your mind at ease. Stay strong you will beat this. You have alot of love and support from your friends and family to help you through this very difficult time. You and your family continue to stay in my thoughts and prayers.
